Chapter 670 [690] The most perfect ADC
"Is Kai'Sa a good hero?"

"It should be quite powerful after the sheep knife is released, but the big move is a bit useless, and it is useless except for adding a shield."

"Then why does the ichthyosaur keep pulling?"

"I don't know, maybe as the commentator said, my brother-in-law played really well in the training match."

"Who do you think will win this game?"

"It's hard to say, but Sky's lineup is too bad, and the four guarantees and one are too easy to be targeted."


Zhao Han heard the discussion of a boy behind him deliberately raised his voice, curled his lips in disdain, turned his head to Jiang Yuqing and whispered: "Another person who doesn't understand and pretends to understand."

Liu Shuangshuang said worriedly: "I think what he said is quite reasonable. Four guarantees and one are easy to be targeted."

Zhao Han said: "Fuck, don't care what lineup he has, four guarantees and one or one guarantee and four, the most important thing is to win! Besides, look at their lineup where four guarantees and one are obviously five people fighting in the face, okay? Completely Playing around Kai'Sa."

Liu Shuangshuang asked stupidly: "What's the difference?"

Zhao Han said helplessly: "In short, this one is absolutely beautiful."

Sitting between her and Liu Shuangshuang, Zou Di looked left and right, and continued to watch the pre-match interview on the big screen.

Zhao Han turned to look at Jiang Yuqing, "What are you talking about with Qianqian?"

Jiang Yuqing said while typing: "Qianqian said that Lin Xuan said that Kai'Sa is the most perfect ADC in his heart, not one of them."

Zhao Han was taken aback for a moment, "So exaggerated?"

Jiang Yuqing said: "I don't really understand, but it should be quite powerful, otherwise why the other side keeps pulling?"

Thousands of miles away, Jiang Qianyu, who just came back from taking a shower during the game, was sitting in front of the computer, chatting with Jiang Yuqing in the group and waiting for the game to officially start. The door was knocked twice, and then Shen He left. He came in and said with a smile: "After eating so many snacks, why don't you have breakfast later?"

Jiang Qianyu said: "Eat, what to eat?"

"Stewed porridge casserole and pancakes."

Jiang Qianyu looked up at his father, and asked, "I always eat Chinese food, will Sister Evie not like it?"

Shen He said with a dark face: "She also likes to are only so old, do you always call her sister a pretense?"

"Girls definitely like to be called young, and sister Evie is indeed very young, in her prime, just at her age."

Xiao Nizi pretended to be confused, she blinked, and asked strangely: "Besides, I can be called Auntie instead of Sister?"

Shen He left in anger with a dark face.

Jiang Qianyu glanced at the back of his father leaving, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth like a cunning little fox, but soon he lost his mind to think about his father's mess, and concentrated on watching the game.

Shen He's voice came from outside the open door: "Come and have a look in the living room, so as not to be unwilling to come over for dinner later."

Jiang Qianyu responded: "I see, you turn on the TV first."

When she turned off the computer and came to the living room, the big screen on the wall was already playing the game screen. In the almost borderless immersive screen, the vision progressed from the blue side to the red side, and the entire Summoner Canyon seemed to be truly presented. In front of him, with the blessing of the top audio, even Zhang Fei's commentary voice seemed to be much more pleasant.

"Strictly speaking, Sky's lineup is actually different from the traditional four guarantees and one, because Kai'Sa is a special hero. She doesn't protect the back row like the traditional four guarantees and one. She should play in the field. Yes, like an assassin."

Sakura also said: "Yes, the biggest difference between the hero Kai'Sa and other ADCs lies in her ultimate move mechanism. Just like Fei Ge said, she should enter the field like an assassin..."

"Which Phineas?"

"...In fact, the Yulong team is also a face-to-face lineup. The two sides are actually killing each other's back row. Whoever can kill the opponent's back row first will basically end this wave."

Amidst the jokes and discussions among the commentators, the match point round officially kicked off. The two sides began to fight wits and strength. Sky wanted to help Mu Wanli steal a BUFF first, so he set his sights in advance to detect Bubble's movements. Fish The dragon team immediately began to adjust after finding out. The top and middle fields of both sides quickly gathered in the red BUFF jungle area of ​​the fish and dragon team, but in the end they did not fight. "Greedily" brush one by one wild monsters to the bottom lane.

From the start of the game to the junglers on both sides of the bottom lane, there have been three or four small fights, no one can take advantage of it, but Xiyan was blocked by Jiang Yingxue and lost a last knife.

Olaf cleared the jungle faster, brought it up to the river, and then the trolls came. The four in the bottom lane and the two in the middle lane were all a little ready to move because of this photo, but they restrained each other. In the end, no one could go to support, Zhang Heng fought hard to punish He failed again, so he was not discouraged, and calmly returned to update his equipment.

Bubble chose the gank middle lane, Xue Yunqi was replaced by Blink with Blink.

"Be careful, he will definitely come to mess with you again when you reach the sixth level." Zhang Heng watched this scene happen with his own eyes and reminded.

Xue Yunqi responded, and after Zhang Heng updated his equipment, he went directly to the upper road to fight the river crab. Bubble ran over halfway, but there was no fight. Gained some vision, and then entered Bubble's wild area to prepare for trouble. He relied on his extra flash, and acted very arrogantly. Without flash and the right to the middle lane was not dominant, Bubble had to endure it.

