Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 90 Flying Sword

Chapter 90 Flying Sword
Lynch disappeared into the dark night, and he couldn't see his fingers around him. He could only hear the sound of Haloxylon on the ground, as if there were insects crawling towards him.

Suddenly there was a flash of fire ahead, followed by the sound of a weapon hitting the ground. Lynch swayed and rushed towards the source of the sound.

In the blink of an eye, Lynch saw Ayou, holding a long knife, and densely packed black dragons and scorpions appeared around him, the number was so terrifying that even Lynch's scalp was numb.

Pulling out the long sword, he swiped across and flew the Dulongscorpion that was rushing towards him, and the two quickly joined together. A wound had already appeared on Ayou's calf, and was bitten by the Dulongscorpion.

"Ayou, what's going on, why are there so many dragons and scorpions!"

Lynch swung his long sword and sent all the nearby Dulong scorpions flying away, but there were more scorpions coming from all around, and they couldn't kill them all.

"Someone deliberately drove the Dulong Scorpion here!"

Ayou knew the language of beasts, so he already knew what was going on. He rushed out the first time, but he still didn't expect that there were so many Dulongs and scorpions, all of them were between the second-rank, second-rank and fifth-rank, and they couldn't stand the huge number.

With the strength of two people, it is impossible to destroy it at all, and we must find a way to retreat.

"Let's go back quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

Lynch immediately made a judgment that with so many dragons and scorpions, once surrounded, it would be extremely difficult to escape.

"You take the lead, I'm the rear!"

Ayou nodded, and began to cooperate with Lynch, backed away constantly, leaving here first, and joined Qin Lan and the others.


Lin Qi swept across the army with one sword, and hundreds of Dulong scorpions were sent flying, making it extremely difficult to kill them.

"Come on!"

Lynch yelled, opened a passage, and rushed tens of meters away in an instant. Ayou followed closely, jumped out of the siege of Dulong Scorpion, flashed a few times, and left the dense forest.

The two fled, and those lone dragons and scorpions chased after them one after another, refusing to let them go, very regular, forming an encirclement again.

"What are you still doing, run away!"

Qin Lan and Yu Wenyan were still in a daze, not knowing what to do, when Lynch suddenly yelled, the two of them were even more stunned and began to pack their things.

"I don't want anything, let's go!"

By the time they packed up their things, those Dulongs and Scorpions had already surrounded them, trapping the four of them in place.

There was also a bonfire in the middle, which clearly illuminated a distance of tens of meters around. Seeing so many Dulongs and scorpions, Qin Lan and Yu Wenyan showed panic.

"Lynch, what happened, why are there so many dragons and scorpions!"

Qin Lan was a little panicked. After all, she was a woman. When she encountered a locust-like Dulongscorpion, she felt numb from the bottom of her heart and was unwilling to face it.

"Stop talking, find a way to rush out!"

The long sword in Lynch's hand was a simple move. With a sweep, a vacuum appeared in front of him, leading them to break through.

"Ayou, you and Qin Lan are in a group, and Yu Wenyan and I are in a group, so we can take care of each other!"

Yu Wenyan's strength was the lowest, and she was already surrounded by Dulongscorpion. She was almost bitten to death by Dulongscorpion several times, but Lynch helped resolve it.

Both Ayou and Qin Lan are sixth-rank martial artists, so there is no problem in self-protection. The two of them cooperated with each other with ease and speed.

Lin Qi pulled Yu Wenyan and was also rushing to attack. The two groups dispersed most of the Dulongs and Scorpions, so that the pressure was not too great.

In the dark night, someone suddenly blew a whistle, and that whistle made Dulongxie even more crazy, forcing Lynch and the others to keep going deeper.


Ayou suddenly withdrew and appeared behind Qin Lan, knocking out a few flying dragons and scorpions, saving Qin Lan's life at a critical moment.

But Ayou also felt bad, his right arm was bitten by the Dulong scorpion, dripping with blood.

"Are you OK!"

Qin Lan showed concern. If Ayou hadn't acted in time, she would be a corpse now.


Ayou still had a ruthless look, and Qin Lan showed a complex look on his face, and soon threw himself into the battle again.

"There is a water source ahead, as long as we get through the water source, there will be no problem!"

Dulong scorpions are afraid of water, so as long as they cross the other side of the river, they can get rid of the entanglement of Dulong scorpions.

The sound of the whistle suddenly increased several times, and those Dulongs scorpions seemed to be crazy, jumped up from the ground, and rushed towards Lynch and the others.

"Get down!"

Lin Qi suddenly pulled Yu Wenyan into his arms and protected her with his body. Dozens of dragons and scorpions suddenly flew over. If Lin Qi was one step late, Yu Wenyan would surely die.


Lynch exudes a strong murderous aura, and he has already felt that someone is deliberately playing tricks and manipulating these dragons and scorpions.

With a swing of the sword, there are sword shadows in all directions, clearing away the Dulong Scorpion with a radius of tens of meters, freeing up the opportunity for several people to rush to the river.

"Cross the river first!"

Lynch gave an order to ask Ayou to take the two girls across the river first, and to fight off those dragons and scorpions by himself, because some dragons and scorpions are not afraid of death, and they rush forward like a meteor shower, which is extremely terrifying.

