Chapter 666 [686] I am the same

On May 3000th, Saturday afternoon, the LPL Spring Finals was held at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium. This is a large stadium with a seating capacity of more than [-] people. The Asian Youth Games and the Youth Olympic Games have been held here , it can be seen that many people say that the playoffs and the finals are not the same game. It is still very reasonable. The official publicity in the finals is also unprecedented. It's not over yet, and many tourists in Jinling City haven't left yet. The flow of people is like weaving, and the exposure can be imagined.

Of course, if you wait to see the poster before buying tickets, it will definitely be too late.

When seven or eight girls, including Xu Qingru, Zhang Qianqian, Shao Dan, Liu Shuangshuang, Jiang Yuqing, Zhao Han, and four or five boys arrived at the Olympic Sports Center, there were still two hours before the afternoon competition, and many people had already gathered outside with them. For the same players who were waiting to enter the arena to watch the game, several girls gathered together, and each one was prettier than the other, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

These people are all from Yicheng, and they are in the same class. Although they are studying in different universities, if you want to know each other, obviously you don't need as many as six people. They also came to watch the game together, so they got together because of the companions who knew each other. We got together, and the atmosphere between them was not warm, but fortunately, they were still harmonious.

Jiang Yuqing didn't intentionally anger Jiang Qianyu this time, so Zhao Han accepted the task very loyally, took Liu Shuangshuang and Jiang Yuqing to take a photo in front of the sky's promotional poster and posted it in the small group of several people , Jiang Yuqing didn't care about this, her attention was always on Xu Qingru.This girl who once had an affair with Lin Xuan was wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts with a cartoon pattern on it, and was carrying a canvas bag. She was dressed in a very ordinary way, but she had a gentle and peaceful temperament. Others took pictures, and there was no impatient expression. It seemed that someone next to her wanted to take a photo with her. She waved her hand lightly and refused with a smile.

She looks good, her skin is good, her legs are good-looking, and her figure seems to be good... Jiang Yuqing observed for a while, wondering what she was thinking, then looked down at herself, and smiled slightly.


A strange boy suddenly rang in his ears, Jiang Yuqing looked up strangely, and saw a tall and thin boy holding a mobile phone, standing in front of him a little nervously, his fair face was slightly flushed, trying hard to Keeping calm, staring at her, he said, "Well... I finally saw you again, can I get to know you?"

This is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, she still felt a little hot on her cheeks, blinked her eyes with some doubts, and the boy explained nervously: "I saw you on Metro Line [-] yesterday..."

She glanced at the many people who were paying attention to this place. There were a few boys beside her, who seemed to be friends of the person in front of her. She smiled slightly, then took out her mobile phone from her bag, added friends by scanning the QR code, and the boy who struck up a conversation Feeling relieved, his face was filled with joy, and after thanking him, he asked, "Are you also here to watch the game?"

Jiang Yuqing nodded, and the boy asked again, "Which district are you in?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and shook the phone, the boy smiled apologetically and understandingly, pointed to his friend over there, and said with a smile, "Okay... I'll go first."

Jiang Yuqing nodded with a smile. As soon as the boy left, Zhao Han and Liu Shuangshuang came over to make fun of him. She replied a few words, but didn't explain anything. Then she subconsciously looked at Xu Qingru, who was also looking at him. She, Ying Che's eyes showed a little curiosity and a smile, and the eyes intertwined, and there was no communication.

Then everyone found a shady place with few people waiting for the opening. Jiang Yuqing's phone vibrated a few times, and the boy she just added sent a message. Jiang Yuqing only glanced at the few messages he sent, and typed a reply: " Sorry, I have someone I like." Then he deleted the friend.

Zhao Han frowned and said, "It's unnecessary."

Liu Shuangshuang was chatting with Zhang Hanqing just now, when she heard the words, she turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Han said: "He deleted the person again."

Liu Shuangshuang curled her lips and said, "I thought you had figured it out, so I'm happy for you... the feeling that you are with me."

Zhang Hanqing and Zou Yi looked at each other, and Zhang Hanqing asked, "Why did you delete it again?"

Liu Shuangshuang rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not interested in it, okay?"

