Chapter 667 [687] Final

When the game started, the North Bay of San Francisco was still shrouded in the misty night. In a villa not far from the coast, Jiang Qianyu hung up a Bluetooth headset, went back to her room lightly with snacks and yogurt in her arms, and stared blankly at her door. She closed the bed and got in. Xiao Nizi lowered her head and gave it a look, but ignored it in a daze. She went straight to the big bed in the middle of the room and jumped on it.

Jiang Qianyu pursed her lips, closed the door gently with her foot, and sat down in front of the desk. The voice of the commentary seat saying that she would return the screen to the commentary seat just came from the earphones, but then the video of "trash talk before the game" recorded earlier was played. .

She has already seen these on the Internet, but now she doesn't feel bored watching it again, at least it is much better than the comment section, except for the part that praised someone at the beginning, the others are just nonsense.

She put down the snacks and yogurt, then took off the headphones, and the voices of the various contestants rang in the room.

"We must be better than them in the bottom lane. You see, my brother-in-law talks to Xiaoxue and Xiaoxue doesn't like to talk to him..."

"...Comparing the two of us, Xiaoxue should have the advantage of being prettier than me."

"Their junglers have said it themselves. They just keep the bot and wait to lie down and win. I'm different. I specifically catch their bot and make my brother-in-law cry."

"I'm more experienced. I eat more salt than you eat rice."

Then there is the sentence that caused the most heat: "...we have been studying MSI's opponents recently."

Jiang Qianyu pursed her lips to show her disdain for such boring words, but she opened the barrage honestly with her hand, and saw the dense barrage layered on top of each other, rushing over from the right side of the screen like a school of fish.

"Warning of High Sao Ahead"

"Saohua may be late, but it will never be absent"

"Xiaoxue gave it to you, no one will grab Qianqian from me, right?"

"Why do everyone think Xiaoxue is beautiful, and am I the only one who likes Xiyan more?"

"When it comes to flirting, my brother-in-law has never been afraid of anyone"

"Brother-in-law, be careful, you can easily get slapped in the face"

"Sit and wait for a string of four"

"Wait for a word of congratulations to sky"

"If the fish and the dragon don't win the championship, the labor and management will live broadcast and cut the eel"

"To be honest, I'm conservative if I didn't say 3:0 brother-in-law"

"Brother in front I suspect you are driving"


Many bullet screens are actually very boring, but she enjoyed watching them very much. Of course, there are many things that she can’t understand. I was watching it with gusto, when the trash talk ended, Shuangfei and Sakura appeared on the screen in the commentary booth... more annoying than the commentary booth.

But the commentary appeared, which meant that the game was about to start. Xiao Nizi opened a box of yogurt, bit the straw and teased Daidai who was lying on the table with her fingers, opened her mouth and bit her fingertips lightly , The teeth are very sharp, but they don't have any strength. On the contrary, it makes people feel soft and itchy, very comfortable.

She suddenly blushed inexplicably.

When he came back to his senses, he heard Zhang Fei announcing the start of the draw. He hurriedly put aside those messy thoughts and watched the game seriously.

"In the first round, Sky took the initiative to choose a side. They chose the blue side, and they had already defeated Luo and Rock Sparrow. The Ichthyosaur also responded and directly defeated Kai'Sa. This is a bit unexpected, because Kai'Sa is a hero. It works, but it’s actually not that high of a priority on the field.”

"Maybe I don't want my brother-in-law to get it, because the two teams must have played a lot of training games, so they should know better."

"Makes sense."

When tossing a coin to decide which side to choose first, Lin Xuan and the others got the right to choose the side first, third, and fifth rounds. Without hesitation, they decisively chose the blue side, and defeated Luo and Yan in the first round of bans. Sparrow and Troll, while Ichthyosaur took Kai'Sa, Karma, and Ezreal.

"In this case, there are quite a lot of heroes released, including Swain, Ryze, Tam, and the recently popular combination of policewoman and Morgana..."

"Why do I feel that Sky is a little passive instead? Although they are the blue side, but in this case, they can actually grab two from the back, and they will definitely not suffer."

