Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 25 Cut Your Arm

Chapter 25 Cut Your Arm
Facing Lynch's harmless smile, Zhu Jun's face was extremely embarrassed. Four of his guards were actually killed by Lynch.

"Lynch, you are looking for death, you dare to kill people in my general's mansion!"

Zhu Jun scolded, bold and bold, although he has a bear bag, he has relied on pills for these years, and abruptly mentioned a sixth-rank martial artist, but at first glance it looks like an embroidered pillow, which is not useful.

The body is as fat as a pig, and it is very difficult to walk, let alone fight.

"I'm so scared!"

Lin Qi patted his small chest and made a look of fear, which made many people around laugh.

Zhu Jun's face became more and more ugly, the four guards were all dead, and he was not good at fighting, so he could only let Lynch humiliate him.

"Lynch, don't be arrogant, our General's Mansion will not let you go!"

Zhu Jun didn't suffer from the immediate loss, it was the best policy to go, wait for higher guards to be beheaded and kill Lin Qi.

"I am a person who will take revenge if I have a grudge, and I don't like overnight revenge. Since you wanted to kill me just now, I, Lynch, am not a soft-hearted person, so leave an arm!"

Killing the guards of the General's Mansion is fine, but killing Zhu Jun, the General's Mansion will definitely not let it go.

The Wumu Mansion has just started, and Lynch doesn't want to make things too big, and will settle accounts one by one when he is strong enough.

With a sweep of the sword's edge, Zhu Jun was unable to dodge. He watched helplessly as his right arm was cut off by Lin Qi's sword, and blood spurted wildly.


Zhu Jun let out a scream, clutched his arm, and rolled on the ground. From childhood to adulthood, whenever he suffered a little loss, it was him who bullied others, and no one dared to bully him.

It's good now, not only did he not bully others, but he even got into it.

"So ruthless, this Lynch is ruthless and merciless, absolutely must not be provoked!"

Some people retreated quietly, some were the lackeys of the prime minister's mansion, and when they saw Lynch killing someone, they immediately went back to report.

What Lin Qi wanted was this kind of effect, so that the Prime Minister's House couldn't figure it out, thinking that Lin Xiaotian had returned, bringing some kind of magical medicine to help Lin Qi improve his state.

The more false and real it is, the opponent will not be able to figure out which play Wu Mufu is singing.

After choosing a few long swords, Lin Qi left Qi Yuxuan, turning a blind eye to the awe-inspiring eyes around him.

This deterrence really made some Xiaoxiaos behave a lot. Li Zichun planned to find some people to provoke Lin Qi continuously and take the opportunity to kill him. Now it seems that this plan will not work.

In just a few days, the news that Lynch was promoted from a waste wood to a fifth-rank warrior quickly spread throughout the imperial city.

Some families and wealthy nobles began to tell their children not to provoke them if they could, unless they could kill them with one blow, so as not to take their own lives in vain.

Putting on yesterday's mask, Lin Qi came to Zhenbao Tower, and seeing that it was Lin Qi, the servants downstairs surrounded him one after another.

Yesterday Miss Yao ordered that if this person comes again, he must be warmly entertained and must not be neglected.

"Young master, our lady has been waiting for a long time!"

Inviting Lynch to the second floor, the servant quickly went down, Miss Yao was still refining alchemy, it seemed that she was refining the seventh-grade pill that Lynch gave her.

"The flame is more vigorous, the technique must be quick, and it must not be muddled!"

Lynch suddenly appeared behind Miss Yao, reminding her of the technique of alchemy.

With Lynch's advice, Ms. Yao really sped up the speed, and the flames made a loud noise, and became much more vigorous.

"Remember, refining seventh-rank alchemy does not rely on alchemy, it requires a lot of skills. Your techniques are too rough and can't reach the level of a seventh-rank alchemist."

Lynch actually had a shocking tone. Even if you know how to refine seventh-grade pills, but you don't know some techniques, even if you refine them, the quality will not be very good.

Miss Yao glared at Lynch viciously, but she didn't care. This kid looked fifteen or sixteen years old, with a lot of ghosts, and he was far better than her in alchemy.

Lynch stood on the side, shaking his head constantly, with a look of hating iron but not steel, tossing and turning over and over just a few methods to refine any good medicine.

Moreover, there is already a smell of burnt in the pill furnace. This is the third batch of pill refined by Ms. Yao, and the previous batches have been scrapped. If this batch is scrapped, it will be a big loss.

It is a pity to waste a elixir if one can refine a seventh-rank elixir.

Seeing the burnt smell coming out of the pill stove, Miss Yao's face showed a layer of frost, and her palms were faster, but the burnt smell in the stove was still unavoidable.

"You can't teach children!"

Lynch shook his head, walked in front of the alchemy furnace, stretched out his hand, and a beam of flames flew up, circled the alchemy furnace, and the palm moved repeatedly, various strange trajectories appeared, and Miss Yao was dazzled to see.

Actually retreated to the side, wanting to see how Lynch made alchemy.

Soon, the smell of paste in the pill furnace gradually disappeared, and a scent appeared. Miss Yao showed an expression of disbelief, Lin Qi was able to refine the seventh-grade pill.

"Get ready to fire!"

Lin Qi flipped his palm, and a trace of aura appeared, which opened up the spiritual root, and he became more and more proficient in controlling the flames. Moreover, Lin Qi's primordial spirit was very strong, after all, the souls of two people were fused.

