Chapter 660 [680] Dancing on the tip of the knife ([-])

When Zhang Heng and Mu Wanli were revived, the second tower had already been destroyed. TL saw the opponent's personnel revived, so he simply returned to rest. An attack speed dagger that came out was synthesized into a yellow fork, and then came to the bottom lane to eat soldiers.

Zhang Heng reminded: "They are probably coming back, brother-in-law, please be careful."

"It is estimated that they will push the second tower on the road this time. I feel a little dangerous. Will this wave of soldiers eat or not?" Mu Wanli was leading the line on the road, and looked at the wave of soldiers next to the wreckage of the original first tower. typical.

"Just run after eating, don't hesitate, being decisive is more important than anything else at this time, look at me..." Lin Xuan was eating soldiers at the wreckage of a tower at the moment, and when he heard Mu Wanli struggling, he appeared to explain himself advice.

Before the words fell, a warning sound of "Deng! Deng!" sounded beside him. Lin Xuan was immediately alert, and his eyes had already glimpsed the figure of the other party, Ao En, at the river channel on the small map. There seemed to be a figure of the snake girl in front of him. Sweeping over, they are all coming down the road.

"Go go go go go go go!"

"Five! Five! All here!"

"There is R and there is R!"


Except for Jiang Yingxue, who was the first to send the retreat message, the other three shouted immediately. Lin Xuan didn't care about taking away the last soldier, and turned around and fled to the second tower. It's a little late.


With a long roar, a phantom of a huge god with first-born sheep horns was summoned out of thin air, emerged from the grass on the edge of the road in front of the second tower of the lower road, and then rushed into the wild area in the blazing brilliance, and was captured by Ornn's huge After the figure hit with a bang, it rushed again according to the summoner's intention, dancing wildly with golden light, wind and thunder, and blocked Lin Xuan's retreating path in the rumbling sound wave.

Ezreal jumped over the wall and appeared on the bottom lane, and shot a secret shot from an oblique angle, aiming at Vayne who was about to retreat.

The skin Lin Xuan chose for this game is the red color of the dragon slayer warrior. The model of this skin is already agile, capable, and very heroic. After changing into a red cloak, it looks more chic, but at this moment, from the perspective of God , ez jumped face, Braum followed closely, Ornn made a big move from a distance, the snake girl was aggressive, and the pig girl on the other side had also come to the wall, under the siege of everyone, Wei En's lonely figure was set off. Very weak and helpless.

"TL is under the leadership of five people, and Aoun's big move is blocking the way, and my brother-in-law can't get away!"

"He's flashy, flashy!"

The voices of Zhang Fei and Jiang Luoying almost overlapped, and they only had time to say these two sentences, when Wei En, who was fleeing in the direction of her defense tower, suddenly rolled backwards without warning, dodging the rolling roll in front of her. The phantom of the sheep-headed god that was run over by the force of the wind and thunder was also dodged by the mysterious shot thrown by Ezreal.

From TL's perspective, this Vayne disappeared from sight for a moment.

When he reappeared the next moment, he was already in front of Ezreal, holding a dark red dragon hunting crossbow with both hands, and shot a heavy arrow at Ezreal's body——TL's speed is not bad, since Lin Xuan found out It took less than five seconds to escape until Ornn's big move blocked the way, and Ezreal jumped over the wall to block it.

This also means that the full layer effect of the sheep knife on Lin Xuan's body is still there.

With one arrow shot, two halos of holy silver crossbow arrows appeared under Ezreal's feet.


Go back and take another arrow.

The holy silver crossbow exploded, and Ezreal's blood volume was instantly exploded, and nearly half of the blood bar had disappeared.


Braum, who was following Ezreal, raised his ice shield and smashed a ball of ice. At the same time, Sejuani jumped out of the wall next to the toad monster, riding on her Snow White Poro, flying high. With the long whip in his hand, a group of bright and dazzling white light quickly enlarged in the air, covering Wei En.



The two flashing sound effects sounded almost at the same time, and then I saw Vayne, who flashed first, appear at the place where Ezreal was originally, and Ezreal, who flashed next, appeared in the wild near the grass behind the road tower. Next to the area exit.

An arrow triggered a strong attack, but it did not critically hit the Holy Silver Crossbow. Ezreal's blood volume was quickly raised by the treatment.

In the rear, Braum raised a huge ice shield high up.

Wei En disappeared in place.

Bron's big move fell through.

When he reappeared, Lin Xuan stood beside the ice-frozen ravine, and hit Ezreal with another arrow.

The holy silver crossbow exploded, and Ezreal's blood volume instantly bottomed out. Knowing that he would die, he raised his arms and floated in the air, trying to release the ultimate move before death, but failed. on the ground.

Just before his death, a group of soft and dazzling blue light illuminated the bushes, arrows flew in the air, Wei En suddenly made a strange twisting movement.