Zou Ting also asked: "Then why add him?"

Zhao Han said angrily, "It's full enough."

Jiang Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "That's right, I always eat dog food along the way, so it's hard to keep up."

"You deserve it! Whoever told you not to look for it will choke you to death!"

"I'm not as unpromising as you two. I want to study hard and study for the rise of China."

"Then why are you here?"

"Accompany you, I don't want to come."

"Bah! Smelly shameless!"

Suddenly, there was another slight commotion among the crowd in the distance, which quickly spread to this side. Zhang Hanqing asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Han vaguely heard a few scattered words next to him, and said uncertainly: "It seems that Lin Xuan and the others are here?"

Liu Shuangshuang was originally looking forward to it, but when she heard this, she suddenly lost interest, and said, "This...why do I think?" They were familiar with Lin Xuan, and the idol halo of the other team members was also greatly weakened. How much curiosity.

But they don't care. Naturally, there are a lot of people who want to take a look at their favorite players, or cheer them up. When Lin Xuan and the others got off the car, the fans waiting outside the fence to "pick up the car" were more than those in the first playoff game. I don't know how much more time it will take, the shouts of "sky", "brother-in-law" and "Xiaoxue" are in chaos. I can't hear who is shouting whom, but it looks quite powerful.

Lin Xuan and the others enthusiastically waved over there. Only Jiang Yingxue remained expressionless and walked straight to the backstage passage with her bag on her back. As a result, her shouting became louder.

When they put down their things in the lounge, the six of them were called by Xiao Xuan to put on makeup. Usually there is no such link, but today there will be an appearance ceremony, and the final is a grand occasion, so we still need to respect the camera.

Five men and one woman put on makeup, but it turned out that Jiang Yingxue had the least time. The make-up artist kept praising her for her good skin and facial features. Just put on a base, and there is no need to make up too much. Lin Xuan replied that my skin is also pretty good of.

Because of training, professional players have been exposed to radiation for many years and stayed up late. Most of them have bad skin. Lin Xuan has a better work and rest, and there is a little girl who urges him to pay attention to skin care. Even among ordinary boys, his skin is relatively good. That category is indeed outstanding among professional players.

Lin Xuan was joking, but he didn't care about being ridiculed by Liu Handong and Zhang Heng, but turned his head inadvertently, only to find that Mu Wanli was actually looking in the mirror, and couldn't help being speechless.

After putting on makeup and going out, I happened to bump into Chu Ming. Lin Xuan was going to record a pre-match interview. After a few chats, they parted ways. No one knew how many games this BO5 would play. To be on the safe side, the director team asked each team to record three games. In a short video interviewed before the game, Lin Xuan and his team may change junglers, so Zhang Heng is listed as a substitute, and the other two are Lin Xuan and Xue Yunqi.Although the Yulong team has a substitute, unless someone's hand is broken or the mentality is broken, it is unlikely to make a substitution. The three people they recorded the pre-match interview are Alley, Pao Pao and Mo Cheng.

When he returned to the lounge, Lin Xuan saw the photos Jiang Qianyu had sent him. Xu Qingru and Jiang Yuqing were both on the list. He was a little stunned. He didn't know how these two guys appeared in the same shot. A fake compliment: "That's not all your credit", the words can actually convey the meaning of a smile on the surface.

Probably because the intensity of the BO5 competition was too high, the official team assigned physical therapists to both teams. Lin Xuan then lay down and asked the master to give him a massage. Refreshed, he washed his face, and then let Ren Fan and Zhang San "chat" for a while, the time was almost up.

There have been rehearsals before, but none of them have much experience—the only one who has experience is Zhang Heng, but he is a substitute today and will not appear in the debut ceremony. The others have only played in the LDL and Demacia Cup finals at most. In terms of pomp and circumstance, it was completely incomparable to this one, and she was somewhat guilty. Even Lin Xuan was a little apprehensive, but Jiang Yingxue was still calm and could not see anything unusual.





There was a countdown call from the audience on the stage. Lin Xuan and the others knew that the opening performance would be next, so they ran to the backstage passage to follow. The lights were shining, making people dizzy. I didn't see any tricks, I just felt that there was a piece of guzheng soundtrack played very well, especially with the promotional video they shot on the big screen not long ago, it was very touching.

