Chapter 664 [684] Seeing Mother-in-law
On the afternoon of the 25th, Lin Xuan and the others arrived at the Rongcheng Stadium by bus. Before the audience started to enter the arena, there were sparse enthusiastic fans waiting there outside the backstage passageway. When they saw the team members getting off the bus with their backpacks on their backs, someone shouted When I got up, because there were too few people, I could hear the shouts clearly, two "Come on Sky", three or four "Xiaoxue is so beautiful", and several "Brother-in-law".

After signing in, Lin Xuan and the others came to the lounge at the backstage of the stadium. This was already the second game of the first round of the playoffs. In yesterday's game, MV and ASF fought fiercely for four rounds, and finally relied on the first round of the playoffs The default 1:0 start advantage defeated ASF to advance to the second round of the playoffs, and today sky faced AG, also defaulted to a 0:1 start.

"Then shall we all start 0:1?"

Many things happened during the period after Jiang Qianyu went abroad. For example, Su Che officially became one of the decision-makers of the Sky Club as a shareholder through a short shareholder meeting not long ago. He also seems to intend to take this as his official step. On the first stage of entering the business field, it seems to be very serious and hardworking. Most of the affairs of the club are still handled by Xu Yichen, and Su Che also sticks to his duty, talking less and listening more. This aspect is quite different from Lin Xuan's approach resemblance.

Although there was nothing between Jiang Qianyu and Su Che, it is a fact that this guy had or had a good impression of Xiao Nizi. Face to face, getting along a lot, the impression of him in my heart has gradually changed. Xue Yunqi and Su Che already knew each other. These days, other people and Su Che have also gotten to know each other a lot. Today this guy came here After watching the game, he found out that he had lost a round before the game started, and he couldn't help being very upset. After Zhang Heng explained the game system to him, he began to worry about the next game.

Lin Xuan was chatting with Jiang Qianyu. She was watching the race with Jiang Jinghuai and Song Tan. She was still on the road, complaining that Song Tan's driving skills were not as good as his, and she was as slow as a snail. Lin Xuan finally caught a With the opportunity to show off his driving skills, how could he have the time to talk to Su Che, and chat with Xiao Nizi on his own.

The two didn't plan to open their relationship, so Xiao Nizi didn't publicize the past in North America. When asked about it in the live broadcast, she just said that she was abroad and was preparing for the exam. Her popularity is now compared to the peak half a year ago. It has dropped a lot. This is mainly due to her lack of diligence in live broadcasting, and she is not "dedicated" enough compared to other female anchors. However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and with time, her popularity has been expanding. She The popularity of the live broadcast is still above the second line. Among the entire Sky team, only Jiang Yingxue can compare with her. The others, including Lin Xuan, are all scumbags. After the winning streak, Lin Xuan's live broadcast popularity began to pick up. , but recently his mind is full of winning the championship and going to North America, so he has no intention of live broadcasting, so he has not verified the popularity of the recent live broadcast.

In order to surprise Lin Xuan, Xiao Nizi didn't tell him that she was going to watch the game live, so she got the tickets from Chen Muyu through Su Luoyu. Knowing that she had arrived, he prepared to pick her up, but just as he stood up, Xiao Xuan came in and asked him to record the pre-match interview.

Lin Xuan was a little helpless, so he had to ask Mengmeng to help. Anyway, he was relatively free, but when he came back from the interview after recording the game, he found that Su Che was having a lively chat with Song Tan, and he couldn't help but look at Jiang Qianyu with some doubts. She spread her hands cutely, and then explained that the two of them seemed to have met in an exchange event between universities before, and this time it was a reunion.

Although it was 0:1 behind and opened the game, there were no twists and turns in this game. Lin Xuan and the others simply won three games in a row. The only thing I have to mention is Su Che and Song Tan. Su Che obviously already knew Knowing the true relationship between Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu, Lin Xuan naturally understood it when there was a vague hint through the concept of love during the chat.

