Chapter 686 [706] Snatch Yasuo

Since then, Mu Wanli's training status has become more and more prosperous, and it seems that driven by him, the status of the entire team has begun to get better and better.

However, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, and dripping water is not a one-day work. In fact, since the second half of the regular season, everyone's state has been improving, but they have always been suppressed by the light of Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue. It was difficult to show it, but Mu Wanli's outburst completely broke through the aura of the bottom lane.

For SKY, the biggest opponent who wants to win the championship is always STR, so in the daily training match, it is natural to guard against STR. In the training match with STR, they still maintain the tactic of the bottom lane core C position The way of playing, unexpectedly also played back and forth with STR.

The tactical system itself is difficult to have high ground advantages and disadvantages. In the final analysis, it depends on whether it is suitable or not, and the execution ability of the team. The reason why the top lane carry system is rare in LPL teams is not to say that it is impossible to find domestic players who can carry. It's easy to find but hard to train, foreign aid can always be bought, right?But how many LPL teams have used it?

The reason why the top lane carry system is abandoned by most LPL teams is that multi-core is difficult to balance, and in the case of conflicts and trade-offs, most LPL teams tend to prefer bottom lane.

The LCK team is not without such problems, but in the LCK, the coaching staff is the absolute authority, and will not give you face just because of who you are. The coaching staff decides the tactical core of a game. C will play around you, and if you are sacrificed in the next game, you will be a dog honestly.

In terms of execution and synergy, the LCK team has maintained a crushing lead over other divisions for a long time.

Sky, which still has not broken out of the category of "new army", is actually inferior to many teams in LPL in terms of tacit understanding and coordination, let alone compared with LCK, but their advantage lies in the momentum of the entire team, and everyone works together.

Uneven distribution of resources is a situation that can easily happen in a team with multi-star players. If it is not handled properly, it may even cause the entire team to explode.

The original sky also caused many contradictions because of this.

The arrival of Lin Xuan can resolve this contradiction. In fact, the most important thing is not his strength, nor is it because of the team's successive victories, but because he has never given up on promoting the team's multi-core system after becoming the core of the team.

Because of this, Xue Yunqi really eliminated the unbalanced psychology. She no longer rejected the bot lane core or even the four guarantees and one system. Instead, she felt guilty for a long time because the team had spent a lot of money on the middle and wild system. Time and energy, and because of his declining state, it almost dragged down the entire team forever.

And when the team is most in danger, it is the next way to turn the tide and help the building to collapse.

Now that the center of gravity has moved up, Xue Yunqi may not be convinced at first, but she will never object or be negative. Just like the bottom lane is willing to give the middle lane a chance, he should not be stingy in giving the top lane a chance.

Mu Wanli proved that he was worthy of such trust.

Xue Yunqi was overjoyed, but she was more or less aroused to be competitive. Zhang San and Ren Fan knew this well, but with the lessons learned from Mu Wanli, they did not intervene. Instead, they were happy to see the results. How far can it grow.

There may not be no chance to compete with STR.

Before the game, all the big teams are training and preparing intensely, but the outside world is not very calm, such as the situation of each team's training game, which team is being interviewed, which commentator is optimistic about who... the players don't pay much attention to this, But many viewers and fans are still very interested.

Coach STR said in an interview with the domestic media that "he will definitely not lose the LCK championship in his own hands, otherwise he will swim back to Korea from San Francisco", which shows his confidence.

The ADC player of LVT said that in his mind, the strongest bot lane in this MSI is SKY's bot lane combination.

The mid laner of BGM thinks that the strongest team is STR, but he is looking forward to the match against SKY, because their support player is so beautiful, it is difficult for him to imagine why she came to play professionally.


The training matches between the various teams are kept strictly confidential, but people in the circle can find out some of the places that do not involve tactics. Two days before the start of the main match, Sakura learned from Xiao Xuan that "the recent training match The results are good.” Then the news spread from Wang Fei—he directly posted a Weibo: I heard that SKY has performed well in the recent training competition, and the competition will start in two days. I feel that I can look forward to it.

Although the training match can experience the state of a team, it is obvious that it does not represent the competition. There are almost every year when the training match is very good and the game is on the street. Some teams are even ridiculed as "invincible in the training match". "such as.

So after this microblog was sent out, it really made many people who care about SKY feel at ease, but for those who were pessimistic from the beginning, it didn't have the ability to change their minds, and instead aroused a lot of ridicule.

"TL says it has something to say"

"LCK hides its clumsiness in training games every year, just waiting for the game to break out"

"Just look at the results of the training match, are you serious?"

"Last year, TL also said that the winning rate of the training match was 90%, but the final four was eliminated."

"To be honest, don't talk about the training match, the group stage can't be taken seriously, let's talk about winning the LCK in BO5"


The night before the game, in the morning of local time in San Francisco, a commentator from the EU Division tweeted a news, saying: I heard the news from a certain player that this year's LPL team is vulnerable.

This news was transferred to Weibo by the e-sports media in less than 10 minutes, and then quickly aroused heated discussions in the e-sports circle. For those who support LPL or SKY, they are somewhat angry and pessimistic. For those who have long been dissatisfied with SKY representing LPL, it is like finding an excellent gap.

There may not be no sailors leading the rhythm, but it does reflect to a certain extent the pessimistic attitude of most viewers towards SKY's expedition on behalf of LPL.

Lin Xuan and the others basically cut off contact with the outside world, but there are people in the club who have been paying attention to outside public opinion. After this incident came out, Sky felt very confused for a while, and had no idea how this commentary came out.

