Chapter 694 [714] If you brush me wild monsters, I will catch your teammates

He didn't dare to go to the river, and the only group of wild monsters left on the red side at this moment was the Golem in the upper half of the wild. After being resurrected, Liu Handong went straight to the road, and then brushed off the Golem.

After Nan Qiang wiped out his own blue BUFF wild area, the number of wilds has reached forty. This is still in the case of no stone man, and after Liu Handong brushed the stone monster, the number of wilds is only twelve .

The grades differ by two full grades.

After clearing the river crabs on the road, the male gun went home and updated his equipment, the second-level red wild knife, two long swords, and a pair of straw sandals. In comparison, the blind monk who did not even synthesize the second-level wild knife is not ordinary. .

Hunter Talisman, Hunter Dagger, Refilling Potion, plus a True Eye, plus a 0-2 record, that's all this Lee Sin has when he's approaching 5 minutes.

He walked through the field.

The three wolves and toad monsters in the blue BUFF wild area have just been refreshed.

For a blind monk who has already collapsed, every wild monster is very important. The director seemed to want to capture his pitiful appearance of leveling up the field, so he cut the camera to him at this time.


He didn't even look at it, he walked straight through the wild area, and then came to the bottom tower, paused for a while, then waited for the pawn line to be dropped by Kai'Sa, and then continued to move forward, and got into the bottom pawn Go inside the first bush on the road.

The bottom four are all level four.

Blind monk level three.

Previously, Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue did not dare to play aggressively because of their scruples about playing wild. No matter pushing the line or exchanging blood, they gave the male gun a chance. When Liu Handong died for the second time, the position of the male gun was also exposed, and then the male gun moved eastward. It is not difficult to judge, until this time, the two can fight a little stronger.

At this moment, the junction of the pawn lines came to the bottom tower of STR, at the end of the second bush. Just now, Luo tried to fight back. Jiang Yingxue knocked Xia back under the tower, walked back and hit Luo Fei, and decisively fought back. After Luo Fei returned to Xia's side, he became completely honest.

Kai'Sa, who had obtained the right to push the line, did not hesitate, and continued to push the line with soldiers. Jin Taijun and NEX naturally understood each other's intentions. The pawn line here is very dangerous for Kai'Sa. , push the pawn line under the tower, and use the defense tower to push the pawn line back.

They naturally refused to let each other do what they wanted.

So when his minion was defeated, Luo immediately took two steps forward, wanting to attract the hatred of the minion, and controlled the minion line in front of the tower, while the male gun came to gank later,

In order to prevent being driven by the bull's head, Lot deliberately stuck to the edge of the canyon to keep a sufficient distance.

Niutou's position is a bit abnormal, it seems that he still wants to find a second company, but the next wave of soldiers is coming soon, and the soldiers from his own side must arrive first. It's hard to say who will take advantage of it. The blind monk is at the moment It is absolutely impossible to make up money pitifully with the three wolves or the toad monster, and Luo has two stages of E and flashes on him, so there is absolutely no danger.

However, at this moment, a sound wave that could never appear here flew out of the grass without warning and hit Luo's body.

"how is this possible?"

"This thing has collapsed like this, and you dare to take risks online?"

The same emotion flashed through the hearts of the two STR bottom laners at this moment, but after years of professional training, this did not affect their operations and reactions.

Xia immediately walked forward, providing displacement landing points for her assistant.


The tauren chief's majestic and burly body rushed towards him like a mountain, but just as its body was about to hit Luo's body, Luo jumped up before he could do anything, swept through the air, and threw himself on Xia's body.

next moment.

The body of the tauren with his arms raised up to the sky followed him like a shadow.

The muscular arms crashed down!
With a "boom", both Xia Luo and Xia Luo were knocked into the air at the same time.

Light it up and hang it up.

The blind monk flew down.

The direction Lin Xuan accelerated at the beginning was Xia, and the heavy rain of Icacia drew traces flying all over the sky.

Xia's treatment.