Su Che is not a particularly outstanding type of person in the rich N generation. He is a bit ostentatious, but not exaggerated, and he is not serious about his nature. Generally speaking, he is not annoying to get along with. Or loyalty, that is obviously nonsense, he himself is quite handsome, and with the addition of money, he probably has a lot of beautiful women around him to pick from during the process of growing up.

The Su family's tutoring is not bad, but for men, even the elders, they will not be too harsh on this. For children from this type of family, it is common to change a few more "girlfriends". It can even be regarded as a kind of experience, which can be easily obtained after going through the sea, otherwise, it will be a big joke if one gets angry for a beauty or tricks her in the future.

Su Luoyu probably really had the idea of ​​getting Jiang Qianyu into the Su family as a wife at the beginning, but Su Che's thoughts are hard to say. The so-called men know men best, which is why Lin Xuan had a very bad impression of him. In this sense, Su Che is similar in essence to Xue Huang, a Weibo concubine.

Lin Xuan didn't have any feelings for Song Tan, but she was Xiao Nizi's cousin after all, so she reminded Xiao Nizi, but Xiao Nizi despised her severely.

"Do you think I'm stupid, I can't even see this?"

"It's not about you, it's about your cousin."

"Do you think my aunt will teach a girl who has no brains? Don't worry, Song Tan is more scheming than Xu Qingru, and she can't suffer unless she wants to."

Lin Xuan was speechless, "What does this have to do with Xu Qingru?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Then why do you mention her so well?"

"Whip the corpse."

"...You are becoming more and more vicious."

"I'm glad you can control you!"

After what Xiaonizi said, Lin Xuan thought about it later, and found that he seemed to be a little worried, but he still reminded him, it is impossible for Xiaonizi to tell Song Tan that Su Che wanted to chase her back then. , but presumably there will be some warnings or advices. It is more appropriate for her to know how to deal with these things better than herself.

The semi-finals were held in Rongcheng, so Lin Xuan and the others didn't have to go to other cities to play the second round, but there was a BO5 the next day, unless Sky was eliminated, it would be difficult for Lin Xuan to spare time to go to grandpa's house , What I do every day is nothing more than training and training.

On April 25th, the first round of the playoffs, eight to six knockout rounds, sky swept AG 3:1.

On April 27th, the second round of the playoffs, six into four knockout rounds, sky swept AVI 3:0.

The sweep of the first knockout match was indeed a sweep in the true sense, even if the score was 3:1. In the second knockout match, it was not too difficult for Lin Xuan and the others to win, but it was not easy. As the brightest dark horse of this season, AVI Their strength should not be underestimated. Judging from the performance in the training match and the competition, their state is even better than TL. Sky won all three games, but two of them were comebacks in the late stage.

This is a bit of a blow to Zhou He. Leaving aside the lineup, a team's late stage ability is based on coordination and tacit understanding, and because shooter heroes are more important in the late stage, the carry ability of an adc player is also to a great extent. It affects the late stage ability of the entire team.

In the LDL final half a year ago, TLR lost three consecutive games to sky, and the latter returned to LPL. This was a huge blow to this veteran player who had been sent down from the first team of TL. The junglers of the team were bought into AVI together, formed the third all-Chinese team in the LPL division, and played a very dazzling record in the regular season, including revenge against Sky.

However, in the playoffs, he fell to Sky again.

It could be seen that Zhou He really wanted to win this knockout round—who would not want to come to the arena?In these three rounds, Zhou He's performance was remarkable. There were some mistakes, and there were also relatively impressive performances. But in terms of matchup performance, he was completely defeated by Lin Xuan, especially in the second and third rounds. The adc heroes were exchanged, and Xia was completely blown by holding Ezreal, and was completely blown by Ezreal while holding Xayah.

Lin Xuan once heard Zhang Heng say that Zhou He is 24 years old this year, and this is his twilight years for professional e-sports. Lin Xuan doesn't know how long he can play on the field. I have a big impression, but I still have some admiration. At least in terms of professionalism, the other party is better than myself. Under the background similar to my previous life, I gritted my teeth and survived, and returned to the LPL arena.

