Chapter 661 [681] She really looks like Qianqian

I often walk by the river, and I have to wet my shoes sooner or later.

Lin Xuan didn't expect to be replaced by the super soldiers in his eyes, but he made a lot of money by exchanging two for five. Hearing that Zhang Heng, who was also killed in battle, also shouted excitedly in his voice, "Nice! Nice!" Curling his lips, he didn't speak.

There is no way to advance, take down the dragon, control the vision, and deal with the pawn line by the way, but after this wave, with the disastrous defeat of the two waves of team battles, the advantage gained by TL stealing the dragon is still gone, and the offensive and defensive momentum is reversed , Lin Xuan and the others started the familiar four-one single belt, Mu Wanli single-handedly led the road, and the other four pushed the middle road in a group.

"Snake girl! As long as we can drive the snake girl, we will definitely win!"

Snake girl no longer needs to buy shoes, so naturally she has an extra 1000 yuan. Jin Zaixiu’s development in this round is also very good. Now the fourth piece of equipment is coming out, and the output is not worse than Lin Xuan, but Snake girl is short-handed when she comes. Second, self-protection ability is limited, as long as Zhang Heng can drive to him, even if he can't kill him, as long as his output is limited, the two sides face the front row of harvesting, Sky can still rely on Wei En's super strong Qi Tan and Lin Xuan Individual operations to win team battles.

After being defeated in the first two rounds of team battles, TL has given up on the idea of ​​taking the initiative to start a team, and huddled under the tower, waiting for Sky to make impulsive mistakes. After all, they are one of the top teams in the LPL. After being cautious, Sky's side It was also difficult to find a good opportunity for a while, and the battle situation has been anxious.

Wei En is also short-handed. Most of the time, Lin Xuan can only rely on the extra range of the artillery to kill the blood volume of the defensive tower. Without the blessing of the dragon BUFF, the minion's ability to push the tower is not strong, but fortunately, the opponent's The ability to clear troops is also not strong. Basically, everyone who goes forward to clear troops will be shot with one round or even two rounds of holy silver crossbow arrows, so until the second dragon is refreshed, Lin Xuan and the others finally push down the second tower in the middle of TL.

After taking down the second tower, Dalong is about to refresh. Lin Xuan and the others quickly moved to Dalong's area to control vision and ambush. TL is still very steady and refuses to easily go to the dark area without vision. TL's first blue jewelry is used After falling, the four of Lin Xuan and the others immediately started to fight the big dragon. By the time TL came over, the big dragon had nearly half of its health. Ornn, who was entangled with Shen in the second tower on the road, and Braum, who was the first to open his sight, quickly Come closer to the Dalongkeng.

After Jiang Yingxue decelerated to Bron, Lin Xuan quickly caught up with the output. Two rounds of holy silver crossbow bolts exploded. Bron used the displacement of his teammates to distance himself. Blood, had to hand over the big move to block everyone in Sky.

"Dragon Dragon Dragon!"

Seeing the other party retreating quickly, Lin Xuan and the others turned back and continued to fight the dragon. TL probably sensed Sky's determination to fight the dragon, and Zhu Mei began to circle around to the top of the dragon pit, ready to rush down to fight for punishment at the last moment.

As the blood volume of the big dragon is getting lower and lower, the distance between the remaining four people of TL and the big dragon pit is getting closer and closer. Because the vision is controlled by the real eyes, TL cannot see the specific blood volume of the big dragon, but With Wei En the sheep knife, they obviously did not dare to underestimate the speed of the opponent's fight against the dragon, so when Lin Xuan and the others saw that the blood volume of the dragon was still more than 2000, Ao En and Bron approached again.


Accompanied by the majestic sound, the phantom of the god with horns was summoned again, emerged from the wreckage of a tower on the sky road, then passed through the big dragon pit, and ran straight to Aoun who had reached the grass in the middle of the river.

With a bang, Xue Yunqi pressed the group shield that had been prepared for a long time, Zhang Heng rushed out of the dragon pit under the acceleration effect, and rushed straight to the opponent's crowd. The four of TL, who sensed something was wrong, immediately retreated, but it was too late up.


After the EQ flash interrupted the second effect of Ornn's ult, Prince Demacia locked Snake and Braum at the same time. Ezreal moved a step away and was not locked. , After the two QW skills are thrown out, they immediately expand on the spot.

Snake Girl has already opened the shield in advance to block the prince's burst, the blood loss is not much, Wei En is outputting Ao En, Jin Zaixiu naturally does not want to persuade a prince, and decisively starts to fight back, Shen landed mockingly, hit After two C positions, he directly chased Ezreal and began to chop.

