Chapter 685 [705] Rise on the Road
There was training in the afternoon of the second day. Because of jet lag, everyone's mental state was not very good, and the training task was not heavy. Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu discussed it last night and went to visit Shen He in the morning, so early in the morning, Lin Xuan As soon as Xuan fell asleep, he was woken up by the alarm clock. He had breakfast with Xiao Nizi, and then took some gifts he brought from China, and Xiao Nizi prepared in advance, as well as the gifts brought by Shen Yuan from France. The bottles of red wine that I don't want to give to Shen He by myself will be sent in the name of Lin Xuan.

Passing the Golden Gate Bridge and entering Beiwan, Lin Xuan has heard the name of this place for a long time. Xiao Nizi once described to him the natural scenery overlooking from a helicopter. Now that he really came here, Lin Xuan realized... Money is great.

San Francisco is one of the most livable places in the world, not only because of its economic and cultural environment, but also because of its natural climate. There is plenty of sunshine. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is warm in winter and cool in summer, but in May, many places in China , especially in the south, has gradually become hotter, and the average temperature here is still around [-] degrees, so it is very comfortable to travel at home.

Driving through the large grape fields, we arrived at Shen He's residence in Beiwan. When the car drove into the courtyard, Shen Yuan was sitting on the balcony on the second floor reading a book. Lin Xuan felt that it was more likely that he was waiting for someone. When the car stopped in the courtyard, she stood up, cast a condescending glance like a queen, then turned around and disappeared.

Lin Xuan pointed upwards, and Jiang Qianyu saw her sister's skirt fluttering away from her back, and comforted her: "It's okay, just leave her alone."

"Didn't she go to school in Paris, why did she come back?"

"She said she couldn't let you pass easily."

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "Then you still say leave her alone?"

"Oh, she's my sister, can she really make things difficult for you? Don't worry."

Qin Zhonghua and his wife have already come out to welcome them. Lin Xuan once heard Xiao Nizi mention them, especially this Uncle Qin's cooking skills. The two of them are obviously no strangers to him. The first time they met, they exchanged a few words of greeting, and then helped to carry the big bag Locket for gifts.

When Shen Yuan came out of the house, she saw that Cheng Sheng's box containing the "[-]rd Edition" Margaux red wine she had obtained with great difficulty was also moved out of the car, staring at her sister expressionlessly, Jiang Qianyu showed her a sweet smile, and it was obvious that being led by that guy was becoming more and more shameless.

Shen Yuan snorted and didn't speak. Evie, who came up behind her, had already greeted Lin Xuan with a smile. As Xiao Nizi said, she spoke fluent Mandarin and was very proficient.Lin Xuan didn't know how to address her, and she couldn't call her "Sister Evie" like Xiao Nizi. She was purely trying to annoy her father, and he couldn't make trouble with her father-in-law like this, so he had to call her "Miss Evie" very politely.

This mixed Chinese and English name is somewhat strange, but Evie didn't care, and was very enthusiastic about Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan heard Xiao Nizi talk about it, and knew that this woman who might become the stepmother of the sisters had a bad relationship with Shen Yuan, but coincidentally Now, Shen Yuan didn't deal with him either. The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend. Although it is not appropriate to use it here, it is true that both of them need to be recognized in this family.

Lin Xuan naturally understood what to do. Although he called himself "Miss Evie", he spoke with the attitude and tone of his elders, and soon tacitly formed an alliance to cooperate and coexist under Shen Yuan's oppression.

Shen He also came down from upstairs. Lin Xuan didn't feel any psychological pressure when he saw him. After saying hello, Evie asked what was in that box. Lin Xuan still didn't know what wine was in that box. Jiang Qianyu He answered naturally on his behalf, saying that the wine was given to Lin Xuan by his sister, but he was not willing to drink it, so he brought it to his father.

Before Shen He expressed his opinion, Evie was full of praise. Wine is nothing, what is rare is this kindness. Of course, she did not forget to praise Shen Yuan, but the effect was not good, and Shen Yuan didn't appreciate it at all. .

It was only then that Lin Xuan finally realized that the one who seemed to be allied with the gods had nothing to do with being a puppet of himself.

These small thoughts that can be seen at a glance are obviously impossible to deceive Shen He, he doesn't care, and whether Jiang Qianyu or Evie may have some small thoughts, but in fact the ultimate goal is not for himself, not even for Lin Xuan .

