Chapter 671 [691] Among the Thousand Armies

The basic damage of Kai’Sa skills in the original version is very considerable, so Lin Xuan did not rush to evolve the Q skills. The main focus is on attack speed, sheep knife, attack speed shoes, hurricane, mercury belt, and a small magic drinking knife .

At the same time, Xiyan's equipment still took a small lead, with sheep knives, armor shoes, cannons, ruins, and the same mercury laces.

However, the biggest threat in the fish and dragon team is not her, but Mo Cheng's vampire. This late-stage hero's equipment has been updated to the rocket belt, magic shoes, ghost book, big hat, and half of the magic wear Great, and a stopwatch that has never been used... This equipment may still be a long way from the peak of vampires, but it is enough to reverse the outcome of a team battle.

In fact, before the start of this team battle, the three commentators had basically reached a consensus that "Sky's game is difficult". The reason is also very simple and straightforward. Existence of extinction.

Even for those who don't have a deep understanding of some people, such as Xu Qingru who is sitting in the audience, Lin Yi and Jiang Ya who are far away in Yicheng waiting to see their son win the championship, for example, they are also far away in Hangzhou with their daughter waiting to see their son Fang Jingyue, who won the championship, and Evie, who was not interested or even dismissive of these things before but is also watching the game seriously at the moment... have all realized the crisis of the situation through the exaggeration of the commentary.

When Sky was trying to occupy some vision in the Dalong area and retain the real-time right to know the situation here, the Yulong team took the initiative to initiate a team battle.

Ornn's big move can be described as the best weapon for long-distance group opening. With a shout, the phantom of the horned deity instantly runs through the entire screen. The vampire and Olaf instantly turn on their horsepower and rush straight to Kai'Sa with strong wind.

One of the two has a blood pool and the other has a big move. They are all immune to control, and there is no way to face them. What's more, both the bull head and the troll were sent flying by Aoun's big move in the first place?So when seeing this scene, Zhang Fei and Wang Fei cried out almost at the same time, subconsciously seeing this as the beginning and end of the game's winner.

"Onn's big move kept Sky, and the vampire and Olaf rushed to face!"


Amidst their fast and emotional shouts, Kai'Sa on the big screen disappeared for less than a second by accelerating her invisibility, pulling away a short distance, but at the moment she appeared, the vampire flashed rushed to the front.

"The vampire flashes!!"

When everyone's eyes were focused on this part of Kai'Sa's battlefield, not many people saw a majestic figure that was knocked into the air by Aoun for the first time and let out a roar. It landed early and did not rush to the side as usual Teammates who were in danger, but Xiyan and Alley, who were rushing to the battlefield for output, walked towards the other side.




Three flashing sounds sounded one after another, which was not very eye-catching in the chaotic battlefield where all kinds of excitement were flying at the moment, but the whole situation has undergone earth-shaking changes because of this.

Xiyan's reaction was not unpleasant. Jiang Yingxue's second company was still dodged by her flash, but in order to ensure that she could keep up with the output in the first place, her flash did not go too far behind, but flashed sideways.

The third flash was Zhang Heng's.

A huge icicle appeared at the place where Xiyan was standing, and directly pushed her up. Zhang Heng bit Ao En's body with a big move, and then accelerated towards the decelerated Xiyan.

Xiyan's big move stopped Zhang Heng.

The next moment, Kai'Sa, who was surrounded by heavy siege, flew over.

Galio's ultimate move instantly casts a shadow area of ​​more than a thousand yards around the radiation, covering Verus firmly in it.

—— Kai'Sa is one of the most perfect ADCs in Lin Xuan's eyes so far.

With the development of the League of Legends, there are a total of 22 heroes that are officially positioned as "shooters". Among them, the five heroes Quinn, Male Gun, Teemo, Airplane and Kindred basically do not appear in the bottom lane, nor are they among the regular ADCs. Column, there are seventeen "adc" heroes left.

If we compare these seventeen ADCs, the judging criteria can be roughly divided into two aspects: output capability and self-protection capability. However, considering the version changes, balance is also a very important aspect.

Policewoman and Kalista are probably the two most difficult heroes to balance. The former is too strong in the early stage due to her long arms, so once her other attributes are not weak enough, it will be a disaster for other ADCs. It is easy to be attacked by the designer, and Kalista is destined to be more difficult to balance than the policewoman because of the hero mechanism, whether it is passive displacement or the terrifying outbreak of the spear-drawing skill of E.

When it comes to self-protection ability, Dazui, Mouse, Nvqiang, and Jhin, who have almost no self-protection ability, can basically bid farewell to the stage.

Ice, Jinx, Verus, Sivir, and Draven have some skills that can limit the opponent, but Ice loses in bursting, and Draven loses in teamwork and stability; Jinx is extremely dependent on teammates and is easy to target; Wei Russ has no displacement; Sivir has no bright spot, unless the other adcs are crippled, they are basically the life of the substitute.

Among the remaining six adcs, Lucian can almost be called the most perfect Kai'Sa before, but unfortunately, since the designers frantically attacked an adc's lifeline, he was short and could no longer get rid of the weak late stage ills.

In most cases, Ezreal is a hero used to show off rather than carry. The "fake" damage is too much, and the effective damage is too low. It is often easy to play the highest damage in the game against the wind, but unfortunately Just can't win.

There are almost no major problems with Xiaopao in all aspects, but the E skill leads to always pushing the line. Compared with other ADCs, the big move is a bit weak, and it is easy to save lives and heal the wounded.

