Chapter 2168 Leaving Nanzhou
Eliminate the two super powers, they occupy too many resources.

As long as Xuan Yuzong is willing, they can snatch them all.

Lin Qi stopped this practice, so as not to leave Xuan Yuzong's reputation as domineering.

At present, Nanzhou still needs to be united, and Xuan Yuzong should not create new enemies.

When they eat meat, they always have to leave some soup for others, which is only good for Xuan Yuzong's reputation in the future, not bad.

"Also, at this critical juncture, the family that is willing to stand up and help the Xuanyu Sect should focus on taking care of it and form an alliance. I predict that in the next hundred years, the entire fairy world will not be peaceful. , cultivate more immortal emperors to deal with the next storm."

This Lu Wentang told Lynch before that every 1 years, there will be a big movement in the fairyland. I didn't expect that this time, it would come so fast and so fiercely.

Including Lu Wentang, everyone obeyed Lynch's words.

Everyone nodded one after another, already aware of the crisis, especially in the past one or two years, there have been experts from Zhongzhou coming to Nanzhou, this is not a good sign.

"Lynch, are you leaving Nanzhou?"

Even if Lynch didn't mention these requirements, Lu Wentang knew what to do.

"Well, my identity leaked and staying in Xuanyuzong will be very unfavorable to you. Some things happened in Zhongzhou, and I can't say a word or two. Only when I leave, Xuanyuzong will be safe."

Lynch didn't say anything about offending Qinglongtang, and everyone could hear that there were not a few people who wanted to kill Lynch.

"Then what are your plans?"

Cao Jian looked worried, Xuan Yuzong was Lin Qi's root, even they couldn't keep it, the world was so big, where could Lin Qi go.

"I don't know for the time being. There are three seniors in the Xuanyu Sect. Don't worry about safety. Next, we will focus on cultivating those top seedlings. I will leave some pills. Within three to five years, someone will break through to the Immortal Emperor Realm!"

Obtaining the storage rings of Chongyang Palace Master and Huai Zhongyi, they collected ten thousand years of resources and piled them up into mountains. Lynch left some treasure pills, which are enough for Xuanyuzong to build a super super big sect.

No one was happy. Lynch was about to leave, which cast a shadow over everyone's hearts.

Fighting Li Guihuang, the secret agents of Qinglongtang must have found his trace, and told Qinglongtang that Zhou Dong will send experts to come in a short time.

They dare not kill innocent people indiscriminately, their goal is themselves.

The Heavenly Court has always done things with reason and evidence. Their purpose is to unify the fairy world, and they must do things aboveboard.

The meeting dispersed, everyone returned to their respective positions, and the entire Xuanyu Sect, like a super big machine, started to run at full capacity.

"Nephew, when do you plan to leave?"

Lin Qi and Bai Shuang returned to Bai Wuxuan's residence.

"I plan to leave tonight!"

Time is urgent, the sooner the better, so as not to be intercepted by the masters of Qinglongtang.

"I can give you a suggestion. Go to Xizhou and find Shuang'er's aunt. She has stayed there for a hundred years and has a certain background. It should be safe to go to her. After all, her master is a strong immortal. "

If you stay in Nanzhou, you will be dug out by the people of Qinglong Pagoda sooner or later.

"let me consider it!"

Lynch didn't agree directly, thinking of the crazy look of the female devil head, he felt a headache.

Speaking of which, the female devil did show kindness to him. If he joined the Xuanyu Sect, without the female devil's care, he would have died in Jian's hands long ago.

The strange thing is that after Han Yu became the censor of the town, Lynch never saw him again. I don't know how he has been doing in Zhongzhou for more than a year.

Unknowingly, it has been more than half a year since I left Zhongzhou, and it is estimated that some people have forgotten his existence.

The family had a happy reunion dinner. A group of people gathered outside in the evening. When they learned that Lynch was leaving, Lu Wentang, Cao Jian and others came to see him off in person.

Say goodbye to everyone, take Bai Shuang, leave quickly, and drive into the vast universe.

Not long after Lin Qi left, three black shadows followed silently, lurking outside the Xuanyu Sect's mountain gate from day to night.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?"

Bai Shuang followed Lynch closely, and the gap between the two was getting bigger and bigger, feeling the pressure.

It took more than a year to barely break through to the fourth-rank Immortal King, and Lin Qi is now a first-rank Immortal King.

"I don't know for now, let's take one step at a time!"

After patting Bai Shuang's head, the two sat down to rest for a while, looking at the night sky. In such a quiet night, there was a faint murderous aura in the air.

Originally planned to keep Bai Shuang in Xuan Yuzong, but the latter firmly disagreed, even if the road ahead was full of thorns, he would go with Lynch.

"Shuang'er, you stay here, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while!"

Leaving Hoarfrost in place, Lynch disappeared into the darkness.

Rapid shuttle, a few breaths, appeared a hundred miles away.

"It's time for you to show up!"

Asked coldly behind him, three black shadows followed him from the moment he left Xuan Yuzong.

It should be the spies of Qinglongtang. If they are not killed, their identities will be revealed wherever they go.

"Lynch, how did you find us!"

The censor of Sanzun Town, who is all one-color and one-rank Immortal Emperor, has been in Nanzhou for three months, and has been lurking in Xuanyuzong.

"Are you the censor of Qinglongtang Town?"

The three first-rank Immortal Sovereigns were not taken seriously. The three of them never acted rashly. They knew that they were not Lynch's opponents, so they followed secretly.