Ms. Yao covered her mouth with her little hand. When Lynch arrived yesterday, she didn't have any spiritual roots. It was only overnight that a spiritual root appeared on Lynch's body.

The flame disappeared, and the elixir overflowed, filling the room with fragrance. The seventh-grade elixir is more expensive than the sixth-grade elixir.

"Really successful?"

Ms. Yao seemed a little unbelievable that Lynch had really succeeded in refining it.

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing Miss Yao's stupid face, Lin Qi felt very strange that he had only refined a seventh-grade elixir, so what's the big deal.

"You are a monster!"

Miss Yao had nothing to say, she opened the pill furnace, and there were three pills lying in it, reddish gold in color, called Golden Flame Pills, which could only be swallowed by martial disciples who had reached the seventh rank.

If it is below the seventh rank, if you swallow it rashly, you will burst your body. Once it is taken out for auction, those big families will definitely snap it up.

"I successfully refined this elixir, I will take two away, and keep the remaining one for yourself!"

Regardless of whether Ms. Yao agreed or disagreed, Lynch took two of them directly. Ms. Yao was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she didn't have any reason to refute.

If it weren't for Lynch, this batch of pills would definitely be scrapped, and she wouldn't have any of them by then, and it's already a shame for Lynch to leave one for her.

"you are vicious!"

Ms. Yao was not really angry. Compared with the alchemy techniques that Lynch taught her just now, the two pills are really nothing. If they can be exchanged, Miss Yao hopes that Lynch will come every day.

Since Lynch came, Ms. Yao has been frustrated many times, but she can't do anything to Lynch, because every time Lynch does something, she willingly accepts it.

"Okay, you also remembered the alchemy technique just now. In the afternoon, you can refine a few more furnaces yourself to make up for the loss in the morning. Now we are talking about cooperation."

Lynch put the elixir into his arms, as if he had done a very ordinary thing.

Lynch sat on the sofa carelessly, as if he regarded himself as the master.

"Your elixir has been refined?"

Miss Yao tidied up her appearance, sat down, talked about serious matters, and regained her solemn expression.

"Here are fifty pills, twenty Huiyuan pills, twenty Guiyuan pills, and ten Huichun pills!"

Lynch took out three bottles from his arms, put them in front of Miss Yao, and asked her to check them out.

Picking up the bottle of Huiyuan Pill, poured out one, it was crystal clear, without a trace of impurities, it was purified to [-]%, looking at the pill in his hand, he looked at Lin Qi with a complicated expression.

"Is this really made by you?"

Ms. Yao couldn't believe it, just who is Lynch who can refine such a high-level elixir.

"Is the quality much better than yours? The price remains the same, and it is still based on the market price. We want to grab a share now, and it is best to win over the entire imperial city's elixir channels."

Lynch's elixir is of very good quality, if it is sold at the same price as other elixir, it will have a strong impact on other elixir.

At that time, all the sources of goods in the imperial city will be snapped up here.

"I've known you for two days, and I still don't know your name."

Ms. Yao took a deep breath to calm her emotions, because Lynch's goal was beyond her control, controlling the entire imperial city's elixir channels, Lynch breathed a sigh of relief.


Lynch made up a name, but did not reveal his real name. If Wumu Mansion wants to develop, it needs a lot of wealth.

Now the other industries in Wumu Mansion have been robbed, and the only one that can grow and earn the fastest income is the elixir.

Because there are very few alchemists in the entire imperial city, there are less than ten in total, and there are only two in Zhenbaolou, and other families have their own alchemists.

"Also, why did you choose to cooperate with me? It seems that my family is not the only one selling pills in the Imperial City!"

Ms. Yao must figure out whether Lynch has any other purpose, so as not to fall into this kid's trap.

"Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

Lynch suddenly smiled, fixed his eyes on Miss Yao, and asked sharply.

"Your origin is unknown. I have to figure it out. Yesterday you just said that you would cooperate and sell pills on behalf of others. You didn't say that you wanted to monopolize the entire market."

Once the market rules are disrupted, it will definitely cause a bunch of chain reactions, and Ms. Yao must figure it out.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that this matter is an excellent opportunity for you Zhen Baolou, I believe you are not willing to stay here forever!"

Lynch suddenly said with a smile, with a confident look, not afraid that Ms. Yao would not agree.

"Then why did you choose our Zhen Bao Lou?"

There are three or four companies that sell pills in the Imperial City. Why Lynch chose Zhenbaolou is very unclear.

"Because you are independent, I don't need to tell you about the other companies, you already know who is behind the scenes!"

This is the key point. The other companies are all properties of the Prime Minister's Mansion. If Lynch cooperates with them, isn't it helping the Prime Minister's Mansion? Only Zhen Baolou is completely independent of himself.

By doing this, Lynch declared war with the Prime Minister's Mansion. Eighty percent of the Prime Minister's mansion's income comes from pills. If the channel for the elixir is cut off, the Prime Minister's Mansion will definitely mess up.

"You have enmity with the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Ms. Yao quickly figured out that Lynch's only purpose in doing this was to bring down the prime minister's mansion and cut off the economic income from the elixir, which was equivalent to cutting his throat.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't know, I believe you will agree, a Martial Spirit Realm, hidden in the secular world, either for another purpose, or incognito!"

(End of this chapter)

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