Ayou didn't hesitate, because he knew that Lynch's strength was the highest, and if he was delayed, everyone would be in danger.

Under the escort of Ayou, the two women crossed the river at high speed, and those scorpions had no choice but to surround Lynch.

"You find a safe place to wait for me!"

Lynch hadn't crossed the river, and with a flick of the long sword in his hand, he suddenly disappeared in place. With the help of the ghost shadow, he left the river in seven steps and rushed towards the place where the whistle sounded.

Because Lynch wanted to figure out who was secretly trying to kill them. If they weren't eradicated, similar things would happen next.

"Lynch, don't go!"

Yu Wenyan yelled, but Lin Qi's figure had long since disappeared, submerged in the dark night.

The whistle in the distance was still there, Lynch accelerated the speed to the extreme, and within a few flashes, Lynch could clearly determine the source of the sound.

The fighting sounds stopped, and the whistle seemed to be gradually weakening. On the distant mountains, under the reflection of the sky and the moon, Lynch saw a dark shadow.

Wearing a black robe all over his body, he couldn't see clearly. It was this person who radiated the whistle that controlled the Dulong Scorpion just now.

There was a distance of several hundred meters between the two. The man in black was about to escape. How could Lynch let him go? He had to find the mastermind behind the scenes. This trip to the Qilian Mountains would definitely not go so smoothly.

The man in black seemed to have noticed that someone was approaching, and suddenly disappeared in place, planning to run away.

"Where to go!"

Lynch turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, his feet were almost flying close to the ground, relying on the ghost shadow for seven steps, he was able to fly off the ground for a short time, which was many times faster than normal running.

A few longitudinal shots shortened the distance between each other, and the man in black was getting closer and closer to Lynch, but it only took a few breaths.

A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and it flew out with a whoosh, and hit the man in black's back. If he didn't turn around to resist, he would be pierced by the long sword.

The strong sound of breaking through the air forced the man in black to stand still, and a long sword appeared in his hand, and he blocked the long sword that was shot at his back angrily.


The flames splattered, and the long sword that Lynch flew was blown away, but the man in black also paused for a few breaths, and Lynch suddenly appeared in front of him.

The four eyes met, and Lynch's eyes flashed with a murderous look. Lynch didn't know this person, but Lynch was no stranger to the whistle in his hand.

This is not an ordinary whistle, it is specially used for training monsters. In some beast sects, they all use this whistle to control the mind of monsters and easily achieve the effect of attack.

"Who are you, why do you want to control Dulongscorpion to kill me!"

Lin Qi's voice was very cold. This person did not seem to be from Qingyun Mansion. He was quite old and had already passed the qualifications to join Qingyun Mansion. It was obvious that someone had found him from outside.

"I didn't expect you to be so fateful. Under the siege of so many dragons and scorpions, you can still survive. You have some skills!"

The man in black put away his whistle, revealing a vicious voice, exuding a strong murderous aura all over his body. Once the aura of a ninth-rank martial artist is released, waves of air will form around him.

"Since you don't want to say it, I have no choice but to force you to say it!"

Lynch drew out his long sword and pointed at the sky. Although the surrounding area was pitch black, it did not hinder each other's sight.

Sensing the terrifying aura of Lynch, the man in black didn't dare to be careless, the long sword in his hand trembled, and he also performed superb martial arts, all of which were around the Xuan level.


The two people's long swords collided together, and they collided dozens of times in an instant. The long swords made a deafening sound of bouncing, which spread far and far in the dark night.

Facing a ninth-rank martial artist, Lin Qi was able to handle it with ease. Yesterday in the back mountain, he almost abolished the horse flag. Lynch already had a certain understanding of the ninth rank.

The long sword shot again, another move, the Buddha returned, its power doubled, the surrounding space was sealed by swordsmanship, and the face of the man in black kept changing. I did not expect Lynch to be so powerful.

He thought that he could easily kill Lynch with the help of the monster, but not only did he not die, but he was also found, which made the man in black show a look of shock on his face.


The infinite killing intent gathered together and condensed into a sea, forming a substantial sword gang, with sword intent surging on it.

The naked murderous aura stimulated the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, and with a buzzing sound, it disappeared into Lin Qi's dantian again and quickly entered the long sword.

There was a red light all around, and Lynch's long sword suddenly turned into a flying sword, and he threw it out, flying freely in the void, and the man in black on the opposite side was completely dumbfounded.

This is a method only available to high-level martial spirits. Throwing objects in the void can rely on the primordial spirit to control spiritual weapons and kill people from a hundred meters away.

Lynch was not a martial artist, yet he did it. How could the man in black not be frightened, he retreated step by step, and was forced to have no way out by Lynch's flying sword.

In fact, it wasn't Lynch's fault, it was Jiujue Sword Soul who manipulated the long sword and beheaded the opponent. This bizarre scene made Lynch startled.

This is unbelievable. The last time he killed the horse thief, the Nine Absolute Sword Soul entered the long sword, and now there is such a big commotion, Lin Qi's expectations for the Nine Absolute Sword Soul are getting higher and higher.

Feeling the biting chill emanating from the long sword, the man in black showed a resolute look on his face, took out a talisman from his arms, and stuck it on his long sword.

Use the talisman to bless the long sword, hoping to resist this sword!
(End of this chapter)

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