Chapter 1431 Picking Coral

After Lin Qi finished speaking, a chill came out of his eyes. Long Tiantian wanted to use the gambling coral to kill him, so how could he sit still and wait for death.

Nie Hai was taken aback, trying to figure out a way to refuse, but he didn't expect Lynch to stand up on his own initiative.

After all, this involves Lin Qi's wealth and life, and it's not easy for Nie Hai to decide.

"Boy, how do you want to bet!"

Long Tiantian bared his teeth, looked like a cannibal, licked his scarlet lips, and pointed at Lynch.

"It's very simple. If you lose, kowtow to me in public and bark like a dog three times. If I lose, kill yourself here!"

This bet was still extremely unfair to Lynch. If he lost, he would lose his life. If Long Tiantian lost, he would just kowtow like a dog barking.


Nie Hai wanted to stop it, but it was too late, Lynch had already spoken out.

"Boy, you have a seed!"

Long Tiantian didn't expect Lynch to place such a heavy bet, but now he is in a dilemma. If he loses, he will be like a dog barking and kowtowing in public, which will lose the face of the Long family and will definitely be rejected by the family.

"Don't dare to gamble?"

Lynch sneered coldly, with a look of disgust on his face.

"If you don't dare to bet, just get out of here and stop yelling here."

The second sentence contained the power of the soul, and it suddenly surged out. Many low-level Yaoguang realms staggered and almost fell over.

With such an aura of staring at the world, even Nie Hai, who was standing next to Lynch, seemed to see a giant. The sense of oppression was even close to that of Jiupin Yaoguang.

"Boy, I bet you!"

Thousands of people watched, if they backed down at this time, they would definitely be ridiculed by countless people, and they were already on the verge of riding a tiger, so they could only compare with Lynch, the bet was started by him.

"I also want to add one more thing, win one side and get all the coral pith mined by the other side."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qi's mouth. He has the root of death and can visit everything, not to mention Chang'e's help now.

Thousands of pieces of coral are placed in front of Lynch like a transparent one. This is a guaranteed business, so why not gamble.

Long Tiantian wants to kill him, how can Lynch just wait for death, since he wants to play, let's play with him more.

Kowtow to bark like a dog, this is a great shame, even worse than killing him.

"as you wish!"

Long Tiantian agreed without hesitation, he is a ninth-rank Yaoguang, how could he still lose to a fourth-rank ants?

"Lynch, no!"

Nie Hai wants to stop it. Although betting on corals is not based on strength, the stronger the strength, the stronger the soul power, which can penetrate into the coral and tell whether there is coral marrow inside.

In this fight, Lynch will definitely lose, and everyone is not optimistic about Lynch.

If Nie Hai participated in the battle, the odds of winning would be greatly increased, at least in terms of soul power, even slightly better than Long Tiantian.

"Brother Nie, I know you have good intentions. The other party is so aggressive. If I shrink back like this, it will not be good for my practice. Since I practice Taoism, I have to go forward without any hesitation. Any monsters and monsters will be wiped out!"

After these words were spoken, all the warriors present fell into silence.

Naturally, this also includes Nie Hai. When cultivating a warrior, one should go forward without hesitation. Blindly avoiding it will only make one's inner demons deeper and deeper.

"Long Tiantian, let's get started, there is a limited time for a cup of tea, each choose ten pieces of coral!"

Lin Qi didn't bother to talk to Long Tiantian, and set a tea time, which was very beneficial to him, and he had already locked ten pieces of rough coral.

If Long Tiantian refuses at this moment, it means that he is afraid. The time for a cup of tea is too short, and unless he chooses it in advance, there is not enough time at all.

The warriors around didn't have much expression on their faces. Since the time for a cup of tea is set, both sides are fair, and it just depends on whose luck is better.

Angolo also came over, wanting to see it quickly. He had heard that the human race likes to bet on corals, but he didn't expect to be lucky enough to see it today.

The two quickly stepped into the coral group and started to snatch it. Whenever Lynch wanted to get the coral, Long Tiantian would make trouble to prevent Lynch from getting the coral.

"Long Tiantian, you are really despicable!"

Lynch didn't care, his body swayed, and disappeared in place. Long Tiantian jumped into the air, and a piece of coral landed in Lynch's palm, and he threw it directly into the open space, which represented that he had chosen a piece.

The time was very tight. Long Tiantian had a good idea to destroy Lynch's selection of corals. If he couldn't get any of them, then Lynch would be defeated without a fight.

"It's so fast, Long Tiantian can't catch up with him!"

Many people were taken aback, shocked by Lynch's speed, and they were not fools. Long Tiantian's little trick had long been seen through.

Long Tiantian was also secretly surprised. His original intention was to destroy Lynch to get the coral, and he only needed to pick ten pieces at random.

Now the situation has changed, Lynch's speed is not inferior to him, even worse, after a few longitudinal shots, another coral appeared in Lynch's palm.

