Chapter 2169 West State
After traveling through the uninhabited mountains for three days and three nights, I finally came across a small town.

With the help of a homestay, it will take a day to rest for one night and find out the nearest big city.

Get a night's rest and get on the road!

"Brother Lin, when my aunt left, she told me that if she came to Xizhou, she would go to Miluo Mountain to find her."

On the way, Bai Shuang told all the information he knew. As for where Miluo Mountain is, the two of them still don't know.

After the big city, find someone to inquire, and you will know.

Before dark, the majestic city appeared in front of the two of them, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I found an inn, lived in it, and found that everyone here was in danger, as if something big had happened, and there were still many monks rushing to leave the big city.

"Shopkeeper, what happened here, why are people walking out?"

Lynch paid a certain amount of fairy crystals and asked the shopkeeper.

"I don't know objectively. In the past few months, a group of mysterious mysterious beasts appeared hundreds of miles away, killing many human warriors. Our place is close to the edge, and we don't have strong cultivation bases, so we can only choose to escape."

The shopkeeper's ancestral business is here, and he can't leave, otherwise he would have followed other warriors and left this big city.

"There are very few mysterious beasts attacking humans in the fairy world!"

Lynch looked puzzled. The mysterious beasts in the fairy world have extremely high IQs. They have their own territories. Every state has a place where mysterious beasts live, and they seldom interact with humans.

Xizhou is similar, everything is safe and sound, low-level monsters are another matter.

Above the mysterious beasts, there are divine beasts, and their wisdom is even higher.

"I don't know the details. Objectively, try not to come out at night!"

After sending Lynch to the guest room, the store left, and there were not many customers. It hurriedly closed and closed.

The two lay down with their clothes on, and it was quiet outside. Normally, the cultivation world does not distinguish between day and night. Even at night, the streets are still very lively.

This big city is very strange. Not long after the lights were turned on, the sky darkened, and no one could be seen on the street, and everyone shut their doors.

"Brother Lin, I feel something is wrong here!"

A woman's intuition is very sensitive. This big city gives people a sense of mystery, and an invisible pressure shrouds it, making people breathless.

"You stay here, I'll go out and have a look!"

His intuition told him that what happened here was extremely unusual, since he was here, he had to go and take a look, so as not to be caught off guard.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, several figures shuttled quickly, flying over the roof at an extremely fast speed.

"Zhen Yushi!"

Lynch frowned. There were dark brown clothes, and the black and red clothes of the new Zhen Yushi. What was it that even the Zhen Yushi attracted over.

The key is that these town censors are all in the Immortal Emperor Realm, and the new town censor broke through to the Immortal Emperor, which is probably a recent event.

Joining the Heavenly Court, a large amount of resources are supplied every day, and many ninth-rank immortal kings have broken through their cultivation one after another.

There are also people who are trapped in the Ninth Rank Immortal King and cannot be promoted one step in a lifetime, everything depends on personal creation.

He quietly followed up, wanting to see if Zhen Yushi appeared here, could it be that he was investigating a mysterious beast?
Passing through the big city and entering a dense forest, the wind brought up a burst of leaves and made a rustling sound.

"Who has been following us!"

The five town censors, who were extremely vigilant, discovered Lin Qi.

Dressed in dark brown, old town censors, two of them have reached the second rank of Immortal Sovereign, with a majestic aura, standing in the mountains at night, like two bright moons.

Now that he was discovered, Lynch did not hide, but came out from the darkness.

"Who are you and why do you follow us!"

The five town censors looked at Lin Qi vigilantly, and when he came out, Lin Qi put on a simple face.

"Are you the censor of Qingfengtang Town?"

Everyone's cuffs are embroidered with the word Qingfeng, representing Qingfengtang, and Lynch still knows one of the key people.

"How do you know that we are the censor of Qingfengtang Town? Who are you? If you don't say anything, I have no choice but to kill you."

The five of them had just arrived in Xizhou recently, and after learning that there were many mysterious beasts attacking humans here recently, they notified the Heavenly Court and sent them to check.

"Brother Zu, it's me!"

Lin Qi took off his mask and revealed his true face. One of them turned out to be the ancestor who broke through to the first rank of Immortal Sovereign.

If it was the imperial censor of another hall, Lin Qi would never reveal his identity.

Qingfeng Hall is different, it has always been hostile to the other four halls.

"Brother Lin, why are you here? I heard that you were not sent to a mysterious battlefield, and you won't come back in three or five years."

Zu Zhi signaled them to relax their vigilance, everyone knew each other.

"It's a long story!"

Everyone sat down and learned that Lin Qi was the censor of Qingfengtang Town, and the other four were shocked.

They have been doing missions outside for a long time and rarely go back. They only recently learned that Lin Qi offended Zhou Dong by beheading Zhou Fa. In desperation, he let him leave Qingfengtang and go to a distant battlefield to act as a pawn. .

"Tell me about you guys, why are you here, what happened, you guys drove all night!"

It is estimated that five people knew about his affairs, and they fled to Xizhou only after fleeing for their lives. It would be embarrassing to speak out, so they simply stopped talking.

As for the matter in Nanzhou, Lynch didn't bother to talk about it.

