Chapter 665 [685] Studying MSI opponents
It seemed that Fang Jingyue's family came with a good friend. When the group bumped into each other, she and a middle-aged woman walked at the end of the two families, but she was the first to see the figure in front of her.

Then came the husband who was walking in front of her. He was chatting with the other two with a smile on his face. He noticed that the abnormality was because the daughter who was walking in front suddenly stopped moving, so he subconsciously looked forward.

Ni Chang didn't notice Jiang Qianyu's unusual greeting, but looked at her holding hands with Lin Xuan in surprise, her eyes were wide open, very cute.

Lin Xuan smiled at her, Ni Chang came back to his senses, opened his mouth, but still couldn't speak, Ni Mingyuan, who stopped behind her, smiled and nodded to Lin Xuan, as a response to Xiaoni He said hello to Lin Xuan, and then he looked at Lin Xuan, pointed his other hand towards the friend beside him, and said, "It's a coincidence that I came to have a meal with my friend..."

Lin Xuan smiled politely, and was about to pull Xiao Nizi away. Chen Muyu, Xue Huang and others in front of them turned around and saw that Xue Huang and a friend beside Ni Mingyuan seemed to know each other. He said hello, but then he glanced at Lin Xuan and walked over here.

Ni Mingyuan's friend seemed a little surprised, and whispered something to Ni Mingyuan and the other person briefly, as if to introduce Xue Huang's identity.

Xue Huang is well versed in human relationships and sophistication. He owed Lin Xuan some favors because of Xue Yunqi's affairs years ago, and saw that he has great potential. During this period of time, he and Lin Xuan got along quite well, and there was a sense of repairing the relationship, including bringing Yan Feifei here this time. ——He probably didn't know about Yan Feifei's acquaintance with Jiang Qianyu and Lin Xuan, but he brought a female companion here specially, that is, to set a limit on the matter of rewarding Xiao Nizi on the live broadcast.

He has a lot of energy in the business field. He changed his mind and came here. He wanted to borrow a chance to sell it well. It can be said to be a good intention, but if this continues, things will most likely develop in a bad direction. Jiang Qianyu listened to him After a few pleasantries with Ni Mingyuan's friend, he quickly realized Xue Huang's intentions, and before he could bring the topic to Lin Xuan, he interjected at the right time and asked, "Boss you know each other?"

Seeing that it was she who took the initiative to talk to him, Xue Huang couldn't help being a little surprised, but he has been in the shopping mall for many years, and he has a lot of scheming in the city. It's always the two of you who cooperate with their company, don't you come here to study?"

Jiang Qianyu said: "If you come to school, you are not allowed to have elders here?"

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't speak, Xue Huang was even more sure that something was wrong. Jiang Qianyu's words were vague, so he didn't ask any further questions, and said with a smile, "I don't dare to care about this. That's fine, you can talk..." After speaking, he turned to the person Boss Jin waved his hand, not forgetting to greet Ni Mingyuan and another person, then turned and left.

"Then... goodbye auntie, goodbye uncle."

Jiang Qianyu said to Fang Jingyue and Ni Mingyuan respectively, and then turned around and left with Lin Xuan. Xiao Xuan, Ren Fan and others next to them saw that they did not introduce, so they didn't ask any more questions. Looking back, she made a joke, saying that she had a puppy love at a young age, and she dared to face her elders. Jiang Qianyu snorted: "I'm already in college, I'm not a puppy lover!" But she let go of Lin Xuan's hand.

The two had previously signed a one-year rental contract. After Jiang Qianyu left, Lin Xuan did not sublet it out. Except for the clothes that Xiao Nizi took away, nothing inside was touched. After returning to the base by bus, Lin Xuan drove her to the residence by himself. When they came to dinner at night, the two of them also came alone.

When they arrived at the underground garage, Xue Huang, Chen Muyu and others were gone, and Lin Xuan found the car. When he drove Xiao Nizi out, he saw Ni Mingyuan and his party coming from the elevator. Jiang Qianyu turned to look at Lin Xuan and asked, "Do you want to stop?" Down?"

Lin Xuan asked back: "Why stop?"

This car is eye-catching, and it is facing each other. As the distance gets closer, Ni Mingyuan and Fang Jingyue have already seen the two of them through the front window. Lin Xuan's speed is not slow, and there is no need to slow down. The car window greeted obediently "auntie" and "uncle" again, and then passed in front of a group of people.

Mr. Jin from an unknown construction company gave two "tsk tsk" and asked Ni Mingyuan, "Who the hell? This car costs three or four million at least... It's a big enough show."

Ni Chang didn't recognize the car, he just thought it looked good, and he couldn't help being surprised when he heard his words, and turned his head to stare at the rear of the car, "Wow—" exclaimed: "My brother-in-law is so rich?"

The two long-time friends knew that Fang Jingyue had a marriage, but they didn't associate the young couple just now with it, because they all knew that Fang Jingyue's life in that marriage was not rich. , in front of Ni Chang, Ni Mingyuan was inconvenient to explain, so he vaguely prevaricated with "Ni Chang's friend". Both of them knew that the matter must be more than that.

Ni Chang foolishly corrected a sentence: "Can't you be considered a friend?"

It wasn't until he got in the car, and his father was driving on the way, that Ni Chang suddenly remembered something, yelled "Hey", turned his head to look at his mother, his eyes sparkled, as if he had discovered a new world, Somewhat strangely asked: "No, mom, mom, mom, just now... Qianqian seems to say that there are elders here?"

She looked at her mother with a puzzled expression.

As the senior high school entrance examination was approaching, Fang Jingyue didn't want to tell her too many things at this time, so she stroked her head and said with a smile, "The one who knows you is the elder."