The relationship between Shen Yuan and Shen He was worse than Lin Xuan imagined.

The tactful mediation between Jiang Qianyu and Eice did not have much effect. Halfway through the meal, Shen He chatted with Lin Xuan, talking about the general trend of e-sports in the next few years, and the upcoming MSI competition boom. After offending Shen Yuan, she suddenly interjected a sentence full of gunpowder: "Based on the performance of LPL and LCK in the past few years, the odds of the two teams should be quite different by then. If Sky can beat STR, can you How much money? Is it enough for me to change a car?"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment before realizing the meaning of Shen Yuan's words. Shen He frowned, stared at her and said, "You are not young, don't always judge things by your own imagination..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shen Yuan, who sneered and asked Shen He: "Let STR lose to Lin Xuan, you will make money, Lin Xuan got the name, and you can attract a wave of fans, and maybe you can help you later Entering China, anyway, STR is not short of this point, and there is no harm. Even if it is not for making money, it is okay to pave the way for your future son-in-law? If you are more capable, you may be able to help SKY win the championship. You know better than me how much benefits it can bring..."

Even with Shen He's city-mindedness, Shen Yuan's face sank in anger, she slapped the table, and shouted: "Enough!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback, Shen Yuan remained unchanged, sneered, picked up the glass and drank the clear liquid in one gulp, put the glass on the table with a click, got up and left the table .

Jiang Qianyu called "Sister" and hurriedly chased after her. The remaining three were silent for a while before Lin Xuan asked cautiously, "Have you manipulated the game?"

"Control a fart!"

Probably in a bad mood, Shen He uttered a rare swear word, "I've never touched e-sports before."

Evie explained on her behalf: "Although he holds shares in several clubs, in fact..." Probably to make the explanation more straightforward, she pondered for a while, and then said: "For example, we have a company and invested in a company , this company has injected capital into a certain club, probably in this way. From this point of view, it has shares in the club, not direct control. In real terms, he can only be regarded as the owner of the club ATM, and he is only the owner of the club. One of the two bosses has almost never personally asked about its affairs, and there are dedicated people to take care of it."

"As for manipulating the game, maybe someone has done it or done it like this, but it's not an easy task, and we don't have any interest in this aspect. At present, we are more interested in the three fields of intelligence, biology and archaeology. .”

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment. He could understand intelligence and biology to some extent, but what the hell is archaeology?

He was about to ask, when Jiang Qianyu came back and said to Shen He, "It's okay, she went to play games."

Shen He nodded, Jiang Qianyu sat down and asked, "Have you really controlled the game?"

Shen He was much more gentle towards his daughter, he shook his head and said, "No, I'm not interested in this, and I don't need to play this if I want to make money."

Lin Xuan still believed in his words.

Jiang Qianyu asked again: "Then why did my sister say that?"

Evie smiled and said, "Just to annoy him."

Xiao Nizi thought for a while, then nodded: "It's also possible." Then she muttered: "Is it because you can really control the game?"

Shen He laughed and said, "Why, do you want my help?"

Jiang Qianyu raised her chin and snorted arrogantly, "Tch, think too much, we don't need it."

Lin Xuan knew that the words she just muttered were for the purpose of enlivening the atmosphere, so he didn't care. He had heard about this aspect, but generally speaking, the current e-sports competitions are relatively formal, especially the more competitions, the more competition. in this way.Because the benefits of winning a big competition are higher, the price that needs to be paid is naturally higher if you want the professional life of the club or the players to risk the match-fixing.

If an LPL team has a chance to win the world championship, how much benefit can it give it to outweigh the benefits of winning the championship?

For the LPL, which is desperately looking forward to a championship, a world championship is enough to make everyone in the entire team a hero, and the commercial benefits that come with it are simply immeasurable.

As far as STR is concerned, as the first generation of LCK dynasty, they have been silent for too long. They also need and desire this world champion to prove themselves.

Whether it is for the players or for the club, it is true.

This incident was soon revealed, and after the meal, Lin Xuan drank tea with Shen He and chatted about playing chess. Shen He loved Go, but Lin Xuan couldn't, so he had to change to chess.

And until Lin Xuan left, he didn't ask the doubts in his heart.

