Chapter 840 Phoenix System
Even Lynch was a little surprised that this set of exercises was nothing more than an earth-level masterpiece, and when it was used on Qiao Yu, it had such an effect.

"No, look at Qiao Yu's eyebrows!"

Qiu Ruoshui's eyes were sharp, and she saw that there was something abnormal between Qiao Yu's eyebrows at a glance, so she took a closer look before reminding the two of them.

"What kind of mark is this?"

Qiao Yu's body, as the realm continued to climb, some bones in the body developed rapidly. She didn't look like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, with a blush on her face.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I just can't remember it."

Qiu Zhe hammered his head, but he just couldn't remember it. It looked like a willow leaf, and it looked like a mark of a flame. He must have seen it before.

"Go and call Old Joe over."

Lynch frowned, and also realized the changes in Qiao Yu's body. In her body, there seemed to be a power awakening.

Qiu Zhe hurried to call Qiao Fu, but within a few minutes, Qiao Fu ran in panting, thinking that something serious had happened.

Seeing that Qiao Yu broke through a realm every few breaths, he was also surprised from ear to ear.

It took only a few minutes to reach the Martial Emperor. If this continues, it may be no problem to reach Wu Zun before dark.

What kind of cultivation speed is this? Even Lynch wants to scold her.

"Old Qiao, tell the truth, what is the mark on Xiaoyu's eyebrows?"

Lynch also felt that there was some secret hidden in Qiao Yu's body. It seemed that a blood was awakening, and he had to figure it out.

"I do not know!"

Qiao Fu looked confused, he was just a small family, and Qiao Yu was brought up by him, so he couldn't hide any secrets from him.

"Think about it carefully. The problem doesn't necessarily lie with Qiao Yu. Maybe it's his parents, or his great-grandfather and great-grandmother."

Qiu Ruoshui could also see that Qiao Yu had a big secret, and if she awakened, it might alarm countless people.

Qiao Fu turned around in a hurry. There must be nothing strange happening to him. Qiao Yu's parents are also normal people, so we can only continue to trace back.

"I remember, I remember."

Qiao Fu suddenly slapped his thigh and jumped three feet high, thinking of something.

"Say it!"

The three of them spoke in unison, and just as they were speaking, Qiao Yu stepped into the first-rank Martial Emperor, and she still had no intention of stopping. The mark between her eyebrows was even more obvious, like a small flame.

"200 years ago, there was no me at that time. My grandfather, who was also Qiao Yu's great-great-grandfather, used to live in the North Desolate Desert, where the weather was cold and unsuitable for human habitation. Our ancestors , live here."

Lynch doesn't know about the Northern Desolation, which doesn't mean that Qiu Ruoshui and Qiu Zhe don't know about it. It's an extremely desolate place, and it's very difficult for humans to survive there.

"We were members of the tribe at the time, and suddenly one night, a fireball fell from the sky, which alarmed the whole tribe."

"Because it was late at night, many people were asleep. After being awakened, they didn't dare to come out to see it, because there are cod bears coming and going in Beiliang at night."

"As soon as the sky was bright, the young and strong men of the tribe got up one after another, and found that there was a huge deep pit in the south of the tribe. The glacier was smashed through, and the water inside was evaporated completely, and it was still emitting green smoke. .”

Hearing this, Qiu Ruoshui and Qiu Zhe gasped for breath, and vaporized a glacier, even an emperor couldn't do it.

"Young and strong men are more courageous, and approached one after another. At that time, my grandfather was just sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was also a daring thornhead, rushing to the edge of the big hole."

Several people held their breaths. The next scene must have been something they had never seen in their entire life. Although Qiao Fu knew about it, it was his father who told him that he did not see it with his own eyes.

Because he wasn't there yet!
"Quickly tell me what's in the pit."

Qiu Zhe couldn't hold back anymore, his heart was burning with rage, he wanted to know what was falling from the sky.

Lin Qi and Qiu Ruoshui were also curious. Although they didn't say anything, their eyes had already betrayed him, so they asked Qiao Fu to continue, because Qiao Yu had already reached the fifth-rank Martial Emperor.

"Guess what Dakeng you are?"

Qiao Fu bought a pass, Qiu Zhe was so angry that he went up and grabbed his clothes fiercely, almost throwing him out.

"Ahem... I also heard from my father, but I can't guarantee the authenticity."

Qiao Fu adjusted the atmosphere, glanced at Qiao Yu, and continued.

"According to what my grandfather said at the time, there was a big bird lying in the pit."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Fu also couldn't believe that such a big bird could evaporate a glacier.

"Big bird?"

Lin Qi and Qiu Zhe all expressed surprise in unison.

"That's right, it's a big bird. It seems to be injured. It's lying in the pit, emitting raging flames. Those young men can't get close at all, they can only watch from a distance."

Qiao Fu still bit the bullet and continued to talk, regardless of whether it was true or not, he should first tell what he knew.

"and after!"

Lynch's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He had a guess in his mind about this big bird, but he wasn't sure yet.

"Because the glaciers were melting, many places began to sink, and humans could not survive here. Many tribes began to migrate."