When shaking hands, Lin Xuan didn't say anything, but just slightly bowed and shook hands like other people, with a slightly wider angle, that's all.

Any comfort from the winner to the loser, no matter how sincere they are, will turn into steel needles that pierce the bottom of his heart. Lin Xuan is not so naive as to think that if he is more sincere, the other party will feel better. He couldn't understand the behavior of comforting the opponent after winning three championships, and he didn't know what it was, let alone ask.

On April 29th, in the third round of the playoffs, the Yulong team defeated 3 1:419 and became the first team to advance to the spring finals. In recent seasons, with the rise of the Yulong team, the rendezvous with TL in the finals has already begun. It's a common thing, so after the Yulong team advanced to the finals, many people began to wait for TL to take their place.

Of course, there are still some different voices. Since their nine-game winning streak in the second half of the regular season, Sky has achieved an impressive record of 18 small-game winning streaks. If you count the playoffs, they already have 24 small-game winning streaks. The win has already broken the previous record held by the TL team-of course, TL's winning streak is in the regular season.

TL's "stable, soft, and cowardly" three-character scriptures in the World Championship have basically lost the popularity of passers-by. Even if you don't hate this team, you will never want them to represent LPL in the mid-season championship again. In addition, Sky is gaining momentum. I look forward to them There are also not a few people who have advanced to the finals in a series of three.

April NO.30, the afternoon of the last day before the May Day holiday, the semifinal between TL and sky officially started.

If you look at this game from the eyes of passers-by, apart from the anticipation before the start, the enthusiastic shouts of the fans on the scene, and the beauty of the beautiful audience given by the director very interestingly, there are not too many turmoil in this game , whether it was exciting or intense, it was obviously not as good as Sky's six-in-four-elimination match against AVI.

In the first game, TL started with mid laner Daylily and bottom laner Yoke, who were easily defeated by sky 19-3.

In the second game, TL replaced the domestic rookie Duan Yinfeng in the bottom lane, and sky replaced the jungler. Liu Handong came on the stage, cooperated with Xue Yunqi to tear the gap from the middle lane, and completed the crushing of Linglong Tower.

In the third game, TL finally changed the mid laner, took a core late-game team lineup that they are best at in the bottom lane, and gave Lin Xuan a pentakill after 35 minutes, declaring the end of the season's journey.

After this game, with the elimination of TL, the favorite to win the championship finally changed from TL or Ichthon to Sky. Passers-by and fans expected Sky to perform the feat of "a series of four championships". Even the fans of Ichthon... ... dreading this scene.

The day after the semi-finals ended, Lin Xuan and the others returned to Hangzhou to prepare for the battle. Fish and Dragons had already returned a day earlier. On this night, Chen Muyu treated guests to celebrate the two teams' reunion for the final.

There was nothing extraordinary about this gathering, but there was much to ponder or mention.

For example, Jiang Yingxue was absent.

For example, Xue Huang was discharged from the hospital, and he also participated in this celebration. The female companion with delicate makeup and beautiful face was Yan Feifei who was following him.

For example, Lin Xuan brought Jiang Qianyu to participate, and when he left the banquet hall after the end, he was quietly discussing this matter, and accidentally bumped into Ni Chang and her parents in the hotel.

Yan Feifei's matter is her personal freedom. Although Lin Xuan was a little surprised, he didn't care too much. He just chatted with Xiao Nizi, but he was somewhat caught off guard by the unexpected encounter with Ni Chang's family.

Everyone present already knew the true relationship between the two, so they did not deliberately alienate them. When Lin Xuan was leaving the banquet hall, Lin Xuan was holding Xiao Nizi's hand. The attitude is also more intimate.

Although he had never thought about getting to know each other, Lin Xuan was somewhat at a loss when they met in this situation. He subconsciously kept his face expressionless and did not make a sound. She generously smiled sweetly at Fang Jingyue who was staring at the two of them, and said hello to her family: "Hello Auntie, Hello Uncle, and Ni Chang...what a coincidence to meet here."

Judging from the order of her address, there is a high probability that she took this encounter as seeing her mother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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