In the middle lane, one pushes the lane and the other encourages development. The top lane also pushes each other's lane. Occasionally, if you are bored and want to find a camera, you will not bother to consume a little HP of each other, so as not to make people suspect that there is nothing wrong with the top lane.

In addition to the movement of the jungler, the highlight is still in the bottom lane.

Ever since we started watching each other, we have never stopped making small moves in the bottom lane. It is really not good for everyone to fight together, because each other's blood volume is low, and it will be the jungler who will benefit at that time. Both sides want to play an advantage, but Not at the expense of risk.

Olaf with the Predator Rune and the troll with Optimus Pillar are not weak in gank ability in the early stage, neither Lin Xuan nor Xiyan want to give the opponent a chance to play jungle.

At 20 minutes and [-] seconds, when Xue Yunqi was pushing the line, Olaf turned on the Predator to speed up and cut off. Mo Cheng flashed to keep up with the output, and Bubble took a blood.

At the same time, Zhang Heng came to the bottom lane and played two flashes.

Less than 2 minutes later, Mu Wanli went directly to the bottom lane after returning to the city, and initiated the long-planned five-person tower jumping and killing.

Team Fish and Dragon had obviously been on guard against this for a long time. Ailey and Xiyan were already careful enough, but it was really hard to be "unscathed" when facing a bull head with flashes without flashes. After the relatively advanced Bron, Xue Yunqi gave R directly, and Zhang Heng outflanked from the wild area.

Because he was afraid of Verus' ultimate move, Sky's choice of strong kills in this wave was stuck at the time before the four players in the bottom lane rose to level six.

Bron doesn't have a big move, but the hero itself is fleshy. Both Lin Xuan and Xi Yan haven't gone home to update their equipment, and their output is not high, but fortunately, the output of Troll, Galio and Thain is very good at this time. It's reliable, Ai Li was directly hit and killed by Mu Wanli's car.

Then Olaf and the vampire rushed to the battlefield one after another. Because Jiang Yingxue didn’t have a big move, the bull’s head’s frankness could not be reflected. After resisting the defensive tower twice, he had to escape. With the strength at the moment, he just replaced Xiyan with the damage of three people and one tower.

Jiang Yingxue was killed by Ao En who teleported to the ground.

Under the protection of Mu Wanli, Lin Xuan fought with Aoun. Xue Yunqi, who escaped from the tower, was chased by the vampire and Olaf. Out of the range of Lin Xuan and Mu Wanli's attack, this wave of planned upper-middle field six-level tower jumping was a [-]-for-[-] exchange, losing a kill and Tulong who was lost due to the jungler's death.

Because Mu Wanli's teleportation was still there, after the Yulong team went down the lane and returned to the line, Lin Xuan and the others, who were frustrated but not discouraged, immediately counterattacked and killed Xiyan and Ailei again, but the anti-tower Mu Wanli, who was caught by Xi Yan's big move, failed to escape and was replaced.

After this wave, the bottom lane finally gained an advantage, but the situation is not optimistic. Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue's blood volume is not healthy. In order to continue to push the line and push the tower, they had to give up when Pao Pao came to defend the tower. The idea of ​​directly pushing the tower goes home to supplement the state.

Most of the defensive towers on the road were knocked down by Aoun.

This is almost equivalent to trading top lane for lane.

At 1 minutes, Lin Xuan pushed down the bottom tower, followed by Zhao Jiang and Pao Pao who also pushed down Mu Wanli's top tower, and then Lin Xuan switched to the top lane and continued to push the tower, but the pace of advancement was not smooth , because the dragon is about to spawn.

This is a fire dragon.

Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue returned early to update their equipment. Lin Xuan had a sheep knife and a pair of attack speed shoes, while Xi Yan's Verus was not far behind, a sheep knife, a pair of straw sandals...she hadn't had time to return.

Kasha in this period is not at a strong point. Similarly, the strong period of their lineup is also far from coming, but for this wave of dragon team battles, no matter other people or Lin Xuan, they can fight.

However, just as they were about to enter the field and start a group, Olaf and the vampire rushed out of their home's red BUFF wild area without warning.

walk quickly.


A sound of sheep coming resounded all over the field.

Aoun's big move completely blocked their hope of advancing to the formation. As the pre-match commentary said, their lineup is different from the traditional four-guarantee-one system. They protect the core C position and advance to the formation, not the back row. In terms of output, when Olaf and the vampire both rushed to the face, Lin Xuan was broken by R and fled for his life. Without his cooperation, it would be difficult for others to rush in front of Verus to play the effect of one person first.

Two for four.

Except for Lin Xuan, all the others in Sky were killed, while the other party only killed Olaf and Bron.

After this wave, the Ichthyosaurus team has completely grasped the initiative. With the vampires, they are not eager to end the game quickly, and they operate in an orderly manner, slowly snowballing to expand their advantages.

In 15 minutes, the economic gap widened from less than two thousand to three thousand.

In 23 minutes, the economic gap widened from [-] to [-].

Then at Dalong, Sky won the most difficult and crucial team battle with a huge economic gap of [-] behind.

It is officially announced that the era of Kai'Sa is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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