Chapter 839 The Qiu Family's Invitation

Leicheng became lively, and many came from the flourishing world of the human world, with the purpose of entering the demon world.

The first is to sharpen oneself by hunting the demons, and the second is to grow a strange plant in the demon world, called the magic heart fruit. After eating this fruit, it can not only increase the life span, but also strengthen the body.

Only some powerful demon tribes will grow magic heart fruit, which is extremely difficult to obtain.

But Lynch knows that the magic heart fruit is not just to increase lifespan and strengthen the body as it is said on the surface. The magic heart fruit also has another effect, it can bring the dead back to life.

As long as you have one breath left and swallow the magic heart fruit, you can come back to life, which is very miraculous.

In addition, there are very few human beings in the demon world, and spiritual veins exist in many places, which is also one of the major reasons why humans like to enter the experience.

Swallowing three magic heart fruits together can help ninth-rank martial saints break through to martial gods. Only some big families know about this news.

Who is Lynch, the former and present emperor, these secrets can't be hidden from him.

I'm afraid that many big families entered the Demon Realm with the purpose of going to the Demon Heart Fruit. Naturally, the more such things, the better.

More and more people poured in, causing Leicheng to be full. These past few days, the inn was very chaotic, and there were often fights.

As soon as the courtyard entered and exited, sales were even more booming. The three major families made a lot of money, and opened three additional post stations. The prices were lowered, and the conditions were much better, providing everyone with a rest.

Once these people gather to make trouble, the three major families are not easy to control. After all, many of them come from the prosperous age of the human race, even from the great sects, and the three major families dare not offend.

Lynch returned to his own courtyard, Qiao Fu and Qiao Yu still had worried expressions on their faces, the guards came twice today, they didn't make things difficult for them, they just asked some questions.

It seems that Qiu Zhe had already said hello and knew about the relationship between them. People who make things difficult for Lynch will be against Qiu Zhe.

The guards just turned a blind eye and passed by, anyway, the Yan family paid the price.

Not only did they lose two Martial Gods and twenty Martial Saints, but they also took in [-] million spiritual stones. The Yan family can be said to be vomiting blood, and they haven't dared to jump for a few years.

"Master Lin!"

"Brother Lin!"

The two quickly stood up and came up to greet them.

"No one is embarrassing you?"

Lynch asked, if someone dares to come and make trouble again, Lynch doesn't mind killing him three times.

"No, the patrol team came once, but the investigation has been clear, and the Yan family has been fined [-] million top-grade spirit stones. This is over for the time being. The Yan family should not dare to target us in the near future."

When sending people to make trouble, it is not as simple as fined [-] million spirit stones, it may deprive the Yan family of some power.

"That's good, you guys rest too!"

After a busy day, Lynch was also a little tired, the sky was getting dark gradually, and after three days, he was about to enter the Demon Realm, so he had to recharge his batteries.

"I almost forgot, Xiaoyu, this is a girl's practice method. I think you have a good system. Try to cultivate, it should be helpful to you. There is a gathering of spirits in the inner courtyard. You will stay in the gathering of spirits for a few days. If you don’t understand, I can guide you.”

Lynch had observed Qiao Yu's system a few days ago, and it was very suitable for cultivation.

Later, it was delayed because of refining the real dragon backbone. I met Lan Bing and others in the morning, and I didn't remember it until now.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!"

Qiao Yu was very happy as if she had found a treasure. She took the exercises and went back to her room to read carefully.

"Remember, practice in the spirit-gathering array, so you can get twice the result with half the effort."

After Lynch finished speaking, he turned and left to go back to rest. Qiao Fu stood where he was, with tears streaming down his face, and kept wiping his eyes.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, a guest had arrived.

Lynch had already returned to the house, Qiao Fu hurried out and opened the courtyard door.

"Old Qiao, is Brother Lin here?"

There was a man and a woman standing outside the door, it was Qiu Ruoshui and Qiu Zhe, holding gifts in their hands.

"Yes, I will inform Master Lin right now!"

Qiao Fu quickly let them in, arranged to rest in a small hall in the front yard, and went to inform Lynch.

Before Lynch had time to rest, Old Qiao barged in. After all, Qiu Zhe and his wife were very powerful, and they were the young master and eldest lady of the Qiu family.

After about 5 minutes, Lynch hurried out.

"Brother Lin, I thought you were not at home."

Seeing Lynch, Qiu Zhe was not so polite, and treated this place as his own home, stood up and gave Lynch a warm hug.

Qiu Ruoshui nodded symbolically, as a greeting, Lynch was used to Qiu Ruoshui's indifferent appearance.

"Why are you here?"

The three of them took their seats, and Old Qiao quickly served tea, acting like a housekeeper.

"Good thing, big good thing!"

Qiu Zhe stood up excitedly, causing Lynch to roll his eyes.

"You are also the young master of the Qiu family, can you keep your focus?"

Lin Qi couldn't laugh or cry, Qiu Ruoshui was too calm, and Qiu Zhe was too restless. If these two people didn't tell others that they were siblings, no one would believe them.

"What's wrong with the young master of the Qiu family? Are you going to restrict my personal freedom?"

Qiu Zhe didn't care so much, when he left the family, he forgot all the rules and regulations.

"Cough cough..."