"Actually, I think my brother-in-law can take the policewoman first to ensure the lane advantage of the bottom lane."


"Do you want to take the policewoman?" Mu Wanli also asked.

"If you take the policewoman, they will definitely snatch Morgana away." Ren Fan also hesitated, "How about Swain or Olaf?"

Xue Yunqi asked: "Is it on?"

"You can play in the upper middle class,"


"The policewoman doesn't need to worry, there are Xia and Verus."

Jiang Yingxue suddenly said: "If they let us go, then they won't have to pull it from our blue side."

Ren Fan pondered for a while, nodded and said, "It makes sense, then take Swain."

Mu Wanli asked, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, take it."

After discovering the hero Kai'Sa, or the great power of this hero in Lin Xuan's hands, Ren Fan and Zhang San began to formulate tactics around this hero, and even in order to ensure that they could get it in the finals. It was basically never used in the previous games, but even so, I still have to consider the consequences of Kai'Sa being pulled.In order to ensure that this hero can be obtained as much as possible, when they allow other positions to practice heroes, they consciously work towards the goal of "to pull the position".

Seeing that Sky chose Swain, the Fish and Dragons didn't seem to be surprised, and directly locked the bottom lane combination of the female policeman and Morgana.

Ren Fan first asked Liu Handong to help Jiang Yingxue take Tamm, but when it came to the last pick in the first round, he hesitated and asked, "Do you want to take Verus?"

Lin Xuan turned his head and gave him a speechless look, "Will you take it if I say it?"

Ren Fan coughed dryly, "I think Olaf is better."

Liu Handong said: "I think so too, otherwise it will be gone later."

Xue Yunqi also said: "Olaf, don't worry about brother-in-law's hero pool."

"Then you are still talking fart to me?"

After locking Olaf in the third hand, the final pick of the first round of the Yulong team unexpectedly locked the top laner Aoun.

Entering the second round of bans, the Ichthyosaurus team still has the middle field left unselected, sky is the most core bottom lane C position vacancy, and Swain is still doubtful about whether he is a mid laner or a top laner.

The Ichthyosaurs took down Verus in the fourth hand.

"Sure enough, the adc was pulled."

"It's okay, we still have Xia."

"There is still a puller here."

"You won't be so insane, will you?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "If they pull again, they should pull Ashe."

Liu Handong said: "Isn't it necessary for Ai Xi?"

Ren Fan said, "You want to take Ashe?"

Lin Xuan said: "We can't fight in the later stage, and we can't lose online. It's too difficult for Xia to beat the policewoman."

Ren Fan nodded and said, "Then let's get rid of Zac first, and then what?"

The last pull was finally given to the Snake Girl, and then the last ban of the Fish and Dragons.

Ice Archer Ashe.


"It's a bit of a surprise, the ichthyosaur actually took down Ashe?"

"It should be because I don't want my brother-in-law to get a relatively strong online ad, and Ai Xi has some counter policewomen."

"But they have Morgana, Ashe's arrows aren't that threatening."

"It should be a lineup to consider."


The final ban of the Ichthyosaurus team is indeed somewhat unexpected. Throughout the history of League of Legends, Ashe, as one of the ancient marksmen, has been synonymous with "rookie" and "novice" for a long time, especially in most When the level of players is relatively low, there is even a saying of "ten ice and nine pits", which was once exaggerated to the extent that if you choose Ashe in the ranking, some people will retreat.After a small rework, it finally ushered in a period of highlights after other adcs were weakened in turn, reappearing in the arena, even to the point of being mandatory-and then weakened.

Now it has been two or three seasons since Ashe's highlight period, she is by no means among the strong adcs in the current version, and she is on the ban position as a relatively weak marksman hero - for ordinary audiences, Most of them didn't bother to think about any tactical considerations, and naturally attributed this to the Fish and Dragons targeting Lin Xuan.

This kind of remarks is irrational, and it is even suspected of being blindly flattering, but... Jiang Qianyu thinks it is still very enjoyable to watch, so she opened the barrage again.

