Chapter 1430 Dark Iron
Countless people's eyes lit up. Such a large piece of black iron can be divided to make several returning weapons.

Tiansha is used to refine low-grade returning artifacts, while black iron is the only material for making high-grade returning artifacts.

Without black iron, it is impossible to refine the return to the original weapon, and the black iron on the seabed is far more precious than the black iron on land.

Moreover, this black iron has been formed for thousands of years and is extremely strong.

As long as the purification is appropriate, there may even be a chance to promote the Guiyuan Tool to the level of a fake fairy tool. No wonder everyone's eyes are shining, even Nie Hai is no exception.

After all, who doesn't want to own a fake immortal weapon.

The starting price was [-] million, and a large number of people were blocked, so they were not eligible to participate in the competition.

Mermaids are not good at refining weapons. For them, these black irons are dispensable, and they can't refine fake fairy weapons, so they basically throw them out as garbage.

Taking out such a large piece today also reflects their sincerity.

Up to now, the Mermaid Clan has earned close to 800 billion yuan in revenue. Even the Kamikaze Sect can't reach this figure in a year.

"Five hundred million!"

It's still Long Tiantian, the price has soared to [-] million, and the increase of [-] million star crystals at a time has made countless people gasp. It's really a big deal.

"Seven hundred million!"

Tiger Shark Claw and the others can give up and rely on their own talents to comprehend the law of the earth immortal, but black iron is different, it is extremely difficult to find.

The largest black iron that can be bought outside is no more than [-] jin. This kind of black iron of [-] jin may even be greedy for earth immortals.

After purification, there are still about ten thousand catties, which can be used to create several fake immortal weapons.


Tang Lei also stepped in. Like Zhou Zheng's idea, the Law of the Earth Immortal can be comprehended by himself, and the weapon still needs to be crafted by himself.

"15 billion!"

Long Tiantian continued to call the price, and the price reached 15 billion. A fake fairy artifact, tens of billions is not exchanged, and it is absolutely suitable to spend several billions to buy such a large piece of black iron.

Although a lot of resources are needed in the later stage, as long as there are raw materials and other auxiliary materials, they can be accumulated slowly.

"18 billion!"

As expected, they come from major super families, and their resources are so rich that they can easily cost more than a billion. Those casual cultivators are still disciples of small families, and they can only sigh in awe.

Nie Hai has not made a move yet, he is still waiting, Lynch is not easy to bid, he still has close to [-] billion star crystals on him, so he is not in a hurry for the time being.

"If you want to grab it, don't worry about me. Since it's an auction, you have to follow the rules."

Nie Hai said lazily at this time, he could feel that Lynch was also looking forward to this piece of black iron.

Because the Xiexie Sword was about to rebel, the Eight Treasure Buddha swallowed the tiger shark's claws, and now the black iron appeared, and he wished he could rush out of the storage ring immediately and swallow the black iron.

The same is true for the Eight Treasures Stupa, black iron is also the basic material, the more it is absorbed, the tower body can be strengthened, allowing the suppressing force to continue to increase.

"Alright, if Brother Nie needs it, I can give you half of it after buying it."

Lynch didn't have the habit of eating alone. Fifty thousand catties of black iron should be enough to upgrade the Xiexie Sword and the Eight Treasures Buddha, which is considered to be repaying Nie Hai's favor for speaking for him.

Nie Hai didn't speak, but looked at Lin Qi quietly, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The two sides reached an agreement, Nie Hai acted as a deterrent, Lynch spent star crystals to buy black iron, and both sides got what they needed.

Without Nie Hai, even if he bought the black iron, he would not be able to get out of the castle. With half of the black iron in exchange for Nie Hai's protection, Lynch made a profit no matter what.

"30 billion!"

Lynch made an offer, crushing everyone at once. Long Tiantian wanted to kill someone, so he stood up straight away, but was quickly glared back by Nie Hai's sharp eyes.

Without Nie Hai's intimidation, not only Long Tiantian would have made a move, but [-]% of the warriors present would have made a move.

This is not a human race. Even if Lynch is killed, the mermaid clan will not interfere. The more violent the disturbance, the better, the mermaid clan will be happy.

For the Mermaid Clan, these people are big fat sheep. It would be even more wonderful if they all died. The resources sold by the Mermaid Clan came back, and they also got countless star crystals for nothing.

With Nie Hai around, everyone dared not speak out, so they could only obediently keep their mouths shut.

In the end, Lynch got the piece of black iron with a deal of 30 billion.

"Brother Nie, I have to trouble you to separate it!"

Lynch doesn't have the ability to break open [-] catties of black iron. Only Peak Yaoguang has this ability.

"I only take one-fifth of it!"

Nie Hai was not a greedy person. He drew out his long sword and slashed fiercely on the black iron. Suddenly, the flames splashed and a large piece of black iron was cut off.

No more, no less, exactly one-fifth, enough for him to refine the fake fairy weapon.

Lynch is not a hypocritical person, since Nie Hai doesn't want it, he can't force it, and even if he is given a hundred thousand catties with the Sword of Exorcism, he can digest it.

"I don't have many star crystals on me, this is [-] million, just treat it as me buying this piece of black iron."

Nie Hai put away the black iron, took out [-] million star crystals, and threw them to Lynch, not wanting to take advantage of Lynch.

