Chapter 26
Lynch suddenly bared his fangs, and stared straight at Miss Yao. She was shocked, and Lynch suddenly hit the mark.

The room fell into a brief silence, Lynch kept staring at Miss Yao, his eyes narrowed into a thin slit.

"Who the hell are you, how do you know so much!"

In the secular world, if a master of martial arts can appear, he will surpass the imperial power, and even the emperor may kowtow and kneel when he sees it.

"As I said, you will naturally know when the time comes. Let's talk about cooperation now."

Of course Lynch wouldn't say that Miss Yao could hide it from others, but she couldn't hide it from Lynch. He is the Emperor of Rank Nine.

"Do you know, once such an ending really happens, can you bear the anger of the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

It doesn't matter to Ms. Yao, this can raise Zhen Baolou to a higher level, and I will have an explanation when I go back later.

"That's my job, you just have to do it!"

Naturally, Lynch wasn't worried, so what if the Prime Minister's Mansion knew about it, what could they do to get him.

"I can promise you, you always have a reason to convince me!"

Miss Yao basically agreed, and from the beginning to the end, Lynch lacked a reason for Miss Yao to agree willingly.

"Within a month, I can make you an eighth-rank alchemist, is that enough reason?"

Lynch flicked his fingers, as if talking about something unimportant, Miss Yao stood up with a bang, her eyes fixed on Lynch.

"You mean it!"

Once the eighth-grade elixir appears, there will be a bloody storm in the imperial city, and many people will be crazy about it.

"Do I have to lie to you!"

Lynch has black hair, he doesn't need to lie about such a big matter.

"Okay, now I'll take your elixir and start selling it!"

The temptation of the eighth-rank alchemist is very strong, Miss Yao decided to cooperate with Lynch, and this is a win-win situation, speaking of it, the biggest winner should be her.

There is no need to waste a little raw material, as long as it is sold, and the level of the alchemist can be improved, such a good thing is rare.

"Miss Yao, I don't know if you can get a storage bag. Every time I carry a big bag of medicinal materials back like this, it will definitely attract people's attention."

Lynch scratched his head. In his previous life, let alone a storage bag, he even had an independent space. Now that he is a ninth-rank emperor, he can open up his own space.

"Well, this is not easy to handle, you can use mine first!"

Ms. Yao took out her storage bag and handed it to Lynch. She will use it first and return it to her when she finds it later.

"Thank you so much then!"

The storage bag is not very big, about the size of a palm, and it has its own space inside, about two square meters, which is enough to decorate with medicinal materials.

"I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Miss Yao brought two glasses of wine and celebrated with Lynch. The weather in the imperial city is likely to change soon.

It was already evening when Lin Qi returned to Wumu Mansion, Xiaoxue was still practicing swordsmanship in the yard, Lin Qi did not interrupt, went back to the room, and explained to Xiao Hong that no one was allowed to enter without his permission.

But at this time, a major event happened in the imperial city, and the gate of Zhen Baolou was already full of people.

"Have you heard that Zhenbaolou has launched a new type of pill, the quality of which is [-]% higher than before, and the price remains the same. A Huiyuan pill has been trained for one month instead of ten days."

Thousands of people gathered outside the door, discussing with each other, and more and more people came here.

Zhen Baolou released the news that the elixir level was upgraded without any change from the original basic price, which caused a great commotion in the imperial city.

And this time, Zhenbaolou also launched a new pill called Huichun Pill, which has twice the effect of Huiyuan Pill and Guiyuan Pill, and the price is not expensive.

As soon as such news was released, the entire imperial city was shaken up and down, and of course the prime minister's mansion was the most shocked.

In the entire imperial city, apart from Zhen Baolou, several other places selling pills are related to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the bosses behind the scenes cannot do without the shadow of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The matter is far more than that. Zhen Baolou is willing to sell fifty pieces every day, which is almost the sum of all the houses in the imperial city.

Each family sells between [-] and [-] pieces a day, and Zhen Baolou can do it in one day.

Prime Minister's Mansion!
Li Zichun's face was gloomy, with a murderous look all over his body, it seemed that after Lin Xiaotian came back, everything went wrong in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Have you found out, who is against our prime minister's mansion!"

Li Zichun asked coldly, there were more than a dozen people standing below, all investigating the news.

"Back to Prime Minister, we have checked everything, and the pills did flow from Zhen Baolou. As far as we know, besides Miss Yao, Zhen Baolou also has a fourth-rank alchemist, who can't refine it at all. Such a high-level pill."

A man in armor replied that during this day, the entire imperial city was mobilized to investigate this matter.

"Master Prime Minister, could this Miss Yao be the one who made it, deliberately against our Prime Minister's Mansion, and snatched away all the customers without raising the price."

Another person came up, thinking it was Miss Yao's fault.

"Go ahead and check, starting tomorrow, the price of all pills will be reduced by half!"

Li Zichun sat down on the chair. If he lost his income from the pills, it would be a huge blow to the prime minister's mansion.

"Master Prime Minister, do we need to seal Zhen Bao Lou?"

The man in armor just now made a gesture of wiping his neck, intending to destroy Zhen Baolou.

"Do you think Zhen Baolou is the Wumu Mansion?"