Before the blind monk slapped the ground, there was a common attack mixed with fists and palms.

A level 700 Luo with full blood only has more than 200 blood volume, not to mention that he was knocked out of at least [-] blood volume, just like what Lin Xuan said, as long as the blind monk's Q hits, unless his side makes a mistake , Luo absolutely has no reason to live.

"bang bang"

Kai'Sa's basic attack flew in the air, and the blind monk had already launched a second basic attack under the passive blessing. Luo Yingsheng, who had just landed, fell in front of Xia.

"Nice! Nice!"

Zhang Fei was so excited that he almost forgot that he was still explaining, so he shouted directly, and Xiao Ying also said: "This head is so important, it is life-saving."

"Xiaoxue's reaction this time is really too fast. As soon as Luo just touched Xia's body, he had already flashed and followed her."

"Yes, because Luo has flashes. As long as Luo hands over the flashes, he will definitely be able to escape back to the tower. If that is the case, it will probably be another ending."

Zhang Fei affirmed Sakura's words, and said: "Actually, what I want to talk about is Liu Handong. You must know that after he died twice, the situation has completely collapsed. A big heart, because if you can't play the effect, it will really make things worse, too hard..."

"If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, but now that you have taken this head, you have found another way to survive."

"It's improved, but...huh?"

Zhang Fei was about to say that the male gun is still the advantage, but suddenly found that after SKY killed Luo, he didn't retreat immediately.

Sakura also said: "SKY... do you want to jump the tower? It's too risky!"

Just after killing Luo, the three of SKY didn't lose much blood, but the two in the bottom lane were at level [-], and the blind monk was at level [-]. It was really too risky to jump over the tower and kill a flashy Xia when the opponent was already prepared. !
Reminded by the two commentators, many viewers who were still immersed in SKY's return to some situations immediately became concerned, because they clearly saw that after the three of SKY cleared the line, they did not choose to return, but continued to go. The tower is pressed down.

STR was also aware of the opponent's intentions.

"They are waiting for the skills to cool down."

"There are TPs."

"I have flash."

In this round, the middle and top of both sides are all teleportation. At this moment, none of the four teleportation has been used, and they are all ready. It is foreseeable that once SKY crosses the tower, all four teleportation will be handed over in an instant, and it will evolve into a team. melee.

Just as STR thought, Lin Xuan and the others were waiting for their skills to cool down.

The tauren chief walked into the tower first, carrying Xia's basic attack and walked towards her, while Kai'Sa and the blind monk beside him also approached.


The blind monk kicked out a sky sound wave, which hit Xia. Seeing this, STR finally no longer doubted it, and An Chengye in the middle immediately sent a teleportation.


The moment the teleportation brilliance lit up, Niutou, Kai'Sa and the blind monk who were still aggressive at first, but were about to rush at Xia in the next moment, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Go, go, go!"

Lin Xuan ran back while not forgetting to look at the situation behind him. Seeing that Xia was chasing Jiang Yingxue, he immediately turned his head and threatened him. Although Jiang Yingxue walked under the tower, he never attracted the hatred of the defense tower. It is very clear that this wave of attempts is just to cheat a skill, so when she entered the tower, she was ready to retreat at any time, and did not give Xia the chance to hit three barbs and play the imprisonment, and walked out of the defense tower next to Xia's basic attack.

After landing on the ground, Galio charged forward immediately, and then spread his wings, making a gesture of taunting him with a flash, but he didn't hand in the flash in the end.

The male gun hasn't left the high ground yet, and Kai'Sa is still flashing. Once the battle situation expands, no one can predict the final outcome. Even if he can't get the head, he definitely doesn't want to give this Kai'Sa the head.

Although STR's game was aimed at the jungler, what the entire team feared in the end was that it was still only the ADC.

At this moment, their early advantage has been determined, and the only possible comeback point in SKY's disadvantage lies in this Kai'Sa. Giving him one more kill is to give them more hope of making a comeback.