In the second round of selection, Yulong locked Zhumei in the fourth hand.

"What do we take?"

"Xia, it's only Xia."

Lin Xuan looked at the selection screen in front of him. The opponent's lineup was basically determined. Aoun, Pig Girl, Policewoman, Morgana, and the mid laner were still short, and Kai'Sa, Verus, and Ashe were eliminated by AD. In front of the opponent's bottom lane combination, there are not many adcs that can be taken.

He hesitated for a moment and said: "Xia, Wei En, Kogmaw, all three are fine."

This is to hand over the decision-making power to Ren Fan. He thought for a while and said: "Time is running out, let's take the road first, Gnar or Shen?"

"I also can."

"Careful, steady hand."

"We are a little short of output."

"Leave the output to my brother-in-law."

After choosing Shen for Mu Wanli, Lin Xuan finally got Xia, and then the last mid laner counter of the Yulong team.

Clockwork Demon Orianna.


"Wow, I feel like they have something. I haven't seen a clockwork before." Xue Yunqi was somewhat surprised to see the opponent's final pick, and Mo Cheng had never seen Mo Cheng take this hero in the training match.

"This is mainly to help the middle and the bottom, and keep it steady on the road, is it okay?"

Ren Fan seized the time to make the final arrangement, and told him, "Xiaodong should be strong in the early stage, and try to expand his advantage in the mid-term. Our mid-term Olaf Gaswain is very strong. Brother-in-law, don't be too aggressive in the lane, and don't give the opponent a chance."

"It's good that the two of us don't get rubbed on the ground by the opposite side, you are so radical."

Lin Xuan was a little speechless when he saw the comparison between the two bottom lane heroes. Xia and Tam beat the policewoman Morgana, and felt that his core C position was just given up, okay?

"We trust you."

Ren Fan also knew that the bottom lane hero was not good enough, walked to the center of the stage, shook hands with Wang Yingfeng, the two smiled and walked side by side to the backstage passage on the side of the Yulong team, Zhang Fei smiled and said : "The two coaches left shoulder to shoulder, very happy."

Wang Fei also laughed and said, "I'm probably asking if there are any hidden tactics..."

Sakura said: "Actually, I heard that their two coaches have soloed before, could it be..." Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Brother Shuangfei, who asked in unison: "Solo? Really?"

Wang Fei continued: "This is a bit interesting. Brother Feng has a big heart. Although he is also a coach, he just retired, okay?"

Zhang Fei also asked: "Did Brother Feng be abused badly?"

Sakura also couldn't help laughing, "I heard that they fought for more than half an hour and didn't win a game."

"Hahaha... a bit miserable, a bit miserable."

"However, personal relationships belong to personal relationships, and competitions belong to competitions. We still look forward to the performance of the two sides in today's competition. Before the first game starts, let's take a look at what Alley thinks about today's competition."

The screen cuts to the interview screen recorded before the game, and the interviewee is Alley.

"I think it's [-]-[-]. In fact, our two teams often play training games together. Everyone was talking nonsense in the previous recording. To be honest, it's very difficult to fight. Their recent state is too fierce..."

"Of course, it's hard to fight. It's definitely impossible to give up at this point, so let's each play according to our own abilities. I hope we can all play our best form and let everyone see it better."

Alley's interview style in the past was actually somewhat similar to Lin Xuan's. He was relatively active among professional players on the stage, but today's answer can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, but considering that this is the final, this is the best Normal and correct performance.

The screen cuts to the game screen. Both sides have already arrived at the river, and there is no real confrontation. After each left their scouting positions, they each came to their own lane or wild area.

The junglers of both sides are solo hits. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue came to the bottom lane early. The inferiority of the hero laning does not mean giving up the laning. Besides, Tamm is a hero, and the blood bar in the early stage is still very low. Thick, after the third level, the two changed their original style of cowardly and beaten, and began to actively look for opportunities to drain blood.

Then he was beaten by Xiyan and Alley until he ran away, and after eating the blood bottle, he finally calmed down.