Qiu Ruoshui coughed a few times, and the atmosphere suddenly calmed down. Qiu Zhe drooped his head, not daring to be presumptuous anymore, and sat quietly by the side.

"Say anything, I'm all ears."

The two of them went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, since they came, there must be something.

"Lynch, it's like this. The demon world is about to enter the breeding season. You should know that many warriors have spontaneously formed teams. I don't know if you are interested in entering the demon world to experience together."

The word experience is used well, most people use the guise of experience, after entering, there are many things that kill each other.

"Well, I heard about it, and I want to go in and have a look."

Lynch nodded. The hottest thing Leicheng is talking about right now is naturally who can win the title of hunter this year.

"Our Qiu family has formed a team and would like to invite you to join."

Qiu Ruoshui didn't beat around the bush, but directly pointed out that she wanted Lynch to join.

This surprised Lin Qi. The Qiu family is such a big family, and the disciples don't know how many people there are. If you pick a few at random, they are probably a hundred times stronger than him.

After thinking about it, I quickly figured out the reason. It must be the opportunity that the two of them fought for. Knowing that I was assassinated by Yan Fei and brought into the Demon Realm, it was considered a care.

It is too dangerous to go deep into the demon clan alone, and with the care of the Qiu family, he can come out of the demon world safely and alive.

"It's inappropriate, I'm an outsider after all."

Lynch pondered for a while, knowing in his heart that they had good intentions, but still wanted to figure out how the Qiu family would agree to an outsider joining their team.

"You don't have to worry about this. I am the team leader this time, and I personally appointed you."

Qiu Ruoshui knew what Lynch was worried about. If an outsider joined, he would definitely be excluded.

"I'm not worried about this, I just don't understand how the Qiu family would agree to your terms."

Lynch never believed that Qiu's family agreed to Qiu Ruoshui's request for no reason and allowed an outsider to join the team.

Although Lynch had an indirect life-saving grace to them, it was not enough for the Qiu family to give Lynch a place.

Don't underestimate this small quota, how many people squeezed their heads and wanted to join the team of the three major families. This is a life-saving talisman. Joining the team of the three families is equivalent to having the power to protect themselves.

What is more important than getting out alive? There are also powerful people in other teams, but compared with the three major families, they are still too weak.

Where is the devil world? Although there are many treasures, it is always full of dangers. If one is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

Qiu Ruoshui suddenly stopped talking, and Qiu Zhe also lowered his head. It was obvious that Lynch had guessed it right. There must be some additional conditions.

"Still hiding with me, tell me, I can stand it."

Lynch deliberately took a teasing tone, and the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot, Qiu Zhe looked apologetic.

"If you want to join our Qiu family team, as long as you agree to join our Qiu family."

Qiu Zhe lowered his head, not daring to look at Lynch squarely. Entering Qiu's house, for many people, this is indeed a happy event.

Entering Qiu's house means that there is no need to worry about food and clothing for a lifetime. With the big tree of Qiu's house, in Leicheng in the future, it can be said that if you want wind, you will get wind and rain.

Qiu Ruoshui didn't speak, but gritted her teeth, as if she was also very angry inside.

"You Qiu family really think highly of me. Apart from my good looks, I really can't figure it out. Your Qiu family will take the initiative to win me over, and I will be flattered!"

Lynch laughed at himself, making Qiu Zhe feel ashamed.

"Brother Lin, things are not what you think. Letting you marry will not restrict your freedom of life, and that person is my cousin. She has absolutely no problem with her appearance and character."

Qiu Zhe is here as a lobbyist, and at such a young age, he actually has a set of words.


Lynch stopped immediately, and when he continued talking, his taste changed a bit. Although he knew that the siblings were doing it for his own good, Lynch hadn't yet degraded to the point of entering Zhuqiu's house to seek self-protection.

"Lynch, to be honest, the family took a fancy to your potential, so they used this method to win you over."

Qiu Ruoshui's words made Lin Qi ponder. The story of killing Lan Bing in the morning must have spread throughout Leicheng. It is understandable for the Qiu family to recruit such a genius.

"Thank you Qiu's family for your kindness. To be honest, I already have a team, so I can't agree to your terms."

Lynch didn't want to continue entangled in this topic, and directly pointed out that he had already joined Chen Shao's team, and it was impossible to switch to other teams.

"Brother Lin, why don't you think about it, if you join Zhuqiu's house, we can see each other every day in the future."

Qiu Zhe still didn't give up, making Lynch dumbfounded. In the end, Qiu Ruoshui gave him a hard look, and then obediently stopped talking.

"Okay, it's your first time here, I'll show you around, and that's the end of what happened just now."

A visitor is a visitor, Lynch stood up and led them around the yard, just in time to see Qiao Yu practicing in the spirit gathering formation.


Qiao Yu broke through to King Wu.


The space fluctuated again, and the realm broke through again.


After three breaths, the space fluctuated again, and the realm continued to climb, which shocked the three of Lynch in place.

"Mist Grass, let people live, what kind of cultivation method is this?"

Qiu Zhe seemed to be crazy, and circled around the Spirit Gathering Formation several times, not understanding how Qiao Yu cultivated.

Every time he breaks through a level, Qiao Yu's body changes, and he no longer looks thin and weak.

(End of this chapter)

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