Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 109 She's My Roommate!

Chapter 109 She's My Roommate!
After more than 40 minutes.

Ren Mengmeng and her roommate found the plastic surgery hospital yesterday in a huff.

Also with Zhang Xi.

After all, it was the plastic surgery hospital she recommended.

Zhang Xi stood on the side not daring to speak.

The nose is all crooked, it's not a trivial matter.

She was even extremely worried that the doctor in this hospital would tell her about the 8000 yuan that was drawn from her.

Then she will never be able to mix in the class.

"It's a minor malpractice and it's very common."

"Just like during infusion, sometimes there will be pimples on the arms due to the deviation of the needle."

"Don't worry, if you correct it today, there won't be any problems."

This doctor Chen seems to have dealt with many such problems, and his attitude is indifferent.

There was no panic on his face.


Both Ren Mengmeng and her roommate were a little uncertain.

"of course it's true."

At this moment, Dr. Chen pointed to Zhang Xi who was next to him again, "Look at Zhang Xi, isn't she more beautiful than before? Didn't anything unexpected happen?"

"This proves that my skills are still there."

"Small medical accidents, although not common, will always be encountered."

"Beauty, don't worry, I will correct it for you later. It's just a matter of fillers. People's constitutions are different, and their performance is also different."

Doctor Chen said with a smile.

After speaking, he glanced at Zhang Xi.

Zhang Xi understood and knew that it was time for her to act, so she quickly said, "Mengmeng, don't worry, Dr. Chen's level is still good."

"I'm just an example."

After speaking, he walked to Ren Mengmeng's side, grabbed her hand, and cheered her up, "Mengmeng, come on, you have to be strong!"

"Okay...Okay." Ren Mengmeng had nothing to do.

As a student, you can only choose to trust.

After a while, he followed Dr. Chen into the operating room.

But this time it came out faster, only took more than half an hour.

"When you go back to the dormitory, you have to rest and don't laugh."

"Eat less spicy food and drink more water."

After a brief instruction from Dr. Chen, he sent Ren Mengmeng and the others out.

And this night.

What reassured Ren Mengmeng was that she didn't feel any pain.

Just fell asleep so deeply.

It's just that when she woke up in the morning and lay in bed, she took out the mirror next to the pillow.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "ah".

Yesterday her nose was crooked to the right, but now, the entire bridge of her nose has collapsed, as if she had been punched by someone.

"I... how can I see people like this, me!"

Ren Mengmeng's tears flowed out again in an instant.

Today is worse than yesterday.

Like a pig's nose.

After a while, the dormitory was in chaos again.

Zhang Xi was called over again, and hurried to the plastic surgery hospital with them.

"This... may be due to differences in the human body, the filling has lost its effect. After all, everyone's physical fitness is different, and the effects of drugs are also different."

"It's like someone drinking a cold medicine will be fine, but someone drinking ten pills won't help."

Dr. Chen is also furious.

She also doesn't know the cause of the accident.

In previous cases, this situation has never been encountered.

Let me first talk about a reason for your physical fitness, and shirk the responsibility.

"Body surprise?"

Ren Mengmeng didn't believe it.

She has practiced dancing all the year round, and her physical fitness is very good, so there is no surprise.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know how good Mengmeng's physical fitness is. She can swim in the river in winter."

The roommates in the dormitory were not satisfied with the answer either.

"It's not that if you have good physical fitness, you'll be fine, but it's because of surprise, drug rejection, and many other factors." Dr. Chen babbled all kinds of nonsense in order to get over it, "Well, I'll have another operation."

"I can deduct 2000 yuan to compensate Mengmeng for her mental damage."

Dr. Chen thought it might be all right if he tried again.

Before the operation, make a phone call and ask the doctor who studied in the beauty salon at that time.

Not bad.

Her plastic surgery hospital is where she learned in a beauty salon, not a formal plastic surgery medical school.

Because she knows very well that it takes five years to graduate from a formal medical school, but one can graduate from a beauty salon in one month.

How difficult it is to get hyaluronic acid or something.

As for the business license. . .

Ha ha.

I do have it.

It is not difficult to get it through the relationship of the owner of the beauty salon.


Ren Mengmeng shook her head.

She doesn't trust this plastic surgery hospital anymore.


"I won't do it."

"I will also be compensated for mental damage."

Ren Mengmeng needs money.

She is going to another, bigger hospital to recover herself.

"Yes! Refund the money and compensate us for mental damage." Two roommates were talking beside them.

But Zhang Xi didn't say anything.

Somewhat at a loss.

money back?
Doesn't this mean that her commission will be refunded?


"Mental damage fee?"

Dr. Chen, who used to be kind, turned his face down now, "This is just a small medical accident, how can we get a refund? What about our medical consumables?"

"Refund is impossible."

"It's even more impossible to pay for mental damage."

"The accident is not serious, and it can be easily repaired. Why should you pay for it? You are a scammer!"

"My bottom line is to fix it for you and reduce it by five thousand."

"Otherwise, go and sue."

Dr. Chen is very tough.

A family of students wants to turn the world upside down?
This kind of thing, at most, is mediation, fined money, it is not a big case at all, who cares about you.

But tell me, I can kill you with energy.

It's not over until you graduate.


Both Ren Mengmeng and her roommate were shocked by Dr. Chen's attitude.

How can you turn your face faster than turning a book.

In the past, they were greeted with smiling faces, but now they are like this.

Same as mangy.

Zhang Xi next to him was the first time he saw Dr. Chen's face like this.

Somewhat startled.

"You really think we're students, so there's nothing we can do?"

Ren Mengmeng was so angry that her whole body trembled.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone from his body.

Open the photo album and hand it to Dr. Chen, "Look at who this is?"

"I don't care who she is!" Doctor Chen glanced at her and didn't recognize her at all.

The other party looked like a student.

Am I afraid of a student?
"She's my roommate!"

"It's called Fang Mihuan!"

Ren Mengmeng said, "Then look at this again!"

As he spoke, he handed over a photo, which was a group photo of Fang Mihuan and Liu Yiyi.

There is also a video of the two of them singing together at the concert.

"Liu Yiyi!"

Dr. Chen was surprised that this student had a photo with Liu Yiyi.

Who is she?
If Liu Yiyi came forward in this matter, it would be really troublesome.

With just one word from the other party, her plastic surgery hospital can no longer be opened, and all kinds of public opinion can bombard her to death.


"Who are you fooling?"

"Liu Yiyi will sing with a student?"

Dr. Chen pouted suddenly, thinking of a possibility, "Your current students don't have any skills, they just know how to Photoshop, all kinds of photoshoots!"

"This picture is [-]% P's!"

She doesn't believe it's true.

Can there be such a person in the Art Academy of Tianhuan City?

It's been fried for a long time.

"it is good!"

"You do not believe!"

"Then wait!"

Ren Mengmeng started making calls angrily.

On the other hand, Zhang Xi winked at Dr. Chen, but Dr. Chen didn't believe Zhang Xi anymore, thinking that she might be with Ren Mengmeng.

I still believe in my own judgment.

 There are two more chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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