Chapter 687 [707] In the silent place


"Wow, this is a bit..."

Although Yasuo was already used in the BGM in the first game, in the impression of most people, this hero is still a relatively unpopular "sexy thing" on the field, and LPL is in the eyes of most players, including the audience in their own competition area. Li, who has always been relatively conservative, unexpectedly brought out such a thing on the first day of the competition, which is a big surprise.

"Hey, do you think they played with BGM in the training match?"

For today's six games, the LPL has two shifts of commentators. The people responsible for the first three games are Xin Xin and Shu Ya. These two are relatively "new", unlike Jiang Luoying, Zhang Fei, and Wang Fei. I am familiar with many clubs, so I don't have much inside information. Of course, even if there are a few of them, it is unlikely to find out about the team's training content, so I can only guess.


Hearing what Shu Ya said, Xin Xin nodded in agreement, "Because SKY showed up directly in the first game, it must have been practiced in advance, otherwise it would not be played like this, and the training game is actually to exchange and learn from each other. .”

"Who do you think played this Yasuo?"

"Uh... I remember that SKY played Yasuo last time, and it seemed that Xiaoxue played that time. This time... it shouldn't be possible, right?"

"I don't think it's possible, supporting's a bit too..."

This Yasuo can't be a support, of course, it's a surprise to play this kind of show routine once in a while, and it's just courting death again and again, but in fact, even picking Yasuo is just for pretending.

In this round, TPA gave priority to side selection, and chose the blue side, probably in order to ensure that the bottom lane can be "mixed". With the troll still in the situation, they first-handedly picked Ezreal.

Now that the troll is here, Yasuo has the opportunity and reason to play. SKY quickly discussed the mid-field combination of taking the troll and Yasuo directly, but if they take Yasuo in the second hand, it is obviously gone. The effect of "getting the head start", so after discussing to take the troll and Yasuo, Lin Xuan reminded Mu Wanli, who was going to choose, to lock Yasuo first, and to lock Yasuo in seconds, the kind without thinking.

Anyway, they were both Yasuo and the troll, and there was not much difference in order. Mu Wanli followed suit, and then he heard a wave of sound coming through the sound-proof earphones.

He praised sincerely: "My brother-in-law is a master!"

Xue Yunqi said: "Pretend like the wind."

Zhang Heng continued: "Always be with you."

"No, no, I'm not good at this, and I have to learn more from my brother-in-law."

After Zhang Heng locked the troll, TPA quickly took down Mantis, and then hesitated for a while among the three heroes Ryze, Rock Sparrow, and Zoe, and finally chose Ryze.

"What else shall we take?"

When Ren Fan asked this question, he really realized the convenience brought by the player status and hero pool to the coach. In the past, he only felt this way when he was considering the bottom lane selection, but now the top lane is also in the same state. It means that at this time, what he has to think about is who to give the counter position to, not who to sacrifice.

Very cool.

——If you have strength and a hero pool, you will be called Counter, otherwise you will basically be sacrificed.

"A Li, do you want to choose first?"

"I also can."

"Then let's play first, brother-in-law, what do you want to play?"

"Let's give it to Xiaoxue first, she is better."

Jiang Yingxue turned her head and glanced at Lin Xuan, "I want Yasuo."

"Don't, don't, I was wrong, I was wrong." Lin Xuan immediately confessed.

The others laughed, and Ren Fan laughed and said, "How is Karma?"

Jiang Yingxue said "Yes", and Xue Yunqi then helped her lock Karma. At this time, TPA still had support and mid laners who hadn't been selected, and sky had left ad and top laner who hadn't chosen. In the second round, Sky chased and pulled Mo Ganna and Tam, TPA took Ornn and Xayah.

In the fourth hand, Lin Xuan helped Mu Wanli lock the big bug.

TPA locked Dashu and Bron.

Then there is the last AD bit left.

Ren Fan said: "Kogmaw."

Xue Yunqi said: "Yes."

Zhang Heng also said: "Our lineup, now it can make up for AP damage."

Lin Xuan said: "Actually, I want to play Wei En."

Ren Fan murmured, "Vayne...isn't that necessary?"

"There is a praying mantis on the opposite side, Kog'Maw is too easy to be cut."

"Did you treat Xiaoxue for nothing?"

"...I'm afraid she will watch me die."

Jiang Yingxue looked back at him.