After all, Ni Chang was young, and he didn't notice too many details. He only vaguely felt that something was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Hearing what his mother said, he reluctantly accepted the only explanation, and became a little happy instead. , Excitedly said: "Mom, do you know, that Qianqian has already gone to college, and she is re-entering a foreign university, and it is still live broadcasting... I always thought they were brothers and sisters... But it seems that I heard But dear..."

There was no training match tonight, so Lin Xuan drove Xiao Nizi directly to the residence. She sat beside her and stared at Lin Xuan with those shining eyes for a long time before finally asking: "I'm like this... don't you Angry?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "It's not angry to be angry, but your mother-in-law has seen you, when will you marry me?"

Jiang Qianyu bit her lip and glanced at him, then hummed softly, "I don't want to marry you so easily."

Lin Xuan said: "Speak well."

"Why didn't you say it properly?"

"What do you mean easily?"

"Don't marry you so early, okay?"

"not good."

She turned her head to look over, her eyes widened, trying to put on a fierce look, "Are you so arrogant?"

Lin Xuan showed her a handsome smile, "Learn from my wife."

Jiang Qian gave him a white look.

It has been a week since she returned to China, and she will go back tomorrow. It is impossible to watch the finals live. This is somewhat regrettable, but it is a surprise that she can come back at this time. retribution.

The next morning, when Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were still hiding in bed, Shen He called and said that someone had been arranged to pick her up and would be there in an hour. After Xiaonizi complained a few times, she was still helpless He readily agreed, turned around and looked at Lin Xuan sleepily, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Lin Xuan rubbed her head, checked the time, got up and made some breakfast, sent her to the airport after eating, and then returned to the base to continue training.

From the countdown to the finals all the way to the finals, the whole sky was full of vigorous vitality. When Lin Xuan returned to the base, he saw that everyone was actually in the training room, although Zhang Heng and Liu Handong were soloing without doing their jobs. , but it's better than sleeping.

In Lin Xuan's heart, the biggest obstacle to winning the championship has always been the Yulong team. The two sides just celebrated the final together last night, but starting today, they will continue to work hard to defeat each other.

There was a meeting after lunch, Su Che was there, Ren Fan presided over the tactical discussion, and after Zhang San announced the preliminary targeted training, he clenched his fists and shouted three times to the crowd: "Come on! Come on! Come on!" Insane.

The training task is very heavy, mainly because the two teams know each other too well, and sky's top, middle, field and even support - except for the bottom lane, the hero pool of other positions is too disadvantaged, and the selection will be very passive at that time , There may even be a situation where half of the lineup will be lost.

In the afternoon, Sky played two training matches with the STR team that had won the LCK championship. Mu Wanli was beaten by Cui Mingxiu in the top lane. After 10 minutes of the first training match, Lin Xuan and the others quit the game. The situation in the second game improved, but at 35 minutes, Lin Xuan made a mistake in the most critical team battle of the second tower in the middle, and was forced to open by the opponent. They failed again in this scrim.

In the evening, it was a training match with the Yulong team. They played four rounds, and Sky only won one round.

Zhang San and Ren Fan quickly adjusted the training plan. Xue Yunqi and Mu Wanli almost vomited from practicing those heroes every day. Lin Xuan was the most comfortable among the five, but it was only relatively speaking. Although the pool is deep, the possibility of being targeted is also the greatest. Different heroes with sufficient proficiency are required to match the tactical system. Even Sivir has to practice. It can be said that Zhang San and Ren Fan have been defeated five times in a row Adc's frenzied targeting is frightening.

However, this kind of behavior of five pull adc, to put it nicely, is respect for the bottom lane, and to be frank, it is contempt for the other four of you, otherwise, in terms of hero bans, the priority of adc will definitely not reach this level After winning streak in the playoffs, the state of the upper, middle and wild four has maintained an upward trend. Presumably, the Yulong team is unlikely to make such a radical selection again.

Three days before the final, both teams came to Jinling, the place of the final, to cooperate with the official filming of the promotional video for the final, as well as the "pre-match trash talk" that will be played before the final. It is a link that happens before the finals every year. It is said to be the effect of the program, but if there are more "exciting" remarks, most of them will be remembered by the majority of netizens, and they will be mentioned from time to time in future competitions, or the corpse will be whipped.

On the way to the venue, Lin Xuan was ridiculed by Zhang Heng and Liu Handong for "home court", and when he arrived, he was ridiculed by Alley and Pao Pao. Then, under the guidance of the staff, they began to pose around the championship trophy, wanting to show off In other words, there is not much time on this day, because they will have to shoot their respective team's promotional videos later, so the fun is the fun, and everyone is still working hard to cooperate with the filming.

"We must be better than them in the bottom lane. You see, my brother-in-law talks to Xiaoxue and Xiaoxue doesn't like to talk to him. Yanyan and I must cooperate better than the two of them. It's clear."

"Their junglers have said it themselves. They just keep the bot and wait to lie down and win. I'm different. I specifically catch their bot and make my brother-in-law cry."

"Coincidentally, I'm going to get off the road too, so you can feel the resentment of a single dog!"

"...In comparison, Xiaoxue should have the advantage of being prettier than me."

"I don't need to carry, just do my own thing, I'm less stressed"

"I'm more experienced. I eat more salt than you eat rice."

"All five of them have more experience than us, and they are very strong themselves. It is estimated that their tactical preparations are better than ours... It's not because they finished the game a day earlier, but mainly because we have been studying MSI opponents recently."


"As expected, you are still the most coquettish..."

"Can't afford to provoke"

As a reader, I recommend a book, "From 1983", which is very good, and the author's last book "The Age of Literature and Art" is also very good, and I have been watching and learning recently.

(End of this chapter)

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