Although it seemed to outsiders that Lynch took advantage of Nie Hai, to Nie Hai, it was just an insignificant thing.

"Just now we said something first, I can't take these [-] million star crystals."

Lynch confiscated it, and whether he could leave the castle alive depends on Nie Hai.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one dares to touch you, take the star crystal, I don't want to owe favors."

He patted Lynch on the shoulder, with an old-fashioned look, ignored him, and returned to his seat.

And Nie Hai knew very well that he was the one who really made the money. With the [-] million star crystals on his body, he couldn't buy black iron at all. Angolo would definitely not agree to splitting a tenth of it.

Strictly speaking, the two of them are a win-win situation, they both get what each other wants, and they don't hurt the harmony, killing two birds with one stone!
Throwing the black iron into the storage ring, the evil sword appeared, pierced into the black iron, and absorbed the essence of the black iron.

There is no need for Lynch to refine. Unlike last time, this time it is not refining, but devouring essence.

The Eight Treasures Buddha also came to join in the fun, and the Nine Absolute Sword Soul appeared, and a frenzied fight for it began.

"This is the end of the auction, and next is Liberty Square City. Every commodity is marked with a price, which can be bartered or purchased at a price!"

The auction is over, and the next step is free trading, and everyone is eligible to participate.

The prices of commodities are also different, some cost hundreds of millions of star crystals, and you can buy a piece of coral with a few hundred star crystals.

Everything depends on the eyesight, even if you spend millions of star crystals to buy a piece of high-grade coral, it may be garbage, and there is no coral pith in it.

In the central open space, thousands of pieces of coral were brought in, ranging in size, some as tall as a person, and a few centimeters in size.

Then there is the sea anemone, which is the real good thing. If a piece of sea treasure can be mined and swallowed by the Yaoguang Realm, it can unconditionally improve a realm.

However, Haizhen can be big or small. Haizhen the size of a mung bean is only enough to fit between the teeth, not enough to improve a level, but it is also rare.

The price of sea anemone is obviously much more expensive than coral.

Coral marrow can increase soul power, and many corals can basically be mined out, which is relatively easy.

The sea anemone is different, 100 yuan of sea anemone may not be able to mine a sea treasure.

Thousands of pieces of coral, plus sea anemones, have a total value of at least tens of billions.

"The mermaids are crazy, sell us these garbage, can these corals be mined to produce coral pith?"

Some warriors complained that these corals look ordinary, and they are all high-end goods at first glance. The price is so high, whoever buys it is a fool.

The really good corals are preserved by the mermaids, and the coral marrow is also very helpful to the mermaids.

Long Tiantian and others were also very dissatisfied, and they had the nerve to take out these rubbish corals and sea anemones.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. This is just an appetizer in the early stage. There will be better deliveries in a while. Everyone, watch it first, and it's suitable for you to make a move."

Since it is a free transaction, there is no compulsion, and if you are unwilling to buy, you can be a spectator.

Angolo quickly explained that these thousands of corals and sea anemones had been piled up in the mermaid warehouse for hundreds of years, and no one cared about them before they were sold.

I didn't plan to sell it at first, maybe I met that two hundred and five who didn't know the goods, so I bought one piece for one piece.

"Nie Hai, let's take a gamble if you are interested!"

Long Tiantian was still brooding over what happened just now, and now he wanted to bet Nie Hai on coral with a provocative tone.

This is different from betting on jade. Betting on jade is entirely based on luck. Betting on coral is not enough for luck alone. Only by combining vision and means can the coral pith be obtained.

Back then, at the marrow gambling conference held by the Wang family, Lynch could still vividly remember that he made a lot of chalcedony, and even offered top prizes.

But the jade at that time was basically ordinary jade, and it was too difficult to find a thousand-year-old jade in the Realm of True Martial Immortals, even a piece of chalcedony the size of a fingernail was hard to find.

Time seems to have returned to the past, this time it is facing coral, although it is different from gambling jade, but the general meaning is not much different.

"How do you want to bet?"

Nie Hai asked Long Tiantian with a smile. It seemed that the other party had a lot of opinions on him. After all, he took away the two treasures of Tiger Shark Claw and Black Iron.

"Just according to the rules of our human race, one person chooses ten pieces of coral, and the side with the most coral pith wins."

This is the most common rule. Most of the gambling jade is to choose one piece, but it is difficult to get coral pith from coral, so choose ten pieces.

"What's the stake?"

Nie Hai still had smiling eyes, looking like a dandy, but his eyes were like stars and seas, revealing infinite wisdom.

"If I lose, you will get the coral marrow. If I win, hand over this kid."

After all, Long Tiantian wanted to use the gambling coral to attack Lynch, or to kill and snatch the black iron and tiger shark claws.

"You want to bet your life?"

Nie Hai's eyes suddenly turned cold, Long Tiantian was challenging his bottom line.

"Brother Nie dare not?"

Long Tiantian's tone was full of sarcasm, and Nie Hai had taken the limelight several times in a row, how could he swallow this breath.

"This bet is not fair. If you lose, you just lose the coral marrow!"

Lynch spoke at this time. After all, he had a lot to do with him, and he couldn't stay out of it. He said calmly at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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