Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 91 Confession

Chapter 91 Confession
Talismans are very precious, even rarer than alchemy, none in a million.

Back in the imperial city, when Lin Qi met Zhu Mochou, the other party took out a talisman and blessed it with a long sword, but he was still killed by Lin Qi. It was probably a low-level talisman at the time.

Talismans are divided into ten ranks, and the second rank represents martial arts masters. Judging by its appearance, this talisman is only low-level. If it is a second-rank high-level talisman, Lin Qi is really a little afraid.

After blessing the talisman, the power increased greatly, the long sword emitted a crimson light, and the sword gang extended tens of meters, and it has evolved into a sword spirit, which is very terrifying.

The flying sword didn't stop, just cut it down without mercy, so what if it was blessed with a talisman, this is the Nine Absolute Sword, even if it only finds a Nine Colors Sword Heart, it is not something that can be resisted by ordinary weapons.


The crimson sword gang was split into two, and was cut off by Lin Qi's long sword without mercy.

Losing the long sword, the man in black stepped back, and the flying sword appeared on his neck, only a few inches away. Once it was cut off, it would definitely be a corpse.

"Nine Absolute Swords, wait!"

Lynch yelled suddenly, before he knew who sent him, Lynch asked Jiujuejian not to kill him yet.

Jiujuejian was very obedient, and he really stopped. The man in black didn't move. As long as he moved, the flying sword would stick to his neck.

"Now you can tell, who sent you here!"

Lynch walked over, holding a long sword on the shoulder of the man in black, as long as he sent it forward, his head would fly out.

The man in black had a ferocious expression on his face. The majestic ninth-rank martial artist was actually defeated by the sixth-rank martial artist. Still in this way, he was still no match for the blessing of the talisman.

"Lynch, killing me won't stop your fate!"

The man in black spoke out word by word, unwilling to name the person behind the scenes.


With a flick of Lynch's long sword, the man in black's right arm disappeared and was easily cut off.


The man in black let out a scream, his right arm was broken at the root, and a large amount of blood spurted out. The man in black's face was pale, and the piercing pain made him want to die.

"Ask you again, who sent you to kill me!"

Lynch's voice became colder and colder. If he didn't say anything, the other arm would be cut off.

"I said, will you spare me!"

The man in black knew very well that Lynch would definitely not let him go. Whether he said it or not, it was a dead end.

"You are right, if you don't say it, you will die, if you say it, you will die, but you can die happily!"

Lynch did not deny that the man in black was bound to die. A sword qi pierced his body and penetrated into his veins, causing unbearable pain.

The sword energy followed the meridians, tearing his body apart bit by bit, and the man in black let out a miserable scream.

Big drops of sweat rolled down his forehead, and the pain was about to make him lose consciousness.


Lynch shouted angrily, and the man in black shivered all over his body, shivering involuntarily, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

"Zhang Qiu asked me to come!"

The man in black finally couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted Lynch to give him a good time, telling him who was behind the scenes, it was Zhang Qiu, which Lynch really didn't expect.

Thinking it would be Sikonglai or Jiangliu, Zhang Qiu wanted to kill him because he was closer to Shangguan Feiyun, and Lin Qi shot a frightening and cold look in his eyes.


The man in black's head flew up, and Lynch didn't continue to ask. Lynch was not interested in knowing his origin, as long as he knew who controlled it.

After killing the man in black, Lynch simply dealt with the surroundings, then disappeared in place, and went straight to the river just now.

On the other side of the river, a bonfire was lit. Ayou and the others hadn't left yet, waiting for Lynch to come back.

Those Dulongscorpions disappeared, the person who manipulated them died, and the Dulongscorpions left by themselves.

After wading across the small river, Yu Wenyan came over, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

"Lynch, you scared me to death just now, why did you go back by yourself!"

Yu Wenyan cried because she was worried about Lin Qi, for fear that Lin Qi would never return, after all, those scorpions just now were too scary.

"What about the two of them?"

Only Yu Wenyan was outside, Lynch asked.

"Ayou was bitten by a poisonous scorpion. The toxin has not been cleaned up yet. Qin Lan is taking care of him!"

Yu Wenyan let the wind out to avoid any more monsters from appearing. There was a small cave in front, which was just a good place to hide. Their tents were all lost. For the next four days, they could only eat and sleep in the open.

"Let's go in and see!"

In order to save Qin Lan, Ah You was bitten by a poisonous scorpion on his right arm. If he is not treated in time, his right arm may be scrapped.

Entering the cave, Qin Lan's eyes were also dancing, looking at Ayou who was lying unconscious on the ground, with a worried look on his face. It was because of her that Ayou was bitten by the poisonous scorpion.

"How is Ayu?"

Lynch squatted down, checked Ayou's body, and found that the toxin had begun to erode his tendons. If he didn't deal with it, the consequences would be unimaginable, not as simple as disabling his right arm.

"I don't know either. After crossing the river, I started to faint. I don't know what to do!"

Qin Lan was at a loss what to do. She had never encountered such a thing before, so she didn't know what to do.

"Just leave it to me!"

Lynch took out a detoxification pill, he took one for his grandfather last time, and there are two left, which are now in handy.