"Let me tell you, Zhenbaolou is not as simple as you think. Even the current emperor, when he sees Miss Yao, he has to be courteous."

Li Zichun glared at him fiercely. If he could, how could Li Zichun tolerate Zhen Baolou's robbing him of the pill market all these years, and it would have been wiped out long ago.

"Is she from the sect?"

The military adviser came up, well-informed, and Zhen Baolou had been established for decades, and no one dared to move. There was only one possibility, and there was a strong support behind it.

Hearing the Zongmen, everyone below fell silent and did not dare to speak. Even a handyman disciple of the Zongmen is not something people in the secular world like them can provoke.

"Don't make wild guesses, I'll meet this Miss Yao tomorrow, and find out what's true!"

Li Zichun waved his hand and told them to go down. Only when they saw Miss Yao could they understand clearly.

Lin Qi was in a good mood when he returned to Wumu Mansion. Today, all the pills were sold out, and the supply was in short supply. Some people even wanted to make reservations for tomorrow's supply.

This situation led to the Prime Minister's Mansion, even if the price was reduced by half, not a single pill was sold today.

If you don't see it in a day or two, after ten days and a half a month, it is estimated that the income of the prime minister's mansion will be greatly reduced, and so many dog ​​legs raised by him will probably leave him.

Back in the room, Lynch sat down cross-legged, took out two Golden Flame Pills, and planned to swallow one to see if he could be promoted to a sixth-rank martial artist.

Swallowing Jin Yandan in one gulp, a violent energy exploded in his body, traces of blood followed Lynch's pores and seeped out of his clothes.

But in an instant, Lynch turned into a blood man. Jin Yandan was a seventh-rank elixir, which could only be swallowed by warriors who had reached the seventh rank. Lynch was only a fifth-rank warrior, so he swallowed it forcibly. The consequences can be imagined.

Fortunately, the physical body is strong, but it only opened some capillaries without affecting the physical body, and the tyrannical force rushed back and forth in the body.

It is still a three-pronged approach. The first step is to nourish the physical body, develop the spiritual root, and finally integrate into the dantian. This is the power of the Samsara Hongmeng Jue.

A book of exercises achieved three effects, and even Lin Qi, the ninth-rank emperor, couldn't figure out what kind of existence was against the sky.

An hour passed, and Lynch's distorted face gradually recovered. Although he didn't break through to rank six martial artist, he gained a lot.

As long as there is an opportunity, Lynch can step into the sixth-rank warrior, so that he will have the power to protect himself against the seventh-rank.

"Simply practicing blindly only improves the realm. Fighting skills and martial arts are extremely difficult to improve. It seems that we need to find an opportunity to go out and practice."

Working behind closed doors, you can only confine yourself in a small space, and it is difficult to have much room for development.

Only by going out, can we get in touch with more people and things, and grow up quickly.

Lynch didn't go anywhere these days, and kept refining the elixir at home, preparing to refine a week's worth of elixir at once, and then he could go out and practice for a week with peace of mind.

Zhen Baolou is now overcrowded. As soon as the door opened in the morning, it was crowded with people, and they frantically bought medicine pills, even if they broke their homes, they would not hesitate to do so.

"Everyone get out of the way!"

Suddenly two columns of troops appeared and separated the crowd automatically. From the sedan chair behind, an old man in his fifties got down with a dignified face. It was Prime Minister Li.

"Prime Minister Li is here!"

Some people knew each other, and they stepped aside one after another. In today's imperial city, no one would dare to offend Prime Minister Li, unless he thought he was impatient.

"Prime Minister Li, why did you come to our Zhenbao Building?"

The person who received him was an old shopkeeper, and he didn't dare to neglect him, so he stepped forward to greet him immediately.

"I'm here to find Miss Yao, please let me know!"

After Prime Minister Li finished speaking, someone around him presented a large amount of money, and the old shopkeeper's face soon filled with a smile.

"Master Prime Minister, wait a moment, I'm going to inform Miss!"

The old shopkeeper quickly went upstairs, and Miss Yao was still refining the elixir. It was the seventh-grade Jinyan elixir that Lynch taught her yesterday, and it had already succeeded.

"Miss, Prime Minister Li is here!"

The old shopkeeper said very politely, standing outside the door, not daring to come in.

"Call him up!"

Miss Yao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said lightly, Prime Minister Li must not be able to bear such a big matter.

Prime Minister Li went upstairs quickly and saw that Miss Yao was concocting alchemy, so he didn't bother him, and stood quietly aside, waiting for half an hour, Miss Yao's elixir finally succeeded.

When he smelled the seventh-grade elixir, Prime Minister Li's expression changed. Could it be that Zhen Baolou already had the potential to refine the seventh-grade elixir? If so, wouldn't it be even more detrimental to the prime minister's mansion.

"I'm really sorry to keep Prime Minister Li waiting for so long!"

Miss Yao packed the elixir and told Prime Minister Li to sit down and explain that the maid had already prepared tea.

"It doesn't matter, it is also a blessing to watch Miss Yao's alchemy!"

Li Zichun was really scheming, and he was just a flatterer when he came up, and slapped Miss Yao on the body.

(End of this chapter)

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