Cassiopeia, the snake god with the head of a snake, hurriedly stopped in the grass. With a hiss, her eyes lit up with a cold bloody light, and the bloody mist spread and spread in an instant, covering a distance of [-] yards in front of her.

The deceleration effect of the ice fist has gradually slowed down, and Wei En's footsteps have obviously slowed down again, but the movement of turning around and raising his arms to shoot is still fast. The next moment he turned around to avoid the staring gaze of petrification, almost without any delay, a huge crossbow shot from the hunting dragon. Shot from the crossbow, it pierced fiercely through the body of the snake girl in the grass, and nailed her to the wall behind her.

In this process, even with the shield of Shen's big move, after fighting with Ezreal and being bitten by the snake girl, Lin Xuan's blood volume has dropped to one-third.

Walking slowly, he walked out of the area covered by the poisonous cloud set by the snake girl with difficulty. In the process, two crossbow bolts hit the snake girl again. After the holy silver crossbow exploded, the moment the snake girl woke up , flicking the cloak, disappeared again.

"EZ is instant! My God! Brother-in-law's injury--Tianxiu!"

Zhang Fei's excited and high-pitched shouts echoed in the arena, and then raised his voice again in the next moment, "Snake girl... Snake girl R is empty!"

Before he finished shouting, Wei En disappeared invisibly, Shen Piao fell to the ground, and there were two flashes almost at the same time, Mu Wanli taunted the flash and hit the fleeing snake girl, restraining the output point that threatened Lin Xuan the most .

At the same time, because of Lin Xuan's flash forward, after a short period of invisibility, he was surrounded by Zhumei, Ao En and Bron, who were still bloodless.





A broken slap on Aoun's body, dodging the collision, Zhumei and Bron have slowly moved closer, Lin Xuan's blood volume has maintained a decrease and increase visible to the naked eye, but the increase is obviously smaller. Pig girl was the first to be triggered passively, and when he was frozen in place, his blood volume finally bottomed out.


A large green light finally lit up in the redemption circle that had already been scattered, and then the ground rippled layer by layer, and Tamm took the prince out of the ground.


Zhang Heng's direct connection with Heaven and Earth Rupture cut Ornn out of the frame, while Zhumei and Bron, who were chasing Wei En and beating him, were all framed—of course, Wei En was also included.

Lin Xuan was still thinking about waiting for the next dodge attack to cool down, but Jiang Yingxue had already swallowed him through the fence.

"Nice! Nice!"

None of the opponent's three meat tanks flashed. After pulling away a safe distance, it was Wei En's mobile blood pool. After Lin Xuan found a safe distance and landed, he began to show off his move A, sheep knife Under the double blessing of the ultimate move, Bron fell first, and then Aoun rushed, and the bloody pig girl turned around decisively and ran away. Zhang Heng went to chase, and Jiang Yingxue protected Lin Xuan and continued to kite Aoun.

On the other side, Shen, who was flying the kite, encountered Karma who was intercepted by her stepmother. After both of them were maimed by the snake girl, Xue Yunqi took the head of the snake girl with the last flame of her soul.

The only fly in the ointment is that Zhang Heng failed to kill Zhu Mei, he escaped, and TL was not wiped out by the group.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law..."

Zhang Fei's emotional words make people suspect that he is deliberately taking advantage, but seeing that Lin Xuan just made a show, this guy is also using his incoherent speech to express his shock, Jiang Qianyu decided not to care about him, she squatted Dadai, who was dazed next to her, hugged him, grabbed its two front paws and patted it together twice. Only then was he satisfied, and put down Dadai, who was looking up at her, and saw Lin Xuan, Zhang Heng, and Jiang Yingxue on the screen. Pushing down, Mu Wanli and Xue Yunqi hit the middle, muttering: "This round should be stable, right?"

"There is actually nothing wrong with TL's decision-making, because if they capture the brother-in-law, they can go directly to the high ground, but I didn't expect the brother-in-law to be so decisive, not at all cowardly, and directly fight back..."

Zhang Fei was still summing up after this wave of team battles, and Sakura also said: "Indeed, and just now my brother-in-law's sheep knife is fully stacked, otherwise Izreal wouldn't be dropped so quickly without the sheep knife passive. The wave team battle may be completely different, but of course the operation is more important, if I read correctly, my brother-in-law should not have a control just now."

Zhang Fei said: "It seems to be true. Except for slowing down, I should have avoided all the skills that can be avoided. Let's watch the replay later."