"In just a few days, half of the people in the tribe left. My grandfather didn't leave at that time. He went back to Dakeng every day to have a look, and found that the big bird seemed to be injured and neighed."

"My grandfather looked at Da Niao very pitifully. He took out his own food and gave it to Da Niao every day. He also gave Da Niao the ice hearts he collected from the glacier."

"Your grandfather is really generous!"

It was the first time Qiu Ruoshui spoke like this, and Qiu Zhe was still a little uncomfortable.

What is Bing Xin? It is a treasure that warriors dream of, and it was given to a big bird that destroyed their homeland.

"And later!"

Qiu Zhe wanted to hear the ending as if he was listening to a story.

"More than ten days have passed in a blink of an eye, and the people in the tribe have basically left. If the glacier completely melts, we may never be able to leave again. Before leaving, I plan to say goodbye to Big Bird."

"Big bird, although I don't know what kind of bird you are, you ruined our home, I don't blame you, I'm leaving, I can't take care of you in the future, this is my last food, I give it to you."

Qiao Fu imitated his grandfather's words back then, but it was very vivid.

After speaking, he threw the food into the big pit, and Qiao Fu's grandfather turned and left.

The big bird, which had not moved for more than ten days, suddenly flapped its wings and uttered a crisp, very loud cry.

Fortunately, the people of the tribe had almost left, otherwise they would have been frightened.

"My grandfather was also stunned. Looking at Big Bird, he found that his eyes were very humane. He seemed to understand what my grandfather said. After more than ten days of training, he received Bing Xin's treatment, and his injuries recovered a lot."

One person and one bird stared at each other for more than ten seconds, and then an incredible scene appeared.

From the big bird's mouth, a drop of golden liquid flew out, flew directly into Grandpa Qiao Fu's body, and then disappeared.

Later, Qiao Fu's grandfather left and stepped into the human world. It is strange that he, a farmer in a mountain village, understood the art of human cultivation in just a few years.

In less than ten years, it became a small family. Such a speed is very rare in Lingzhu Continent.

In Qiao Fu's generation, after his grandfather passed away, the family fell apart, the children were gone, and he was the only one who wandered around with Qiao Yu.

"What do you think!"

Lynch looked at Qiu Ruoshui and Qiu Zhe. Qiao Yu must have inherited something from her grandfather, and it may have something to do with this big bird.

"In my memory, the big bird with the fire attribute is the phoenix?"

Qiu Ruoshui suddenly thought of a kind of divine beast. It was recorded in some ancient books that the phoenix was of the fire attribute and was also in the form of a big bird, but no one had ever seen the real one.

"I remembered what the mark on Qiao Yu's forehead was."

Qiu Zhe jumped up suddenly, and finally remembered where he saw this mark.

"What mark is it?"

Lin Qi asked Qiu Ruoshui and Qiao Fu together.

"Dragon and phoenix present auspicious picture!"

Qiu Zhe saw a portrait a few years ago, on which a dragon and a phoenix were auspicious. At that time, he saw a mark of this kind on the top of the phoenix's forehead, which resembled a flame.

"Where is the portrait?"

Qiu Ruoshui immediately asked, wanting to confirm it herself.


Qiu Zhe had a bitter face. After reading it at that time, he didn't know where to throw it, and he couldn't remember it at all.

Qiu Ruoshui looked as if she hated iron for being weak, if Qiao Yu really had the blood of the Phoenix, it would be fine, such a person would definitely be robbed by others!
"No one is allowed to leak this matter today, or don't blame me for being rude."

Lynch lowered his voice suddenly, Qiu Ruoshui and Qiu Zhe were both aware of the seriousness of the matter, if it got out, it would not alarm Leicheng, but the world.

In just one hour, a person has climbed step by step from Wuzong to Wuhuang, the peak, and this has not stopped.

The four were silent, especially Qiao Fu, who danced excitedly, neither standing nor sitting. Anyway, he was very anxious, so he could only look at Lynch.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I won't say anything about this today."

Qiu Zhe made his statement first, and Qiu Ruoshui nodded, saying that it would not do them any good, and it would cause unnecessary trouble.

"I trust you, let's go to the front and talk, don't disturb Xiaoyu."

The four left the inner courtyard and returned to the small hall. This time, Qiao Fu did not leave and stood aside.

"Brother Lin, I heard that Old Qiao and Xiaoyu rely on performing arts for a living, and they don't have any special skills. How about this? I have a teahouse and let Old Qiao be the shopkeeper. This way, there is also a support. What do you think?"

Qiu Zhe looked carefree, but when he said these words, even Qiu Ruoshui was stunned, he didn't expect his younger brother to win him over so quickly.

If Xiaoyu really belongs to the Phoenix system, then it's fine, and she will try her best to get into Qiu's house!

"Don't ask me about this matter, Old Joe is not my follower, he can leave whenever he wants."

If it had been other people's wooing, Lynch would have turned the tables long ago, but when Qiu Zhe said it, Lynch was not only not angry, but showed admiration instead.

(End of this chapter)

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