As An Chengye thought, although the blind monk got a head, it can only be regarded as hemostasis. In the wild area, the male gun still has the advantage. After the blind monk takes the head, he will definitely go to the three wolves and the toad monster. iwatch came to the middle After helping to make up the line, in front of Malzaha, he went directly from the middle lane to the opponent's upper half wild area to brush six birds.

"Be careful of Sword Fairy." Cui Mingxiu, who rarely spoke, suddenly reminded her.

Somewhat unexpectedly, An Chengye and iwatch glanced at the mini-map at the same time, and were surprised to find that Cui Mingxiu's Qinggang shadow was returning in the grass on the road with residual blood, and Jian Ji had disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

"I was stunned under the tower."

Cui Mingxiu didn't say much, but after a pause, he said again, "This sword girl is very good at playing, so be careful."

Liu Handong naturally guessed that Liu Niao would be difficult to keep, and he had made preparations for this, but he didn't expect that Mu Wanli would beat Qinggang Ying home in a disadvantaged situation, so he rushed over decisively.

Originally because of the gap in the jungle, STR was an absolute advantage in the middle and wild 2V2, but because of Jian Ji's intervention, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides were reversed instantly. Under the triple double-teaming of Jian Ji, Malzaha and the blind monk, the male Gun had no choice but to give up the only big raptor left, and decisively retreated over the low wall next to the grass in the middle road.

"This wave is very critical, very critical, ouch...I feel like I'm alive again."

Liu Handong was almost moved to tears. When he was in an advantage, hitting six birds was just icing on the cake, like a tooth-beating sacrifice. However, to him at this moment, even if the five small ones were gone, the only remaining big raptor would be the same. A piece of fat.

Xue Yunqi asked, "Why did you call Camille home?"

Mu Wanli said, "Just hit me casually."

"I'm sorry, you and Qiqi have been a little Jiang Jingbai recently, it's very coquettish."

The director then gave a replay of the first wave of fighting on the road.

Both Qinggangying and Jianji are representatives of the carry-type top laner, but in terms of online, it is almost impossible for Jianji to beat Qinggangying without the intervention of the jungler. In the case of the same development in the later stage, it is almost impossible for Qinggangying to beat Jianji.

The male gun has an absolute advantage in the wild area, and Jian Ji, who is already weak, naturally fights harder, but after 5 minutes, Cui Mingxiu has hardly gained any substantial advantage. The knife gap is only three at most.

Hero advantage.

Jungle advantage.

And make up the knife is almost the same.

This season, that's rarely happened to him.

So when the pawn line entered the tower, Cui Mingxiu began to try to consume further. He caught the timing of the sword girl's Q tail knife, and jumped on the E wall. When he released W on the way, after hitting the stun, he was sure Instantly hit all combos, and then use the shield and acceleration to retreat.

If it succeeds, this will hit Jian Ji's blood volume to less than one-third. If the opponent is greedy and doesn't go home, then he can try to jump over the tower and kill.

He has played this advantage many times, facing different heroes and choosing different timings, but without exception, they are all accurate and tried repeatedly.

However, in absolutely no more than [-] seconds, the moment Q made up the knife, he successfully activated the W skill and stunned him under the tower.

Two flaws and two damage to the defensive tower made him have to go back and repair, otherwise he would be in danger of being solo killed by Jian Ji after reaching level six.

And very likely.

After returning home and updating his equipment, Cui Mingxiu directly teleported it online. When he returned, he had over a thousand equipment, which was not enough for Tiamat, so he had to settle for the next best thing and choose three-phase accessories.


For him, this was a helpless choice for Tiamat, and when it came to the commentary, it was naturally "he wants to play the dignity of the world's number one top laner". After all, in terms of single-target damage, Yaoguang's The outbreak is undoubtedly very terrifying in the early stage.

However, 5 minutes after the game started, after the first shot on the road, it disappeared from the big screen again, as if there was no difference between when the flare came out and when it didn't.

(End of this chapter)

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