Lin Xuan turned to Ren Fan and said, "Look, right?"

Zhang Heng smiled and said, "Xiaoxue will directly choose Kogmo if you continue like this."

Lin Xuan said: "Then I will apply for a new BP, who is afraid of who..."

Jiang Yingxue chose Kogmo.

"I, I, I, I'm afraid of you, I'm afraid of you..."

Lin Xuan was afraid that she was really locked, and Xiao Nizi was watching from below. Naturally, he was still expressing his intentions. In fact, there was no problem with taking Kogmaw in this round, but Wei En was a little more unstable. But he is confident, so he doesn't worry that choosing Wei En will explode.

"My brother-in-law chose Dazui here, but it hasn't been locked yet."

Shu Ya explained the situation of the selection in real time, and Xin Xin also said: "I'm still communicating with the coach and teammates. In fact, I think this lineup has no problem taking Kog'Maw. It can provide AP damage. It is guaranteed in the later stage, and the big mouth In fact, it can be regarded as one of the most famous heroes of my brother-in-law."


Before Shu Ya could finish his words, he saw the last ugly head with a big mouth flashing, and a familiar but definitely not expected head appeared above.

After just a few minutes, there was another uproar at the scene, and the shouts of "Oh" and "Oh" were endless.



"Wow... Sky is the candidate..."

Shu Ya was stunned for a while, Xin Xin smiled and said, "I can only say that my brother-in-law is still my brother-in-law, okay, this choice is too confident!"

"Actually, I think it can be seen from here that the mentality of the SKY players is relatively relaxed now."

"Yes, and we believe they were absolutely prepared."

"That's right, and this is not the first time my brother-in-law has taken Vayne. He has taken this hero in the LPL game before."


"What's the situation, why are you screaming again?" Shen Yuan's understanding of the League of Legends was very limited, so she had to ask her sister shamelessly.

"Because it looks good."

Jiang Qianyu, who was also cheering with the others around her, turned her head to look at her sister, her eyes flashed with joy, "Vayne is the most capable ADC, just like the one in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds who is easy to play with all his strength. The operation of the team eating chicken."

"Isn't everyone rushing to use it?"

"This hero is weak in the early stage, and it is difficult to control. Strong people use it as a god, and weak people use it as a pig."

"What about the one just now?"

"That's different."

"What's the difference?"

"The people who use it are different."


After the lineup was determined, the coaches of the two sides shook hands, and then a pre-recorded pre-match interview was played on the big screen. The person interviewed was TPA's mid laner TT.

"I watched their game, they are very good, but although Sky is an old team, but they are all rookies, and they are very dependent on the bottom lane, so we only need to focus on the bottom lane, and we are still very confident that we can beat them .”

Jiang Qianyu let out a "tss".

Shen Yuan laughed and teased: "Have you not made it public yet? If someone takes a picture of your current young daughter-in-law, there is no need to make it public at all, unless a blind person can't see it! How can there be such brothers and sisters..."

Jiang Qianyu blushed, glanced left and right, then raised her chin and glanced at her sister, "It's public, we're not afraid."

"Then why hasn't it been made public?"

"That's not true. Mom won't allow it. He said that the time has not come. Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited until now because of his temper. And there's no need to make it public. It's fine to admit it when it's discovered."

"whispering sound."

"Oh, let's watch the game first."


On the big screen, the heroes of both sides have already arrived at the river, confronting each other from a distance, but neither of them took any further action, only Xue Yunqi's Yasuo said "Hazak!" to the air boredly.

Zhang Heng started the game with the red buff on the top lane, Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue came to the bottom lane ahead of time, and the opponent's Ezreal and Bron unexpectedly appeared in the bottom lane at the first time, Jiang Yingxue quickly marked the blue buff of the opponent, Lin Xuan then More straightforward, reminded: "The mantis is estimated to be blue."

If it was Liu Handong, if he was popular and the other party was blue, he would probably rush over there and do it. Obviously, Zhang Heng would not be so aggressive, so he would calmly brush his own buff, and then go get the river crab.

Although Wei En didn't have the ability to push the lane, Karma was very strong in the lane. Lin Xuan didn't just use Wei En to cowardly in the lane. Ezreal didn't even eat a pawn, but Jiang Yingxue stepped up and smashed him Lin Xuan also used the grass to block the hatred of the soldiers, and hit Bron twice.