During the slow-motion playback, the skill details of Ornn, Braum, and Pig Girl, and every movement of Ezreal, Snake Girl, and Vayne became extremely clear. Even if it was a replay, Zhang Fei still couldn't help but said: "Compared to the operation, I actually want to praise my brother-in-law's calmness and confidence. He can actually go. He has flashes. Q You can’t dodge Aoun’s big move forward, but you can definitely dodge, and I think in this case, 90.00% of people will choose to dodge and escape instead of fighting back, which requires courage and courage.”

Sakura said: "This is actually related to the personal style of the selection. Some players are more stable and will not take risks. Some players think that I can operate and show off. If I fail, I am arrogant or do not understand. If I succeed It's Tianxiu."

The commentators were praising and amazed, and the barrage was full of 666. On the contrary, there was an abnormal silence at the scene. Just like the relationship between people, the true popularity of a team also needs to be detected at a low point. After returning to LPL , relying on its original brilliance and popularity, and relying on the prestige of winning the Demacia Cup, sky did gain a lot of attention and popularity, but then the regular season started, and sky ushered in a miserable losing streak. Some fans or passers-by who liked this team quickly disliked it, and many people even felt somewhat disgusted by the continuous black tide of public opinion since then.

It is difficult for people not to be affected by the environment. Even if it is a navy, if it is really useless, then there is no need for it to exist.

Sky’s recent winning streak is really exciting, but it’s not enough to make those who have taken off fans or hacked it change their attitude so quickly, and it’s not enough to continue hacking it. However, waiting and watching is still the choice of most people, after all Changes in attitude and alignment always require a buffer.

This is TL's home court, and it's the last game of the regular season. Sky, who defeated TL 3-0 in the Demacia Cup and swept the Western Division in the second half of the regular season, many people came to the scene I am a fan of TL, and even many people have seen TL's fiasco in the Demacia Cup with their own eyes.

Even viewers who don't like Sky have seen Lin Xuan's highlight highlights more or less these days, and they may not like it, but now, no one can deny the great strength of this guy. Originally, seeing TL's unexpected After stealing the big dragon, many fans screamed excitedly at the scene, but just 2 minutes after taking the big dragon, five people caught one and was almost wiped out by a wave of shows... Under this contrast, seeing Seeing that Wei En has already made the third piece of equipment after this wave of team battles, the hearts of many TL fans can't help but sink, and there is a bad feeling that it will become the background board of the highlights.

In this wave of team battles, Lin Xuan and the others defeated the four big dragon buffs, and then took down the second tower in the bottom lane and the first tower in the middle lane in the subsequent counter push. The opponent is somewhat at a loss in the second tower.

TL didn't seem to be affected by the show just now. After being resurrected, he quickly used the last big dragon BUFF that hit the wild boar girl to reorganize the attack. This time he still chose the second tower in the bottom lane.

The time for Dalong BUFF is coming to an end as the two sides continue to see-saw around the Qing soldiers and the grinding tower. The blood volume of the second tower has gradually bottomed out. After the line was full of sheep knives, when Ornn and Braum were covering Ezreal and tapped the defensive tower twice to prepare, they suddenly caught up unexpectedly.

Tamm opened up behind the tower and brought the prince to appear behind the five of TL.

After seeing this scene, the five TL turned their heads almost at the same time.

Aoun shouted loudly.

Pig girl's big move is extremely cold prison!

Braum's ultimate move is the glacier fissure!

It can be said that TL was not determined to kill Lin Xuanzhi. The three key control ults were shot almost at the same time, covering all the space around Wei En that could be avoided. This time the effect was very good. Wei En didn't even use the ult When he came out, he was frozen in place by the pig girl's big move, and then Braum's predictive big move to block the possible displacement failed, but Aoun's big move still followed.

Seeing this, Duan Yinfeng quickly jumped up to output.

Almost at the same time, the second prince rushed into the crowd one after another. Shen, who had already given the big move first, floated down the next moment. Amidst the exclamation of the commentator, he taunted and hit the four of Snake, Ornn, Braum and Ezreal. personal.

Xue Yunqi in the rear gave the shield to Lin Xuan after RQ. Although he is a mid laner Karma, the shield is much thicker than that of the support, but under the concentrated fire of the opponent, the shield is only visible. It disappeared in an instant.

If Mu Wanli's taunt didn't hit the two C positions, Lin Xuan's adventure might really turn over. Even if he wasn't instantly killed immediately, he might not be able to complete the harvest in the future. However, fortunately...after the control is released, he still has More than half of the blood volume.

Every ADC has this yearning to dance on the tip of the knife.

The big move is on.


"Want to attack me? Try boxing with the shadow first!"

The moment he appeared, AE shot the holy silver crossbow passively, and nailed the snake girl to the wall, misleading the position to avoid the bite of winter, and then shot a round of holy silver crossbow, turned around to avoid the petrified gaze, killed the snake girl, two arrows Take away the residual blood of Ezreal, and the rest are super soldiers...

Then Lin Xuan was hammered to death by the super soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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