"Three months ago, the Heavenly Court issued a mission, saying that a mysterious incident occurred in Xizhou. In many places, there were signs of mysterious beast riots, attacking humans. Except for us, except Qingfengtang, there are towns at the entrance of the other three halls." Yushi is here."

Zu Zhi didn't have any airs, especially when he saw Lin Qi breaking through to the first-rank Immortal Emperor, he was even more shocked.

That day Lin Qicai joined the Heavenly Court as a little fifth-rank fairy king, and more than a year later, they are now on equal footing.

He wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by a second-rank Immortal Sovereign.

"This is a classified mission, don't reveal too much!"

The Zhen Yushi who spoke was named Feng Qiwei, and his personality was a bit surly. He was the head of the five people. For this mission, as long as the reason is found out, everyone will be rewarded very generously.

One more person who knows means that the reward has to be divided into one more person.

After Feng Qiwei spoke, Zu Zhi showed a hint of helplessness and shrugged his shoulders. Lin Qi didn't care, anyway, he was not very interested in the mission of Heavenly Court.

"Brother Lin, after you left, Zhou Dong mobilized countless town censors in Qinglongtang. Those who provide accurate information will be rewarded with 50 divine crystals, plus a Tiansui Pill!"

Zu Zhi came over and secretly transmitted a voice to Lin Qi. It was not a good thing to take the initiative to remove the mask just now.

He would not inform Zhou Dong in secret. It is inevitable that the other four people would have such thoughts. After all, 50 Divine Crystals plus a Tiansui Pill, this kind of temptation can even be betrayed by his own parents, let alone an outsider.

In the face of absolute interests, any friendship is not worth mentioning.

Zu Zhi was able to secretly transmit voice to Lynch, probably because everyone went out of Nanzhou together, and he dismissed the practice of betraying friends to obtain resources.

"Thank you, Brother Zu, for telling me that I'm only staying in Xizhou temporarily and will leave soon!"

Lynch echoed secretly, and the group continued on their way without mentioning anything else.

"Brother Zu, how long have you been here?"

The two communicated secretly, avoiding other people.

"A little over a month!"

Zuzhi didn't hide anything, and told all the information he knew.

"What happened in the end, do you have any clues, why the mysterious beast attacked the human race on its own initiative!"

One after the other, they have left the mountain range and entered the depths, where a large number of mysterious beasts gather here, and the terrifying monster aura is overwhelming.

"I suspect that someone is manipulating mysterious beasts and attacking the human race!"

Zu Zhi made a conclusion that even he himself could not believe. Whoever has such a great ability to control so many mysterious beasts must be at least at the level of a fairy.

Lin Qi was secretly surprised. Is there really such a magical and powerful person who controls the mysterious beast?

"Lin, in ancient times, there were many beast-monitoring sects. They had a unique set of beast-monitoring methods to make mysterious beasts obediently obey their orders. The sect only recruited those beast-monitoring geniuses, and they didn't pay much attention to martial arts talents. , Could it be the people from the Beast Master Sect did the trick?"

As for the kung fu just mentioned, Ruomei read a lot of information. In the ancient times, there were many beast master sects with extremely powerful strength.

"Let's take a look. Since it's a confrontation at the level of immortals, we little shrimps should stay away from it!"

Zuzhi and the others are only responsible for the investigation, and when the reason is found out, there will be experts from the Heavenly Court.

The six people were lying on a mountain depression, overlooking a valley with their eyes, gathered hundreds of powerful profound beasts, and let out a deep roar.

"Strange, why didn't these profound beasts launch an attack tonight!"

Mu You said suspiciously, he is also a second-rank Immortal King, with the same strength as Feng Qiwei.

"It's a bit unusual tonight. Everyone cheer up. I feel that the main purpose of the people behind the scenes is not to hunt down the tribe, but to have a bigger conspiracy."

Feng Qiwei interjected at this time to cheer everyone up. As for Lynch, he neither showed excessive enthusiasm nor neglected, and treated him normally.

As for what they are thinking in their hearts, only they know best in their hearts.

The night was getting darker and darker, a big moon hung upside down in the sky, and the whole valley suddenly became as bright as day, following the moonlight, three white figures fell from the sky little by little.

"Sure enough, someone deliberately manipulated the mysterious beast!"

They squatted here for more than a month without any information.

"Look, don't talk!"

Three white figures, extremely powerful, all high-ranking immortal emperors, each holding a strange flute in their hands.

The mysterious beast suddenly became quiet, without even snorting, and stayed in the valley obediently.

After the three fell down, they couldn't see their real faces, couldn't distinguish between men and women, and all of them covered their faces.

The moonlight suddenly dimmed, and only three figures could be seen dimly.

Picking up the flute in his hand, he began to play it softly, with waves of weird melodies constantly fluctuating around.

Those mysterious beasts became restless, let out a deep roar, their eyes were scarlet, and they really had the art of controlling beasts.

"What song is this, it feels so weird!"

Ren Yingzheng's expression was a little dull. This song is neither good nor bad, it just feels weird.

As soon as the soul sea moved, Shura's will unexpectedly reacted.

"These songs should have a hypnotic effect and can control the spirituality of mysterious beasts!"

Lynch interjected at this time. It is certain that the song has a hypnotic effect, because Zu Zhi and others are a little drowsy.

(End of this chapter)

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