Before Liu Handong, Bubble was a well-known gangster in the LPL jungler, known as the "iron-headed boy". Although this hero was at a disadvantage in the jungle, he knew that Liu Handong would turn against the blue after he became popular, so he didn't want to change the field. The district's plan is to go directly to the wild area to face Gang.

——It’s not grudges. At this time, the two are fighting not only for the initiative in the wild area, but also for the laning of teammates in the bottom lane. If Liu Handong successfully switches to the start in the wild area, then the Yulong team will be intimidated by Olaf in the bottom lane. The invisible pressure, at least one or two minutes, never dare to press the line to consume, this is undoubtedly very uncomfortable for a policewoman.

Because of the disadvantage of laning in the bottom lane, it was difficult for Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue to provide Liu Handong with timely invasion support. Fortunately, Liu Handong came directly when he hit red, and he played faster. Relying on the strength of the hero, he continued in front of Bubble. hit blue.

In this case, it is actually punishment.

Liu Handong lost.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he ran away immediately, and then quickly went to get his own blue buff, but Bubble didn't counter the blue, so Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue lived like walking on thin ice.

Liu Handong did not give up because of the frustration of the first invasion. He took the blue and red and went directly to the red BUFF wild area of ​​Bubbles. After defeating six birds, he was surrounded by the opponent's middle field. One for one, but Liu Handong didn't get the head, but his head was taken by Bubble's pig girl.

After this wave, it was announced that Bubbles' innate disadvantage caused by the lack of heroic confrontation in the early stage no longer existed, and the trend of offense and defense was reversed. Bubbles began to frequently invade Liu Handong in the wild.

Once Sky's lineup is at a disadvantage in the wild, the overall lineup will become very passive, and they can only wait for Xue Yunqi to enter the strong stage to carry it up. Fortunately, he has won a head, and his development will be smooth.

Five and a half minutes later, the upper middle field of the two sides broke out again in the wild area. Xue Yunqi killed the clockwork, and the price was the death of Liu Handong and Mu Wanli. Pao Pao and Zhao Jiang escaped with blood.

There was also a wave of duels in the bottom lane, Lin Xuan was healed, but if it can be guaranteed that there will be no death during the cooldown period of this skill, the loss will not be that big. His last hit is very limited, only four, if he can keep It is absolutely acceptable for them to maintain this rhythm of development.

At six and a half minutes, Xue Yunqi took the lead to move down and caused the first large-scale collision at the beginning of the game. Xue Yunqi used her ultimate move to resist the first wave of the opponent's Nakano explosion, and then Liu Handong rushed to defeat the opponent, and then went down The road duo enters the arena, and Clockwork, Shen, Tam, Morgana and Swain are killed one after another. After the fish and dragon team completes three for two, they start to fight Xiaolong.

Mu Wanli, who had just died in battle, teleported to the bottom lane, and together with Lin Xuan restrained the other three. After Lin Xuan and Liu Handong were killed, Liu Handong, who came home again, entered the field to harvest and took down the first dragon, and then He was killed by Clockwork and the policewoman again, and Xiyan got the final bounty with a long-range snipe.

"Wow, it really is the final. The two sides fought fiercely from the very beginning. In less than 10 minutes, there are already [-] heads. This is rarely seen in previous games."

"Even if you win a round, there may not be a head, okay?"

"Yes, they didn't feel restrained because of the final, but they were actively looking for opportunities..."

"This should be a good thing for us and the audience..."

"It's such a good game!"

After the two commentators finished their discussions, there were no more kills in the next 5 minutes. Sky took the initiative to change lines and towers. When the first dragon spawned, a new round of team battles finally broke out. Lin Xuan was gathered by the opponent. After Huo was forcibly replaced, Xue Yunqi completed the endgame harvest, and all four members of the Yulong team were killed except Xiyan, but the Huolong team was taken down by the Yulong team.

Although Lin Xuan's equipment hadn't been formed yet, Xue Yunqi could almost fight three with one, so Mu Wan left the single belt, and the other four began to advance with Xue Yunqi as the center.

