Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 107 Control Time!

Chapter 107 Control Time!

"10 education points!"

This is also the first time that Ning Xuan has obtained such a huge income.

"Consume 10 education points and exchange for one day, which can be converted into two days!"

Ning Xuan did not hesitate, and directly exchanged the things he had longed for.

This thing is definitely a big killer.

Not just in terms of increasing education points.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the exchange was successful!"

"In the practice room, one day can be changed to two days! In reality, it opens the way to control time!"

The system made Ning Xuan overjoyed.

Sure enough, you guessed right!
In reality, time can also be changed!
The practice room changes from one day to two days, which is not very useful, it just doubles the education points.

But in reality, if you can change the time, it is a big killer!
One day becomes two days, which means that he Ningxuan can extend the time, or shorten the time.

Extended, means everything will be slower!Everything, in his eyes, will be the same as slowing down.

The original quick and sharp moves will become half of the original in the eyes!

Stronger in the future, this slow motion will become one tenth!

One percent!

Even one-thousandth!

Among the same level, there will never be anyone who is Ning Xuan's opponent!

And shortening the time by half means that everything will be faster, and Ning Xuan's speed has doubled!
Last ten times!
hundred times!
Thousand times!
Even ten thousand times!
It's like a time domain.

This is the real killer of this property!
Adding education points is just incidental.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the exchange was successful!"

The sound of the system sounded.

Ning Xuan instantly felt a mysterious energy filling his body.

Everything around him seemed to be under his control.

Even the saber that the housekeeper Zong Ze slammed over was not so fast, and the speed became half of the original.


Ning Xuan's figure exploded, and the time domain was activated.

The speed soared to double that just now!
This time.

Zong Ze could no longer hide.

His eyes were still wide open until his neck was wiped by the Starry Sky Sword.

This. . .

This Ning Xuan is a warrior!
He is also a wind elementalist!
Combining the two, his speed can reach so fast!

I can't keep up with the fifth rank!

But it was all too late.

Zong Ze fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from his neck.

"Now, the leapfrog battle, the confidence is a little bit bigger."

Ning Xuan is quite satisfied with the result.

Especially in the future when one day can become three days, four days, or even one thousand days, ten thousand days, he doesn't even need to use his hands to cover the other party in the time domain, and the other party can die of old age alive!

"It's no wonder that there are no time-based elementalists in this world."

"It's true, absolutely transcend life and death, and become the strongest!"

"The Tianyuan Great World has already become his master!"

And Ning Xuan felt that one day, he would be able to reach this point.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host!"

"The task of educating Zongze and others has been completed."

"After the comprehensive evaluation, 13000 education points will be issued."

"It has been issued, please check."

Ning Xuan is quite satisfied with the result.

13000 points.

It was also the result of one night's hard work.

After a while.

Ning Xuan left Luo Mansion.

This place has now become a place where he attracts firepower.

When the Lin family investigated, they focused their attention here first.

. . . .

Fantasy City.

Limei Plastic Surgery Hospital.

"Miss, if you want to be beautiful, how can you not spend money?"

"Women's clothes, cosmetics, bags, lipsticks, these foreign things all cost a lot of money, not to mention their own body and face."

"Especially the face is the most important thing."

"Why do some people wear clothes that cost tens of thousands of dollars, while others look like street stalls worth three or fifty dollars? Some people wear clothes worth one or two hundred dollars, while others look like three or five thousand dollars. Do you know why? "

"It's because of the face! Because of the temperament!"

"And where does the temperament come from? Or the face!"

"So, face is so important, of course you have to invest in it!"

"Especially for people like you from the Art Academy, this is more important than anything else! You will rely on this for a living in the future!"

A woman in her forties, wearing a white coat, earnestly seduces a girl of eighteen or nineteen.

"Look, what does your classmate Zhang Xi look like now?"

"You are in the same class. Isn't the contrast obvious between what she was like before and what she is now?"

The woman in a white coat, surnamed Chen, pointed to a girl in a sexy dress beside her.

"Yeah, Mengmeng, there's nothing to be afraid of plastic surgery, it's just a knife."

"I also took anesthesia, it doesn't hurt."

The girl named Zhang Xi didn't look like a student at all.

The eyeshadow is heavy and the feet are in high heels.

Like working in a nightclub.

"It's not whether it hurts or not, but 4 yuan, which is really too expensive."

"I thought it was the same as you, five or six thousand would be enough."

Ren Mengmeng really didn't expect that it would cost so much money to have a plastic surgery.

forty thousand.

She worked part-time for two months during the summer vacation and earned about [-] yuan, which now seems to be not enough.

She and Zhang Xi are classmates.

After half a year of college, Zhang Xi could hear Zhang Xi talking about how good plastic surgery is all day long in class. Now I don't know how many boys chase her and write love letters to her.

And she did look pretty.

Aimi, who has never been in a relationship, nor has anyone chased Ren Mengmeng, so she also has the idea of ​​plastic surgery.

Ask her where she does it from.

Does it hurt?

was brought here.

"4 yuan is still expensive. It costs [-] to [-] yuan to just use a knife on the face. If you want to shave the bridge of the nose, shave the brow bone, and move the chin, you only need [-] yuan."

"It depends on whether you are a student or introduced by Zhang Xi."

"If it's a nightclub or a model, I'll start at [-]."

"Your situation is different from Zhang Xi's. She just made a small one. With your face, there are many places where you need to use a knife."

Dr. Chen didn't know if he was a salesman, or he was a medical student, so he was very sharp.

"But I don't have that much money."

shook his head.

4 yuan, when will she earn it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you are still young, you can take a loan."

The woman rolled her eyes, picked up a booklet from the table, and handed it to Ren Mengmeng, "Look at this."

"It's called Meilidai, and it's specially made for beauties."

"You can take a loan from above."

"You are a student with good credit. As long as you work in the future, you will definitely be able to pay back."

The woman's mouth is like a lotus flower, and the beauty she speaks of.

It’s just that when, how, and how much interest will be paid back, they don’t say anything.

"That's right, what are you afraid of, a loan, Mengmeng."

"If you really can't make it, I'll help you pay it back."

The classmate Zhang Xi next to him also advised.

"You pay me back?"

Ren Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment, a little shaken.

She knew that Zhang Xi was very generous.

They are all students, but she is carrying all kinds of brand-name bags and watches.

Should be quite rich.

"of course."

"You are my best girlfriend."

"I can still watch you suffer."

What Zhang Xi said was very beautiful.

At the same time, he glanced at Dr. Chen beside him and gave her a meaningful look with a smile on his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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