Since Shen He had never done anything similar to manipulating the game, what exactly was it that caused Shen Yuan to have such a big prejudice against him--Shen Yuan might not really think that Shen He would do such a thing, but In her heart, the image of this father, or some means, is obviously not very glorious.

However, shopping malls are like battlefields, and soldiers never tire of cheating. This has been the case since ancient times. Lin Xuan was not naive enough to think that Shen He liked Confucian culture and was an honest gentleman. He was neither surprised nor interested in this. His focus was still on the next training. with the game.

When we got back to the hotel, other people were already training, and the time for the training match with other teams was getting closer, so Lin Xuan stopped driving RANK and stood behind Mu Wanli with Zhang San and Ren Fan to watch him RANK.

After Mu Wanli's request was passed at the meeting not long ago, his initial training state was not ideal. Lin Xuan had watched several RANK videos of him, and many times he was too aggressive, trying to gain an advantage or even kill him solo. Instead, he gave the other party a chance, either being counter-killed or caught to death.

Zhang San and Ren Fan were worried about this, and hesitated for a while whether to stop. Lin Xuan also understood the risk of going on like this, but he still chose to give Mu Wanli some more time.

When the turning point happened, probably no one can say clearly, but Lin Xuan thinks it should have something to do with the RANK before going to the United States.

Lin Xuan, Jiang Yingxue, Mu Wanli, and Liu Handong were once in the same rank. Lin Xuan and Liu Handong were in the same camp, and Jiang Yingxue was in the same camp as Mu Wanli. Liu Handong was replaced as a support, and went down with Lin Xuan. Against Jiang Yingxue, he chose Bron.

In terms of assisting Liu Handong, it is naturally far inferior to Jiang Yingxue, but their early advantages, especially Mu Wanli's two attempts to hit solo kills, failed to jump the tower once, and was caught by the jungler once, led to Lin Xuan's side. There is no solution, the whole team advances very quickly, and the team economy is almost crushed.

And Liu Handong relied on the equipment advantages brought by the team to single-handedly kill Jiang Yingxue's Thresh in a team battle. Reasonably, one general attack and one general attack hammered to death.

The result of the duel between the two assistants did not have a big impact, but it was naturally different in the eyes of those who cared, especially when Liu Handong was excited, he shouted: "Hahaha, you two can't do it, brother-in-law, did you see it? Did Xiaoxue kill alone? Who is the best supporter..."

After two rounds, Mu Wanli and Liu Handong lined up in the same hostile camp. Mu Wanli's sword girl was caught three times by Liu Handong, and the result was a one-for-one exchange twice, and a bloody double kill for the third time.

Since then, this guy has become more and more fierce like a demon who has unlocked the seal.

In the training match that day, Mu Wanli took out Sword Fairy again.

Match Shine on top of ATM.

This person, like TL's former mid laner Check and STR's current support, and Kim Taejun Glod, who is known as the strongest brain, was once a teammate of Crane King Li Yifan, the first generation champion of the Crane Dynasty, and went to North America after winning the championship. Since then, he has been serving in the NA division.

In this MSI top laner ranking, Shine is recognized by officials and many commentators as second only to Choi Myung-soo, ranking second in each ranking.

Shine was recognized as a top laner model back then, and the hero pool accumulated over the past few seasons is even comparable to the ocean. Almost all heroes can be easily acquired, and they can be C, stable, fierce or cowardly. Otherwise, every team in the NA division will not hesitate. Big money grab.

I don't know if it is to compete with the rising star Cui Mingxiu for the title of the world's number one top laner. Recently, Shine seems to be practicing the carry type top laner. The hero he chose in this training game is the captain.


Mu Wan single-handedly killed the captain twice offline, one of which was by jumping the tower. He almost broke through the top lane with his own strength and broke the ATM's defense line.

In 7 and [-] minutes, a single sword destroyed the ATM on the road to the Highland Tower.

At 24 minutes, Lin Xuan and the others fought Dalong and asked him to stop him from the bottom lane. As a result, they hadn't finished fighting the dragon, and this guy used two defensive towers to forcefully kill the opponent's top laner, and then killed the adc in front of the support.

Before Lin Xuan and the others finished playing Long, they saw the ATM public screen typing, indicating that they could quit the game.

What about those who don't believe?Hand me the ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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