TPA's bot lane is definitely second to none in the LMS, but at the World Championships, it is obvious that he is very clear about his position, and he has been educated several times during the training match, so he does not dare to show any temper, and looks at the opponent honestly push soldiers.

After grabbing the second level first, the bottom road has established a small advantage.

The director's shots are still in the middle most of the time.

Xue Yunqi practiced hard during this period, especially after being stimulated by Mu Wanli, she was also tortured by Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue in Yasuo's solo. As a mid laner, Yasuo lost to ADC and support in a row. Do you want the face and dignity of the mid laner?
So in this round, Yasuo must have taken it out to get back his face. The two perverted old men in the team can't beat them, and can't they abuse others?

Of course, it is still difficult for Yasuo to play against Ryze in the lane. He must be persuaded in the early stage. Xue Yunqi is also very patient, standing behind the pawn line, watching Ryze's pawns push the line.

TT's basic skills are very solid, there are twelve soldiers in the two waves, and none of them are missed. When the third wave of soldiers came to the defense tower, he replaced all the soldiers, and followed the soldiers to Xue Yunqi's tower.

At the end of the two waves of soldiers, Xue Yunqi missed a make-up knife, then glanced at the line of soldiers, and stepped forward to cut.

Happy man.

The second level is the beginning of happiness.

E! E! EQ! Ah! Ah!Again!Re-E!

Yasuo is not easy to play against Ryze in the lane. It can be said that in the early stage, he can only hold back his development, but TT, who just expressed his belief in winning in the pre-match interview, is not too confident, and still lacks experience against Yasuo. , He didn't open the distance in time when he was imprisoned, and was hit directly by Xue Yunqi's EQ, especially after the Conqueror was fully stacked, a tornado accumulated hit him.

Ryze's blood volume was directly knocked out by nearly two-thirds, and Xue Yunqi, who was resisting the pawn line, didn't take advantage of it too much, but anyway, he continued to hold back when he was fighting, and he was not in a hurry to kill the only one After drinking a bottle of potion, relying on Dolan's sword to slowly regain blood little by little.

The gank ability of the mantis in the early stage is far inferior to that of the troll. After all, a pillar is stuck under the buttocks, basically to force the rhythm of flashing. TT dare not be careless. He bought a reusable potion and drank both layers of potion .

After 2 minutes, Xue Yunqi stepped forward again and wanted to fight again, but TT was a lot more cautious this time, and immediately opened the distance after being imprisoned. Xue Yunqi also used the wind wall to dissolve the opponent's skills and retreated quickly.

This wave of small losses, but it is difficult for Yasuo to fight Ryze in the lane, and he is not in a hurry.

Zhang Heng and Mantis competed for the river crab, but Ryze arrived first, flashed and imprisoned and played a combo, Zhang Heng was killed without even handing over the flash.

Brother Heng, it's normal to have a small disadvantage in the wild, Xue Yunqi is not in a hurry.

After 6 minutes of game time, Zhang Heng came to the top lane, and the ice column cooperated with Mu Wanli's silence and knock-up. After all three controls were given, Mu Wanli flashed and took away the first blood of the opponent's top laner Dashu.

Look, isn't the teammate just calling back?

Xue Yunqi was not in a hurry, and went home to buy a pair of attack speed shoes.

In the bottom lane, Wayne and Karma pushed the pawn line under the tower, Mantis ganked around the back, and then was chained by Wayne and Karma to walk the dog, two-on-three counter-killing the jungler, which attracted the cheers of the audience, which could be heard faintly through the earphones the sound of.

No C, no coquettish, still called brother-in-law?

Xue Yunqi is not in a hurry.

Mu Wanli teleported to the bottom lane, and he... oh, he followed, but it was a pity that he failed to climb the tower. Mu Wanli sacrificed Braum, who had replaced him, and Xiaoxue took his head.

The top order changed to support, and he lost a teleportation, and he didn't even get an assist.

Very bad.

But Xue Yunqi was still not in a hurry, he knew very well that his performance time was at least after a costume was completed.

After 13 minutes of game time, he cleared it and went home to update his equipment again.

electric blade.

After a moment of hesitation, he replaced the yellow jewelry with red.

Oracle lens.

After finishing this, he straightened his clothes, hung his jade flute around his waist, pressed his long sword in his hand, and walked straight down the road.

A battle awaits that will go down forever in Yasuo's matchday repertoire.

(End of this chapter)

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