And then, in the comments under the dynamics, the commentary also gave a further "explanation", saying that what the player said was referring to the top lane and the middle lane.

So now the crowd suddenly came to a sudden, and even many people who were not angry at first felt a sense of "relief", which was probably similar to "the original SKY top lane and mid lane, no wonder..."

After SKY won the championship, the popularity rose again, but generally speaking, most of the popularity gathered in the bottom lane. Xue Yunqi and Liu Handong also attracted some fans because of their handsome looks and hard work, while Mu Wanli...

In the eyes of most, he is the undoubted shortcoming of SKY, which is similar to the "unit of measurement" of the LPL top lane.

——Actually, according to the truth that SKY learned a few days later, the commentator should have learned the "revelation" earlier, but I don't know what considerations he made before the game.

In the early morning of China, in the afternoon of local time in San Francisco, the mid laner of the ATM team posted a very interesting dynamic on Twitter, to the effect: Blind arrogance is a very stupid behavior. back.

This tweet can easily be associated with what the commentator in the EU division said, and thus attracted the attention of many people. However, it is already early in the morning in China, and not many people pay attention.

On the afternoon of the 22nd in San Francisco, it was the early morning of the 23rd in mainland China.

After the brief opening ceremony on the gorgeous stage, the MSI race kicked off. As the host, the ATM team easily defeated the Vietnam champion LVT, which attracted warm applause from the local audience.

Then the former champion dynasty STR came on the stage, and won the same or even warmer welcome and applause than at home. In the next game, they lived up to expectations and defeated the BGM team, which has been very fast in the past two years, but STR Winning is not easy.

BGM brought everyone a surprise in the selection.

Mid laner Yasuo.

Next, as a talented European mid laner, especially in the EU season this spring split, has attracted a lot of popularity and attention for him. As soon as Yasuo, a hero, was brought out, the audience cheered.

Next did not live up to his reputation as the No. [-] mid laner in Europe. In this game, he used Yasuo to complete the solo kill. It was Yasuo who brought STR a lot of trouble. In the end, he won by With STR's superior team fighting ability, he won the opener without any risk.

After this game, the power of STR, BGM, and ATM was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some audiences who got up to watch the game early in the morning, or foreign students who came to the scene, and other audiences who cared about LPL all felt a bit chilled.

This feeling of watching other people flaunt their power is not comfortable.

Jiang Qianyu came to the scene. She is not well-known in North America, but some Chinese international students recognize her. When they saw her at the scene, they were very surprised to take a group photo.

She has been here for a few months, and she has recognized a few people of the same age, most of whom are children of people who have business contacts with Shen He, but there are no like-minded people, so the people who came to watch the game with her are Shen Yuan, and Qing Ge.

In the first game, the director showed the audience the scene. The two sisters sitting side by side in the front row were extremely eye-catching. People who watched the game in China naturally recognized her, but they didn't recognize Qingge who was sitting next to her.

They are located near the aisle, and Qingge sits on the outermost side. They don't seem to recognize each other, so some fans, or viewers who recognize her, can't help guessing the identity of this man, and some even wonder if it's "" shallow boyfriend".

Jiang Qianyu watched the chat in the group after the second game, and seeing such a statement, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he gave a simple explanation in the fan group: "Driver, because it took a long time, I simply bought an extra one." ticket."

Some people also expressed doubts such as "Qianqian didn't deny that she has a boyfriend", but they were quickly submerged in a wave of "Fuck, there is a driver" and "Qianqian's family is so rich".

Soon the SKY team came to the stage to prepare, and the group began to discuss the game.

"TPA is very fierce in the finalists, especially the middle field"

"That's nothing to see. The intensity of the play-in competition is not as good as that of LPL, okay?"

"Nakano is still very strong"

"It's okay, brother-in-law will go down the road and break through"

"Has anyone noticed the five-star red flag on the sleeve of the team uniform?"

"It's fun without Korean aid, and the game with the national flag"

"Although I don't want my brother-in-law and the others to win the championship, they won't lose to the provincial team, right?"

"It's going to explode"


Jiang Qianyu knew a little about Sky's recent state, and was not worried. He still swore in the group: "Don't worry."

The so-called lion fights the rabbit also needs to work hard. Lin Xuan and the others are not as relaxed as Xiao Nizi. Although the six MSI teams have their own strengths and weaknesses, even STR will turn over if they are careless. This is what they represent LPL. In the first match, naturally, one should not be careless.

Because it is not the opening stage, there is no need for the substitute Liu Handong to come on stage this time. Lin Xuan and the five of them appeared on the stage wearing specially customized new team uniforms shortly after stepping down from STR and BGM. Ren Fan was wearing a suit and leather shoes. Xiaoben stood behind them and pretended to analyze the arrangement of the game.

Jiang Yingxue was coding her "You Baochan Mountain", Lin Xuan was chatting with Xue Yunqi, Mu Wanli and Zhang Heng, such as how many audiences were there, how many people supported them, and whether there were any beautiful girls among the foreign students... The microphone shouldn't be boring enough to play these things, right?

After chatting tediously for a while, I finally heard the reminder from the referee that the game is about to start, and after entering the game room one by one, we will officially enter the selection.

A few minutes later, there was a loud noise and whistles and screams, and Jiang Qianyu even heard several young people with different skin colors shouting the name "SKY".

SKY grabs Yasuo.

(End of this chapter)

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