Stuffing it into Ayou's mouth, he was mobilizing his true energy, combing his tendons, and forcing the poisonous energy out of his body bit by bit.

After about a cup of tea, Lynch was sweating, and then it stopped, and the brown toxin on Ayou's right arm was forced out little by little.

"He's fine for the time being, rest for one night, and he will recover tomorrow!"

Lynch said, let the two girls rest tonight, and he went out to watch the night. It was already late at night, and in a few more hours, the sky would be bright.

The night passed quickly and was relatively peaceful. After being chased by Dulongxie, Lin Qi and the others had deviated from the route designated by Qingyun Mansion and entered the depths of the Qilian Mountains.

There will be more monsters here, just like in the human world, it is possible to encounter them within a few steps, and even encounter some powerful third-order monsters, which can turn into human forms.

However, there are very few monsters that can transform into human form. When snakes and foxes are at the third level, they can easily change their shape. Those cumbersome monsters can't do it unless they reach the level of a demon king.

As soon as the sky was bright, Ayou woke up, his right arm was bandaged by Qin Lan, and all the toxins in his body were eliminated.

Standing up without disturbing the rest of the two girls, Lynch walked outside the cave, where Lynch sat cross-legged and continued to practice. Around him, the aura was very strong.

"You saved me last night?"

Ayou also sat down, his tone was not so cold, he seemed to accept Lynch, but it would take more time to completely dissolve Ayou's cold heart.

"Since we are a group, of course we have to take care of each other!"

Lin Qi put away his hands and stopped practicing. After a night of fighting, he let the Jiujue Sword appear again and swallowed a few Xiuyue Pills. Lin Qi felt that the seventh-rank martial artist was about to move, and he could break through once he squeezed it once.

Ayu didn't speak, Lynch was right, they were a team, and of course they had to take care of each other.

The two women woke up quickly, and saw two men sitting at the entrance of the cave, looking at each other, and saw a touch of tenderness in each other's eyes.

"Lynch, why do you have so many points?"

Qin Lan took out the token and checked the points of other groups last night, and suddenly found that Lynch's points had jumped to the first place, and their group's total points were also ranked in the top three.

Lynch didn't pay attention, so he took out the score card, showing a strange look, and soon understood.

Last night, killing so many dragons and scorpions, all of them were counted in the points. In addition, Lynch killed a ninth-rank martial artist, so he probably regarded it as a monster and absorbed the points.

This made Lynch's points suddenly increase by thousands of points, becoming the top of the list.

"Keep it going, we could potentially qualify for the top three!"

Yu Wenyan also jumped up excitedly. The top three are rewarded with spirit stones and mysterious martial arts, which is very rare.

"Don't get excited too early. Today is the key day. Everyone has adapted to the environment of the Qilian Mountains. Someone must have broken through the realm. If someone breaks through to the eighth-rank martial artist, they will definitely hunt and kill monsters quickly."

Lynch was not optimistic, he didn't care about rankings, Zhang Qiu sent someone to assassinate him last night, he definitely wouldn't let it go, he was afraid he would send more people.

Lin Qi was at his limit against a rank nine martial artist. If there were two more people, all four would probably die in the Qilian Mountains.

"Did you know who was behind the scenes last night?"

Ayou and Lynch walked behind, and the two women walked in front. Ayou suddenly asked Lynch.

"It's for me, and it has nothing to do with you. If something like this happens again, you take the two of them out of the mountains, and I will handle the rest by myself!"

Lynch didn't tell Ayou who he was, and his affairs needed to be resolved by himself, and he didn't want to be left in the hands of others.

"There is a monster beast in front, let's be careful!"

Close to the depths of the Qilian Mountains, a strong wind of monsters blows towards us. Lin Qi suddenly said something vigilant, and everyone became alert and approached slowly.

After walking about [-] steps, an adult mad rhinoceros was grazing on the spot, with huge fangs, arching the ground, and a pair of big copper bell-like eyes, emitting a scarlet light.

"Ninth Grade Monster Beast!"

The four of them were taken aback when they encountered a second-rank and ninth-rank monster.

"Lynch, let's go!"

Qin Lan said that she didn't think the four of them were the opponents of the mad rhinoceros, so she withdrew immediately, the nine monsters, the four of them were extremely difficult to kill.

However, Lin Qi and Ayou were indifferent, they walked forward together, and saw a strong fighting spirit from each other, and prepared to use the impact of the wild rhinoceros to help them break through the realm and enter the seventh-rank martial arts as soon as possible.

Because Jiang Liu and Gao Zhan are currently ranked first in the team. It is estimated that Jiang Liu and Gao Zhan have already broken through to rank eight martial artists.

If Lynch wanted to catch up, he had to raise his level to become a seventh-rank martial artist. He was ready to hunt and kill ninth-rank monsters in large numbers, so that he could surpass their group in an instant.

If it weren't for Qin Lan and Yu Wenyan's two oil bottles, with the strength of Lynch and Ayou, they could have won No.1.

After all, this assessment is the overall score of the group, and it tests the team spirit.


Sensing the hostility of humans, the wild rhino let out a roar, which shocked the eardrums of the four people, and the surrounding leaves rustled down.

(End of this chapter)

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