Because of the existence of the ultimate move, Xia has no displacement but has one of the best self-protection capabilities among ADCs, with explosive output, but unfortunately lacks the ability to chase.

Although Vayne has always been criticized for her lack of AOE and weak early stage, in the minds of many players, she is almost a template for ADCs.

Until Kai'Sa shows up.

She's an enhanced version of Vayne.

Q skill points to the output, and has a very considerable basic damage ability (currently not cut), W skill has a high AP bonus, combined with the ultimate move to bring extremely powerful pursuit ability, E skill increases movement speed and attack Speed, and after evolution, it has the ability to be invisible, that's all, what's more, it can also use basic attacks to speed up cooling.

The ultimate move has a shield and the farthest instantaneous displacement ability in the entire League of Legends. It can be used for joining groups, chasing, assassinating, and self-protection. It can be said that it is the ultimate move with the most powerful ability to change fate among all ADC heroes.

In addition, there is also the ability to cut tanks brought by the passive, which can be triggered by two arrows after the sheep knife. Unlike Wayne who can easily break the third ring because of changing the attack target, this skill can mark multiple people at the same time, and cooperate with the hurricane The output in team battles is terrible.

Headwinds can make a comeback, and tailwinds can kill. Except for a slight lack of range, she can hardly find any shortcomings. It can be said that she has almost all the abilities required by an ADC.

——Ailey raised his shield to help Xiyan block the first wave of attacks, but after Xue Yunqi landed, she flashed a taunt and played a battle wind, Lin Xuan played passive, and directly took Xiyan away.

The ultimate overload cooling stealth opened the distance, and continued to kite out Bron and Ornn. On the other side, the vampire and Olaf lost their targets and were intercepted by Thain, so they had to chase him first.

Kai'Sa's output ability can be truly reflected only when the Sheep Knife is fully stacked. Even if there is no Void Detecting enemy, the passive will be triggered instantly, and two or three basic attacks will trigger a round of passive. The vampire and Olaf over there have not killed Thain yet. , Lin Xuan has already beheaded the two big meat tanks Braum and Ornn.

It is known that Mo Cheng and Pao Pao, who were defeated in the team battle, killed Thain and immediately turned and fled. After Jiang Yingxue, who moved the position in advance, kept Olaf, Lin Xuan immediately flashed to keep up with the output. He fell down without holding on for a second, leaving only the vampire to escape.

The quadruple kill sound effect of "Quadra kill" is extraordinarily magnificent because of the situation at the moment and the stage of the final. The sound waves are mixed together, interweaving and rendering the unique charm of e-sports.

"Quadruple kills! Qadra kill—"

"Sky played a wave of one for four at a big disadvantage of falling behind the economy of [-], and he can still take the big dragon! A wave of comeback——"

"Dalong Dalong can be Dalong!"


If Xu Qingru came to watch the game live just because of a certain person, then after this game, she really realized what will happen The game, and it's still a big screen.

The atmosphere at this moment is really contagious, especially seeing the person I support and like turn the tide in this way, the joy, pride and satisfaction, and even the indulgence of shouting with the whole scene, It was something she had never experienced before.

As for how vitally her teammates played in the team battle just now, that's not something she needs to consider.

After all, she has a reserved and quiet temperament. After being emotionally excited, she shouted a few times with her surroundings, and then quickly quieted down. The surrounding noises have not subsided. She thought in her heart that she would say that she was here to watch the game. There is no need to be so guilty anymore. When she turned her head and looked around, she saw many excited young faces, and her heart was filled with an unreasonable sense of pride that made her cheeks burn. Enjoying this feeling.

The next moment, she saw the girl named Jiang Yuqing from a distance. She was cheering excitedly like her companions beside her, but she soon calmed down. There was a faint blush on her beautiful face, which was because she was excited just now. What was left behind by the excitement has not receded, but the expression on his face has become lonely.

A thought flashed through Xu Qingru's mind: he is different from her after all.

She soon became more and more happy because of this idea, even when she turned her head and saw Lin Xuan and the others fighting the dragon, the opponent's mid laner vampire went home to replenish the equipment and then switched to teleport to harass, the commentators were expressing concern , the look of joy on her face did not dissipate.

In this somewhat narcissistic or self-deceiving mood, she remembered the conversation with Lin Xuan that afternoon, the relationship between Lin Huiyin and Xu Zhimo he had mentioned, no matter what the two had been, Mr. It is true that Xu Zhimo and Xu Zhimo still maintained a relationship after marriage. No matter in that era or this era, this relationship has certain requirements for the mentality, integrity, and mind of the four people involved.

The poem "Partridge Sky" that I loved the first time I read it quietly came to my mind:

Dim, light yellow, soft body shape, only fragrance remains in the distance.

Why light blue and deep red, it is the best among flowers.

She once wrote this poem in a certain composition competition, and was later selected into the composition collection. It has a certain degree of popularity among the student community. , when suddenly enlightened, her mood and emotions are naturally very different, proud, proud, open-minded, relaxed... Among all kinds of feelings, she only thought of this word.

At that moment, she even somewhat understood the mood of Mr. Jin Yuelin, who had long been buried in the dust of history and was doomed to be unknown. At least in her opinion, his mood at a certain period of time was probably like this.

However, the rest of the poem "Partridge Sky" written by the most talented woman in the ages is as follows:

Mei Ding is jealous, and Chrysanthemum should be ashamed.

The sorrow can be ruthlessly thinking, what happened back then.

(End of this chapter)

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