Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 106 4-star mission completed!

Chapter 106 Four Star Mission Completed!

" is this possible!"

Zong Ze couldn't believe it.

Obviously there is nothing, how could it penetrate the sole of his feet!
Moreover, with his realm of the five realms of the cave, his physical body is strong, and he will never suffer any harm if he steps on a nail!

It can only be said that it was a surprise attack!

Someone is underground, nailing him with this poisonous nail!
Even with just this delay, 16 of the guards beside him fell down.

There were less than seven left, waving their weapons in horror, staring around in fear.

Sixteen companions died, but nothing was seen!
Even their weapons are just slashing in the air, useless!


And Zong Ze frantically attacked the ground, trying to blast out the people lurking underground.

It's just that when the ground turned into a big pit after a few seconds, there was nothing!
"come out!"

"Come out to me!"

Zong Ze couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Crazy bombing.

Even the elements around him swelled, covering his whole body like a shield, for fear that the other party would attack him again.

"Five grades are five grades!"

"Most poisons are useless to them."

Ning Xuan, who was a thousand meters away, stood on a tall building, looking coldly in Zongze's direction.

What he just used was still the routine he used to fight the fourth-rank killer.

Count first, then strike.

I can kill in the dark, why should I fight in the open?

Put yourself in danger?
It's just a fourth-grade fire spirit animal trap, which he replaced with a fifth-grade mourning nail.

Stronger than a Fire Spirit Bear Trap.

Each one will consume 5000 education points.

But it's a pity that even the stronger fifth-grade mourning nails with poison did not seriously injure Zongze.

At that time, the killer, the fourth-grade fire essence trap, made him chop off his own legs!
"Looks like it's time for me to show up."

Ning Xuan thought about it, but gave up using the more powerful sixth-grade props.

That guy can kill Zongze.

But I can't afford to consume it myself.

Each of the sixth-grade props requires [-] education points.

It's not worth spending so many education points on this in the early stage of the game!
Not now.


Pushing hard with the right foot, the whole body flies across the sky like a roc spreading its wings.

Jump down from a tall building.

"Ning Xuan!"

When Ning Xuan's figure descended on the gate of Luo Mansion, Zong Ze spotted him.

Turning around, staring at Ning Xuan with an ugly expression.

He is not sure now, whether what happened just now was done by this guy.



And just when everyone turned their attention to Ning Xuan, the Shadowless Beast made a surprise attack and wiped the throats of the remaining eight fourth-rank guards.

There were even three others, wiping Zongze's throat.

"How brave!"

Zong Ze's expression changed drastically.

The long knife in his hand flickered and drew a circle to protect his surroundings.

Even the sound of metal clashing could be heard throughout the air.


The tails of the three shadowless beasts were cut off directly.

Lost the blessing of the body, fell to the ground, and appeared.

"This... what the hell is this!"

Looking at the three tails on the ground, Zong Ze couldn't believe his eyes.


not human?
He, Ning Xuan, raised a terrifying monster?

He didn't even dare to look directly at the ax-like thing on the tail, if it wiped his neck. . .


Just when he lost his mind, Ning Xuan's mind controlled the wind element in the air, and condensed three wind blades, which slashed at Zongze's head, abdomen and legs respectively.

He just consumed 1 education points, and once again, his power increased by 100%.

Now it has reached [-]%!

"Wind Elementalist!"

"Still rank four!"

Zong Ze instantly recognized Ning Xuan's attack attributes and realm.

I feel relieved.


It's just the fourth-rank realm.

If not, he might really want to leave his life here today!
But then think about it too.

This Ning Xuan's realm must be lower than his own, if not, how could he have used the three indiscriminate methods just now, but came out early and had a showdown with himself.

Thinking of this, he waved the knife in his hand even more casually.

Be confident that you can block these three wind blades!

What he couldn't believe was that the hand holding the saber trembled a little the moment it touched the wind blade.

The strength is out of balance.

A wind blade even slashed across his face.

Leaving a blood red gash.

"This... this power!"

Zong Ze couldn't believe that this was the power of the fourth-grade wind blade.

That strength is only half a point worse than the fifth rank!

Is this Ning Xuan really a fourth-grade elementalist?


But at this time, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and struck him.

Directly let him come to Reggiorinen.

Although his body didn't suffer any serious injuries, but Zong Ze still had a look of shock on his face.

This Ning Xuan is actually a thunder elementalist!
"Ning Xuan, you... who the hell are you!"

"If you tell me about your background and what happened today, I can forget about the past!"

Zong Ze did not fight back.

Instead, he said seriously to Ning Xuan.

"Forget it?"

"I believe?"

Ning Xuan laughed.

He does not believe this kind of nonsense 100%.

He killed countless people in the Lin family.

Now he must be lying to himself to reveal his identity, and then see if he can provoke him.

"Now it seems that to kill Zongze, it is better to combine martial arts and elemental skills!"

Ning Xuan's spiritual thoughts flickered.

There is a layer of wind element on his body.

Mixed with his body, he rushed towards Zongze.

But Zong Ze was stunned.

Shocked, but also cold.

There is also something like watching a silly hat.

You are a weak elementalist, how dare you get close to me?

So ignorant!

Especially Ning Xuan's speed is not fast in his eyes.

He can even allocate part of his energy to prevent the assassination of invisible creatures and Ning Xuan's attack.

More confident, Ning Xuan can be defeated with a melee move!

It's just that when Ning Xuan approached him, Ning Xuan's physical speed skyrocketed, not only with the help of the wind element, but also burst out the speed of his own physical body.

It's like a person running very fast by himself, and now with the help of the wind.

There was an extra sword in his hand at some point.

Erase towards Zongze's figure.

In an instant, Zong Ze broke out in a cold sweat.

Just like you play, it is obviously a straight ball, and you can definitely catch it steadily. You know that this straight ball has turned into a curve ball, and there is a thruster behind it, giving him a lot of power.


In a hurry, Zong Ze avoided his neck.

Not even a chance to wield a knife.

He was careless.

Don't come at the critical moment and dodge!
But even so, although he avoided his neck, his left arm was still chopped off by Ning Xuan's sword.


Looking at the arm on the ground, Ning Xuan felt a little pity.

If the other party's reaction was slower, it would be his neck that was broken, not an arm.

The fifth grade is the fifth grade.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host!"

At this moment, the voice of the system came to mind, "Fang Mihuan has completed the task of a four-star anchor and has 100 million fans!"

"Now reward 100000 education points!"

 The fifth watch is over.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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