Thousands of pieces of coral are placed all around, of different sizes, and only narrow passages can pass through. Lynch shuttles back and forth like a civet cat.

Since he couldn't catch up with Lynch, and couldn't destroy his selection of corals, Long Tiantian had no choice but to change his tactics and calm down to pick corals.

The next step is to rely on real skills. Lynch can lose, but he can't afford to lose because he represents the Long family.

"call out!"

Another piece of coral landed at Nie Hai's feet. The three pieces of coral that Lynch chose were unremarkable, and the mountain surface was covered with seaweed and other substances, which looked very messy.

This kind of coral is generally not chosen by anyone. Only the shiny, shiny, colorful corals will have coral pith.

"Brother Nie, this kid doesn't understand coral!"

Tang Lei came over with a joking tone. Although they are not masters of coral gambling, they know a lot of basic common sense.

"Not necessarily!"

Nie Hai pinched his chin. From the moment he saw Lynch, he had an illusion that the young boy in front of him gave him a different feeling.

This feeling is very strong. He has seen countless people in these years, and he has never had such a strong sense of identity. It seems that there is some mysterious power in Lynch's body that is attracting Nie Hai.

"Brother Nie won't believe that this kid will really win, right? That's really a joke in the world!"

Tang Lei's hypocrite side was evident, which made Nie Hai feel a little disgusted.

"How about we take a gamble?"

Nie Hai asked back, Tang Lei's expression froze, he smiled awkwardly, and shook his head. He was not interested in participating in this kind of boring gambling.

"I'm just curious, why brother Nie is so obsessed with a young yellow-haired boy, this doesn't seem to be your style."

Tang Lei was concerned about this. As for the bet between Lin Qi and Long Tiantian, in their hearts, they had long believed that Lin Qi would definitely die.

"I don't even know my own style, how do you know!"

Nie Hai showed a hint of sarcasm, but stopped talking, because the fourth coral that Lynch had chosen appeared, this time it was smaller in size, only about slapped.

Moreover, it is still a piece of coral with missing corners. It should be that the structure was destroyed during the mining process. Even if it has coral pith, the essence is lost.

Over there, Long Tiantian has also selected several corals, all of which are of high quality and ridiculously expensive, even higher than the price Lynch selected.

Time passed by little by little, everyone's eyes, following the two afterimages, shuttled back and forth among the corals, like two butterflies, fighting for each other.

Once they collide, Long Tiantian will do everything possible to destroy Lynch, but he is teased by Lynch in the end.

"Long Tiantian, if you have this ability, I really look down on you."

Lin Qi burst into ridicule, and Long Tiantian was so angry that he almost threw a huge coral into the air.

"Boy, I underestimated you. Even if you choose ten pieces of coral, you will definitely die today."

Being ridiculed by Lynch, Long Tiantian was full of murderous intent. Time was running out, so he could only attack those more expensive ones, and he moved a coral more than one meter high.

It is worth 60 million, and it is also the most expensive one here. It was bought by Long Tiantian. If you can start the best coral pith, it will definitely be worth [-] billion, or even more.

"It's crystal clear, there seems to be blood flowing inside, and it can definitely produce the best coral marrow."

After moving to the open space, many people gathered around and commented, all of them were attracted by this coral marrow. If they hadn't gambled, it is estimated that this coral must be the object of competition.

Nie Hai frowned slightly, and looked at the pieces of coral at his feet. Except for the first one that was picked out and looked pretty good, the ones that Lynch picked later were completely horrible.

With the last ten breaths left, the two sides each selected seven pieces of coral, and the last three pieces were still short.

Lynch stretched out his hand, and three corals flew up at the same time. One of them was so small that it was only the size of an egg. I didn't know it was a reef.

There is only a faint coral luster on it, and it should be a defective product. It was left in a corner of the warehouse by the mermaids, and they moved out together this time.

"Is this kid crazy? How do you choose this kind of garbage? Even if you throw it on the street, no one will pick it up."

With a mocking tone, some people think that Lynch is too hasty. This is a life-and-death struggle, and it is about his life and death, so he is so hasty.

All ten pieces of coral have been selected, and there is no need to regret it. No matter in terms of quality or volume, the ten pieces that Lynch chose are far from being comparable to those of Longtian.

"Long Tiantian will definitely win this round. If this kid can extract the coral marrow, I'll take his head off and give him a kick."

A martial artist made a mocking sound, thinking that Lynch was overreaching, and he had already lost before he even started.

"Brother Nie, help me remember this person, remember to unscrew his head later."

Lin Qi wanted to make a warning to others. The man who was clamoring just now had reached the eighth-rank Yaoguang. Lin Qi was no match, so he could only rely on Nie Hai's hand.

"it is good!"

Without even thinking about it, Nie Hai directly agreed to lock up that man. If Lynch really wins, it will be his death.

Originally there were still many warriors who mocked Lynch, but now they all chose to keep their mouths shut, not daring to speak anymore. No one knew what was going on in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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