"Lin Qi, I advise you to go back to Zhongzhou obediently with us. You can't escape. The entire fairy world has our Qinglongtang town censor. Even if you escape to the end of the world, you will be discovered."

The censor in the middle town spoke earnestly, telling Lynch to give up his resistance.

"Really, then I will kill you until you are afraid!"

With a movement of the body, he attacked the three of them at the same time, killing one counted as one.

"Hurry up, both of you, and notify the other town censors, and I will restrain him!"

The man in the middle asked the two people around him to leave first, and contacted the censors of other towns in Nanzhou, making sure to keep Lynch.

Without hesitation, the imperial censors on both sides left quickly, and even the third-rank Immortal Emperor died in Lin Qi's hands. No wonder the purpose of following along the way.

"No one wants to escape!"

How could they be allowed to leave, their bodies changed suddenly, and a golden dragon appeared, trapping the three of them in place.

"Sura Will!"

A pitch-black Shura god, holding a lost spear, suddenly shot at the sea of ​​souls of the three people. Lynch wanted to kill them with one blow, and did not give them a chance to report.

Just about to send out the communication talisman, there was a sharp pain from the soul, and the body could not move, and was pierced through the soul sea by the spear of loss.

When dealing with Li Guihuang, Lin Qi didn't use Shura's will, and killed him with his own ability.

Not now, it must be a fatal blow, and they will not be given a chance to tip off.

The dragon's palm suddenly slammed down, and the bodies of the three exploded, turning into blood and disappearing completely.

The three storage rings fell into Lin Qi's palm. The large amount of resources collected over the years, together with the extremely rich salary from the heavens, all made Lin Qi a success.

Adding the resources obtained from Li Guihuang, plus these three people, the number of divine crystals reached 20 in an instant.

The main reason is that each of these three people has more than 6 divine crystals on their bodies, which really surprised Lynch.

"It's a pity that there are still too few. If you want to break through to the second-rank Immortal Emperor, you need more than 100 million divine crystals."

For ordinary people, one hundred thousand is definitely a big number. Lynch is different. Every time he breaks through, he needs ten times or even a hundred times more resources than ordinary people.

better than nothing!

It's better than nothing, and twenty coins are enough for him to squander for a while, anyway, he won't be able to break through to the second-rank Immortal Sovereign for a while.

Help Bai Shuang to improve first. Last time I gave her those precious pills, I swallowed them every day. In a few days, I will break through to rank six Immortal King.

Back at the original place, Bai Shuang held a long sword and looked around vigilantly.

"Brother Lin, there was a loud roar just now, what happened?"

Putting away the long sword, he looked concerned.

"It's okay, let's go on!"

There is no explanation, there are some things, I don't want Bai Shuang to worry for him, even though he killed the three of them, there will be more town censors coming, Nanzhou is no longer peaceful.

Picking some uninhabited mountains, a month later, Baishuang broke through to the sixth-rank Immortal Emperor, and in just one month, he was promoted to two levels, all thanks to Lynch.

Xiaoyi has been pregnant for more than six months, and her belly is bulging. Every time Lin Qi enters with his consciousness, Xiaoyi will avoid seeing her.

This made Lynch very helpless. In a few months, the child will be born. Shouldn't this father see his child?

He didn't dare to provoke Xiaoyi, after all, what happened that day was his own fault.

"Brother Lin, we are already approaching the border of Nanzhou!"

After a month of driving, he has reached the border of Nanzhou.

"Go west, enter Xizhou, go in the middle, and return to Zhongzhou!"

After looking at the map, he murmured that Zhongzhou would definitely not be able to go back.

While hesitating, it will take several months to change direction and enter Dongzhou. As for Beizhou, the north and south are separated, and the distance will be even further across Zhongzhou in the middle.

Moreover, Beizhou is covered with ice and snow all the year round, which is not suitable for warriors to practice, and there are not many human races living there.

The border of Dongzhou is too far away, bordering Nanzhou is a dangerous land, Lynch can go there, but Baishuang can't.

"Let's go to Xizhou!"

After thinking about it, I plan to go to Xizhou to have a look. It's been almost two years, and I don't know how the female devil is doing.

From Bai Shuang's hopeful eyes, Lynch could tell that she missed her aunt.

Two years have passed, and the knot in my heart has been opened. It is estimated that the character of the female devil will change. She still dare not be presumptuous in front of her master.

"Let's go!"

Lynch tore through the space and shuttled with Baishuang. The Immortal King wanted to cross the two continents, and he couldn't do it in a few months.

The last time Bai Shuang went to Zhongzhou, he went through untold hardships and almost died. It was Qin Xiu'er who sent someone to guard him, so he arrived safely all the way.

Half a month later, I entered the boundary of Xizhou. The environment here is similar to that of Nanzhou. The rules are stronger, and the cultivation atmosphere and talent level are far higher than Nanzhou.

In Nanzhou, first-rank Immortal Sovereign is already a peerless master, and in Xizhou, it is not uncommon for Immortal Venerable.

For example, the master of the female devil, a dignified immortal, has a very high status in Xizhou.

The environment in Xizhou is relatively complicated, and the masters of Qinglongtang can't find it here for a while, giving Lynch a buffer time.

At most two years, it can definitely grow to a certain height.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?"

There is no topographic reference, no one I know, and I don't even know where the female devil master lives.

(End of this chapter)

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