After spending nearly a minute in front of the second tower in the middle road, when Xue Yunqi went to get the opponent's blue BUFF, Bubble's ult opened a group and hit Liu Handong, who was in a relatively forward position. After forcing out Liu Handong's ult, Lin Xuan and the others chose retreat.

Afterwards, the Yulong team went to the sky wild area to take the blue, and the two sides broke out in a team battle again. Zhao Jiang was killed after being hit by Mu Wanli's taunt on the ground. Before he died, his big move hit Liu Handong, Xue Yunqi and Jiang Yingxue. Xue Yunqi was too confident to enter The game was too early, after being controlled by the clockwork big move, the golden body saved his life, and then he was controlled and killed by Xiyan's trap. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue had no choice but to retreat as the remaining blood escaped.

After this wave of team battles, Xiyan's three-piece suit was completely formed, and the fish and dragon team had no disadvantages when fighting in front of the team. Then he sold Ornn and took the earth dragon.

Lin Xuan's importance in this game has been greatly reduced, at least in the whole game, so far, the Yulong team has watched him to death in almost every team battle, and Xue Yunqi has won the There is a lot of room to play, but unfortunately, he has never been able to fight a decisive battle.

When the game dragged on to 32 minutes, Mu Wanli's ultimate move cooperated with Xue Yunqi to catch the opponent's top laner and was counterattacked. At the second tower of the opponent's bottom lane, he was updated to endless, artillery, blue-absorbing knife, mercury tie, and small armor-piercing bow. Lin Xuan finally played the brightest moment of the game at the second tower of his side's bottom lane. He almost turned the team battle that was on the verge of collapse with his own strength, but unfortunately, in the final confrontation with Xi Yan In the fight, she was killed by her range and red BUFF kite.

Xiyan scored her first pentakill of the season.

After this wave of team battles, Xi Yan, who was already full, became the super boss who dominated the entire Summoner Canyon. She moved her long legs with a spear in her hand, like a glamorous queen who came out of a different dimension. Anyone who gets close will be killed by her precise and cold sniper.

At this time, it has entered the period when the adc harvested the whole game in the late stage. Lin Xuan quickly updated to the Liushen costume, but still failed to reverse the defeat. Next, the high ground and the base tower had two consecutive defensive team battles, all of which were defeated by the Yulong team. Destroyed head-on.

During this period of consecutive victories, the entire Sky team, from the coaching staff to the players, has instinctively trusted and even relied on Lin Xuan unconsciously. The whole team wins.

Ren Fan has been restraining himself with rationality, telling himself not to be blind, but this is just what he has to say as a coach. Even though he told himself so, in fact, he still has such a subconscious in his heart.

As long as my brother-in-law can keep up with the equipment, we will be invincible in a team fight!

This is the self-confidence that they have cultivated from their recent streak of victories, and the first round of the final was abruptly broken by the Yulong team with their absolute strength.

Although they only lost one game, when they walked off the stage, everyone seemed very depressed. This was not because they lost a game, but because they lost where they were best at and strongest. up.

If the strongest point is difficult to win, then what else can be relied on to win?
Zhang San and Ren Fan didn't say anything more about the last game. After explaining a few words casually, they began to adjust their tactics, let Liu Handong take a break temporarily, and replaced Zhang Heng.

In this round, the Yulong team gave priority to side selection, and they chose the blue side.

Ichthyosaurs banned Kai'Sa, Karma, and Zack in the first round, while Sky defeated Swain, Olaf, and Luo, and Ichthyosaurs took the troll first-hand.

Sky then took down the policewoman and Morgana.

The Yulong team then took down the bottom lane combination of Ezreal and Braum.

In the last selection of the first round, Sky locked Ornn, and then locked the prince in the second round of selection. Just when the commentators were discussing whether Sky left the counter position to the middle lane, did he hide his hand, and there were various speculations At that time, Sky's final choice was finally determined.

Fengnv was locked by Jiang Yingxue.

"Single girl?"

Wang Fei, who was immersed in the thinking pattern he gave himself just now, yelled subconsciously, but he reacted in an instant, and yelled: "It's the mid laner Morgana!"

(End of this chapter)

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