After the 5-minute opening performance, Fang Yuan wore a black cheongsam with large flowers and short sleeves of Xiang Yunsha, held the microphone, and followed the dubbing of the official promotional film "Legendary" and "Penta Kill" and the audience "Sky" and "Fish and Dragon" He walked onto the stage curlingly, first greeted the summoners on the scene and in front of the screen, and then used words such as "After four months of fierce competition..." to exaggerate the strength of the two teams today Finally, they began to mobilize the emotions of the audience, and the shouts of "sky! sky!" and "fish dragon! fish dragon!" resounded continuously, as if to fill every inch of the entire venue.

The two teams took the stage one by one from both sides of the stage. Except for the bottom lane, the support from Sky's side was obviously much weaker than that of Yulong team, but it still gave Xue Yunqi, Liu Handong and Mu Wanli a lot of support. Under psychological pressure, when he came to the stage, Lin Xuan took a peek at Liangyan, and found that even Xue Yunqi, who he thought should be in a better mood, seemed to be trembling slightly.

At this moment, the ten professional players on the stage seemed to be transformed into Jiang Yingxue, but she was obviously the most calm, her expressionless appearance made people feel a kind of indifferent calmness, Lin Xuan couldn't help admiring, Inexplicably looking forward to the scene when she gets married, I don't know if she will still be so calm. After such an interruption, the nervousness is not nervous. When Fang Yuan asked him what he wanted to say to the fish and dragon team, he froze for a moment , almost didn't react.

Under the attention of all the people, he leaned slightly, leaned in front of the microphone handed by Fang Yuan, thought for a while and said, "Come on, I hope they can play their best. If they lose to us like this, they will at least No regrets."

The powerful words made the scene boil again, and there was a lot of screams and shouts. Fang Yuan smiled and said "Wow", and said, "My brother-in-law is very confident, and the words are very powerful. I don't know what the Fish and Dragons team has. What kind of counterattack, let's see what their captain said." Taking advantage of the time to speak, he walked in front of Alley, and he also leaned in front of the microphone. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Me too."

There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and even the team members on the stage couldn't help laughing, Fang Yuan also laughed and said: "It's a very concise answer, but I think the will of the two teams to win is the same. No one thinks that they will win today. Lose, I believe the fans at the scene also believe in them-right?"

Thousands of mouths said, "Yes—" The sound of the word was about to overturn the roof of the hall.

After Fang Yuan announced the official start of the final, Lin Xuan and the others walked to their respective competition areas amidst the sound of cheering on the scene. The coach was already waiting there, and the live broadcast was handed over to the commentary.

There are three people in the commentary, besides the two commentators, there is also a special guest, who is the face of the current LPL and the soul player of the TL team. Their jungler like, this one has stood in the world in the Chen Muyu era The star player at the top has reached the twilight years of the professional arena, but he has maintained a very good competitive state. Even if Lin Xuan doesn't like his style, he still admires him in this respect. sky, but like is still the most popular top star player in the LPL division, just saying hello, and the crowd cheered thunderously.

Because of his weak style and unbearable record in foreign competitions, like has almost more black fans than real fans in the LPL division. There was thunderous cheers at the scene, and the bullet screen was filled with "I don't know, I thought he won the championship." what?" joke.

"Although the status of Sky's upper and middle lanes has improved recently, I personally feel that the winning point for both sides is still in the bottom lane..."

When asked about his opinion on today's finals, Like was not stingy about complimenting Lin Xuan, "My brother-in-law has been in such a violent state recently, we all joked in private whether he was on drugs."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

The commentators of the two partners were Shu Ya and Xin Xin, who laughed when they heard the words, but Like didn't seem like a simple joke, nodded and said: "Really, really, after the match some time ago, we didn't The loss was terrible, our two bottom laners were beaten a little bit, Duan Yinfeng didn't want to play games for several days, his mentality was beaten..."

After nearly ten minutes of blah blah blah blah in the commentary, the screen was finally handed over to the commentary, and then the high-profile final BO5 kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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