When the pig girl finally came from the top of the dragon pit, Ao En's blood volume was already in danger, she no longer hesitated, and threw the ult extremely cold prison over from a distance, originally thought that this Wei En kept kiting away Ao En Well, at least half of the hit probability, but I didn't expect Wei En to disappear at the position just now when I shot my skill.

A second becomes extremely long at this moment.

Then the fiery red figure appeared next to the prince, aiming the dragon hunting crossbow in his hand at the snake girl who was neighing and gnawing at the prince's blood.


After the taunt was over and the wall was fixed again, Snake Girl's blood volume instantly dropped to less than one-third, but fortunately, the dizziness finally ended, her eyes lit up with a human head and a snake body, and a blood-red mist instantly enveloped [-] yards ahead scope.

It's a pity that Shi Hua's gaze only saw Wei En's back.

The snake girl had no time to care about these, and fled to her wild area in a flash.

After Lin Xuan caught up with Flash, he took away the head of the snake woman with two arrows, and then cooperated with Shen to catch up with Ezreal who was fleeing from Flash, and took away nearly half of his remaining HP with two arrows, and a double kill sounded over the Summoner Canyon Che, Lin Xuan turned around again to catch up with Bron who wanted to escape.

So far, the team battle has been decided. After Zhang Heng was killed by Aoun, Lin Xuan also killed Bron, and caught up with Aoun with Xue Yunqi's acceleration, and the embarrassing world of being hammered to death by a super soldier did not happen again. , Four arrows quickly took the fourth head.

Pig girl has fled to sky's red BUFF wild area.

"Five kills, five kills, five kills!"

Lin Xuan shouted while chasing after the pig girl. Jiang Yingxue next to him suddenly made a mark, and then walked to him to activate the big move. Lin Xuan jumped up without hesitation, and found that the road ahead was blocked. Zhu Mei immediately turned around. She had already fled to the second tower of the middle sky road, and planned to run to the wild area of ​​the lower road, and began to rush towards the high ground of sky.

Knowing that he was delaying time, Lin Xuan chased after him without hesitation, and finally caught up with Zhumei before she was about to be killed by the Highland Tower. The two arrows took the head, as if shaking the entire Summoner Canyon. "penta- kill" finally resounded in the sky.

"Penta-kill! Penta-kill——"

If this commentary was not for Zhang Fei, based on the atmosphere of the scene, the five kills this time may not be as exciting as TL's double kill. However, Zhang Fei can firmly sit in the top two positions of LPL commentators, and it is natural for him to mobilize his emotions. It is outstanding, the accented excited shouts came out of the screen, not only the audience watching the live broadcast was greatly affected, even some audiences at the scene also shouted along with the originally small Sky fans .


Jiang Qianyu, who was far away across the ocean, also jumped up excitedly, hugged Daidai and shook vigorously. After a long while, the joy and excitement finally calmed down. Poor Daidai was dizzy and looked at innocently. She, Xiao Nizi smiled, put it back on the sofa, looked up subconsciously, and looked at the elegant and quiet living room that was not ostentatious but showed luxury in the silent place. The value of Xiyuan Yaji Map" is enough to easily buy at least [-] luxury houses in the center of any first-tier city in China...

But she couldn't find anyone who could share her excitement and joy at the moment.

Lin Xuan and the others took down the big dragon and were regrouping to advance in the middle, but Jiang Qianyu suddenly felt uninterested. She sat on the sofa with her knees hugged, stared at the screen in a daze, then wiped away the tears she didn't know when, and took the He picked up his cell phone beside him.

This game was played very anxiously, and it can be called intense, but if you read more afterwards, you will always feel that something is missing. At the end of the game, Zhang Fei congratulated Sky with an extremely exciting mood and tone. After opening tickets for the playoffs, he said: "I have to say that Sky played very well in this game, especially my brother-in-law. I think if the two teams meet again in the playoffs, TL must think about how to solve it." This point, and should I put it, it’s not that they didn’t play well, but I think they played a little too passively. I feel like they lost the courage to attack after that wave of arresting their brother-in-law. They are all passively letting Sky form a group, I personally think that we should pay attention to this issue."

Zhang Fei’s words are not unreasonable. This is actually a problem with TL all the time. They can play a very strong dominance when they have an advantage. If they are facing a strong team in the World Championship, such as the LCK team, even if they have an advantage, they are a bit "too stable".

