Chapter 693 [713] Yes

On Monday, May 22, MSI kicked off.

Xu Qingru learned about SKY's game in advance, but she didn't get up early to watch SKY's TPA game, because there are classes in the morning, and disrupting the schedule will definitely delay the morning class.

And the time for this STR game was in the second half of the first class in the morning and the first half of the second class, so she deliberately found the pair of glasses without lenses.

At the beginning of the class, she put on the pair of "glasses" and put the glasses case in front of the desk. Then when the game started, she secretly put the mobile phone horizontally in the glasses case and put on the Bluetooth headset. Her hair is very natural The ground is loose, holding the stylus, and raising his head from time to time. Of course, most of the time he is meditating, his eyes are slightly lowered, and occasionally he writes some words on the PAD.

It's a perfect camouflage.

If Shao Dan, who was sitting next to him, hadn't secretly glanced at the screen of his mobile phone from the very beginning... Please, your movements are too obvious, okay?

She quickly lost her mind to care about Shao Dan, and even forgot to look up for more than 20 seconds.

How did that happen?

At this time, some trivial things I learned before the game and I don’t know if it can be called information resurfaced in my mind. STR’s assistant Jin Taijun, the game ID seems to be Glod... I can’t remember clearly, it’s not as easy to remember as my real name, yes The veteran of Crane's first generation of champion dynasty, and also the MVP of the finals when he defeated SKY, and the person who developed the Nosuke Shuangyou tactics to the peak. He is known as "the strongest brain" and has a deep understanding of the game. Even now, after all competition areas have reached a very high level of understanding of the game, he is still very good at some small tactical design.

If An Chengye is the soul of STR, then Jin Taijun is the brain of STR, even half of the coach in the team.

This guy is so good?

She thought so, her memory was actually not so clear and complete, but she had to write it like this, but then she didn't bother to worry about it, after all, her most important and most concerned thing was: Did SKY lose like this?
"Ah... it's really broken now!"

The scene in front of them obviously made the two commentators a little unacceptable, but it was impossible to remain silent, so they had to continue, "In this way, the blind monk wild area has completely collapsed, and then we will see if SKY can stabilize it."

When Zhang Fei said this, he sighed, "This game is difficult, really difficult. The blind monk collapsed in the early stage, and it is really too difficult to do things."


Zhang Fei's words were naturally correct, and at this moment, the people who followed the blind monk to die twice were far from limited to Jiang Qianyu and Xu Qingru.

On the island next to the land of the motherland, Hou Xiaohu was watching the game with his seniors and schoolmates in the e-sports club, and he was silent all the time amidst the same unfavorable conversations and comments or emotions.

In the Western University E-sports Club, many members who have no classes also watch the games here. The president Meng Xiangzhong, who was somewhat resentful because of the failure to recruit, also rarely came to the club, and he was also silent at the moment.

Su Muran, who had just handed in the information to counselor Ni Qianhui, walked out of the office, turned on the live broadcast on her mobile phone, and was also stunned after seeing the current situation clearly.

Yi Shuicang, with his old acquaintance and new girlfriend, gathered again with Chen Yuan and Jiang Xu in the watching hall of Qianqian Internet Cafe.

These people more or less have or have had intersections with the players who are playing at the moment, but it is not just because of this that they pay so much attention to the game.

Compared with the live broadcast of this game, which has millions of viewers, they are just a drop of water in the sea of ​​people.

And even in this sea of ​​people scattered all over the world, a "sea area" belonging to LPL is divided, it is also so huge that it is difficult for ordinary people to give a specific imagination.

Regardless of the space barrier, there are almost no differences between the various student dormitories, classrooms, on the bus, in the subway, the simple and narrow rental housing, the spacious and bright living room...

Many, many people who will never meet each other in their lifetime are worried about the same thing in the short time difference caused by network delay.

There are fans of SKY, new fans, old fans, iron fans and Yan fans.

There are those who simply like one of the team members, brother-in-law Jiang Jingbai blames Lin Xuan, Jiang Yingxue, my daughter-in-law Qiqi is so handsome, my male god, I want to play Xialuo with you, wearing clothes, ah, not the kind with skin...

There are fans of other teams and passersby of SKY.

There are also spectators who don't follow any team, just watch the game, and at most stand in the LPL.

There are also unknown netizens who have hacked and scolded a certain person in SKY or the entire team.

At least at this moment, they hope that the team with the national flag embroidered on it, representing the highest level of the LPL... at least not to lose like this.

And at least, at this moment, these things are too ethereal and distant for Lin Xuan and the others.

Just win.


Because of the existence of Jiang Yingxue, SKY can be regarded as the team with the least foul language in the entire LPL and even the world. In this respect, even the Yulong team that Xiyan belongs to is not as good. After all, she can almost be regarded as a brother to the rest of the Yulong team , and Jiang Yingxue... She is a walking humanoid ice cube, the kind who can stare at people.

But at this time, Liu Handong cursed unconsciously, but after all, he is on the field. After all, he is not so low in EQ that he only cares about himself, has a temper that publicly says that going to the World Championship is boring, and has a bad mentality that smashes the computer on the spot... Rational There are still some, worried that it will affect the teammates, after scolding this sentence completely uncontrollably, he added: "My... really collapsed now."

Lin Xuan said: "It's okay, develop and make up the level."

Xue Yunqi said: "Calm down, brother."

Mu Wanli said: "It's fine for me to go on the road, you don't have to worry about me, it's fine."

Liu Handong held his head in his hands, put his face on the table, and tried hard to calm down his messy thoughts. He didn't know that this scene was captured by the director and cut to the big screen. He just felt that there was a short moment in his mind blank.

From the first time I played a game, it was just an Internet cafe game in Yicheng, until now, I came to MSI, the official Mid-Season Division Championship Invitational Tournament - how many people didn't have the chance to come here until they couldn't play anymore .

From being rejected by TL, to killing their second team in the LDL finals, they were unwilling to even have their second team at the beginning, and then killing TL in the playoffs, and TL, who dominated the LPL, was sitting on the sofa The manager who said slowly, "You can't do this", although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he must have a good face when he saw TL being eliminated by himself, right?
Will you regret it?

Parents have to go to work, so they definitely don't have time to watch the game, but they know that they come to San Francisco to play on such a big stage, and they must have shown many people the photos they sent in the past, right?
Who said the only way out is to go to school?

We won the last game, although we didn't play, but how many international students are cheering for us in the audience?

There is also a certain girl who should not even be remembered, but the Internet cafe match was originally because of her.


During the brief blank space, he seemed to have thought of a lot, but when he looked up, there were still five seconds left in the ten-second resurrection timer.






From blank to blank.

I just want to win.

Bought the real eye and went out again.

Who the hell stipulated that a blind monk died twice and he collapsed?

Lao Tzu's wild area collapsed, can't he go online to find it?

"I'll farm another group of wild monsters to level three, can I catch a wave in the bottom lane?"


It was Jiang Yingxue's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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