Just after the game ended, before Lin Xuan and the others went to shake hands, Zhang San, Ren Fan and Liu Handong excitedly rushed up from the backstage. Liu Handong seemed more excited than the two coaches. After hugging Lin Xuan from behind, He jumped on Zhang Heng's body and kept shouting: "Niu Pi! Niu's so cool!"

Zhang Heng was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had heard Liu Handong mention that he went to TL team for trial training before, but they disliked him for playing too aggressively, so they didn't want him. In a sense, his style of play in the middle and late stages of this game is really Liu Handong's style, maybe not aggressive yet, but at least he always plays the role of starting a team.

Except for Jiang Yingxue, who remained indifferent with an unchanged expression, everyone else had smiles on their faces. After dealing with the two coaches and one substitute who were too enthusiastic, Lin Xuan took the lead and walked to the TL team's competition area. After shaking hands politely, Lin Xuan and the others walked back to the backstage after the curtain call. Zhang San, Ren Fan, Liu Handong, Xiao Xuan and many others were already waiting at the aisle. When Lin Xuan came over, he heard Liu Handong say with some regret: "...if I can shake hands alright."

Ren Fan smiled and said, "There is still a chance in the playoffs."

Liu Handong said: "Are only those who are playing games allowed to shake hands? It would be great if I could shake hands for Brother Heng..."

"You think too much." Lin Xuan slapped him casually, everyone chatted and laughed and went to the backstage lounge together, Lin Xuan suddenly found that Mu Wanli was grinning almost behind his ears, and said a little funny: "As for this happy?"

Mu Wanli smiled and said, "There will be a bonus for entering the playoffs."

The others laughed. Jiang Yingxue probably disliked them walking too slowly with their shoulders crossed, and blocked her way. She turned her body slightly and walked into the lounge from the side. It's the playoffs, Brother Chen, want to treat guests to dinner, where are you going?" He didn't listen to his words at all, and when he walked into the lounge, he stared at the graceful and graceful back of Jiang Yingxue walking in front , there was an indescribable joy in my heart, as if the whole person was about to jump up.

When he went to shake hands just now, after he finished shaking hands with the other party for the last time, he realized that Jiang Yingxue was following him. This was most likely a coincidence, and probably only a coincidence, but why did such a coincidence happen at this time?
In my mind, I couldn't help recalling the sad and distressed expression on her face that was extremely haggard and weak due to illness after the match against the Fish and Dragons not long ago, The stinging pain that pierced the bottom of his heart at that moment overlapped with the joy that overflowed his body and mind at this moment, as if there was some unknown supreme being who controlled everything in the dark, guiding him a direction to a happy future.

For a long time in the past, he had been very pleasantly surprised and satisfied because of his hard work in exchange for a lot of money and being able to improve the family's economic situation. However, since returning home this year, That kind of joy seemed to be in vain, so that when he was free, he would subconsciously and involuntarily think about what he was doing now.

This kind of question caused him great panic, and he could only use longer and more tiring training to squeeze out these unnecessary time for cranky thinking. Later, I don’t know when it started, and the time for cranky thinking began to increase, but it wasn’t Not in bed, but in the training room.

He started to get up earlier every day. At night, whenever that figure left the training room, the endless boring training that he had already adapted to and even felt fun seemed to change the moment the door was closed. It was like chewing wax, and it became a torment.

He finally understood why his brother-in-law was able to insist on "we want to win the championship" when the team lost in a row and everyone was ashamed, which he thought was unattainable and even ridiculous at the beginning, and suddenly realized some Chatting, when the brother-in-law asked the third brother why he didn't find a girlfriend, after joking for a while, the third brother said, "In fact, it is a very good thing to have someone to like in itself".

That's fine.

Mu Wanli thought so.

At this moment, and for a long time in the future, he thinks so.

On April 25th, approaching the May Day holiday, the first knockout round of the LPL playoffs will be held in Rongcheng. All members of SKY came to this city two days in advance. Saying hello to grandpa and grandma, I was a bit nervous to come here alone, especially Jiang Jinghuai, who said he would come with me, but in the end he couldn't come...

But I didn't expect that just after entering the yard, the black cat lying on the garden looked familiar, and when I was about to ask my grandmother strangely, I saw Jiang Qianyu wearing a water-green sleeveless silk dress. Sheng Xue stood gracefully on the porch, like a water lotus standing quietly in the evening wind, looking at him with clear and flawless bright eyes.

Lin Xuan was dumbfounded.

He stared at Jiang Qianyu for three or four seconds, then twisted his stiff neck, and asked grandma dreamily: "Who...who is this? He really looks like Qianqian..."

(End of this chapter)

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