Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 110 Super large task release, benefit the common people!

Chapter 110 Super large task release, benefit the common people!

After about half an hour.

Fang Mihuan is here.

She didn't go to the dormitory for the past two days, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Mengmeng, don't be afraid."

As soon as Fang Mihuan came, he hurriedly grabbed Ren Mengmeng's hand and comforted him.

Then he quickly asked what happened.

"It's really her!"

As for Dr. Chen next to him, the moment he saw Fang Mihuan, his heart immediately became furious.

She didn't believe it at first.

I think this is very nonsense.

How could it be possible for an art college student to be on the same stage as Liu Yiyi.

Also have a good relationship.

Liu Yiyi, what kind of existence is that?
The superstar of Donghua State!
Is it a student from Tianhuan City who can hook his shoulders?

But for half an hour, she didn't do anything, she just checked who Fang Mihuan was on her mobile phone.

After all, I have doubts in my heart, and I feel uncomfortable when I have a knot.

What shocked her even more was that there was indeed information about Fang Mihuan in this search!
What is a genius writer and composer, what is Liu Yiyi's best friend, what is a rising star in the live broadcasting world.

All kinds of information are very detailed.

Especially in the information, there is a photo of Fang Mihuan.

Including the school he is studying at now, it is really Tianhuan Art Academy!
And the reason why Dr. Chen was still stubborn and insisted on Fang Mihuan's visit was that he hoped that Ren Mengmeng didn't know Fang Mihuan, and just took a photo together, and then used the tiger's skin as a banner.

It can be said that in this half hour, her seconds are like years!
Especially the first time she saw Fang Mihuan, she knew what to do.

The mobile phone is really a good thing, it can let her judge at the earliest whether she should admit defeat or continue to hold on.

"Doctor Chen, is it a bit immoral for you to do this?"

After Fang Mihuan listened, he began to question Dr. Chen.

She herself is not the master who is afraid of things.

Not to mention that she now has a certain amount of energy on the Internet, even if she doesn't, she will stand up for Ren Mengmeng as soon as possible.

This is one of her friends in class.

"Miss Fang is here."

What surprised Ren Mengmeng and the others was that when faced with Fang Mihuan's questioning, Dr. Chen actually gave up all of a sudden, and directly admitted, "Miss Fang, it was really my fault this time. Don't worry, I should pay for it." Compensation, the correction that should be corrected."

"I set the mental damage fee at [-]. If Mengmeng is not satisfied, we can still discuss it."

"As well as the surgery fee, I will also refund all of it. I won't charge a cent. What do you think?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can mention it."

Fang Mihuan was stunned by Dr. Chen's words.

This. . .

what happened?

It wasn't her original plan.

If the other party is stubborn and doesn't agree with anything, and play tricks on her, she plans to broadcast this plastic surgery hospital in a live broadcast!
Every time she broadcasts live now, there are tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

It can definitely ferment in a short time.

It's just that I never thought that the other party would be so straightforward.

Nothing was explained, and all responsibilities were blocked.

Also offered compensation.

What is this?
He clearly clenched his fist, but he wanted to hit the air?It made her feel like she had nowhere to go.

Ren Mengmeng and the others were even more stunned, looking at Dr. Chen in surprise.

You were obviously not like this just now.

Very crazy.

Say they are students, let them sue.

Why are you so cowardly now?
But when you think about it, you realize what happened.

It must have been when she was waiting for someone just half an hour ago that she checked Fang Mihuan's information on her mobile phone and knew her energy.

If not, how could he be so submissive.

"Fifty thousand is not enough. Mengmeng had two surgeries, and she has to do it a third time. After suffering like this, the mental loss cannot be less than [-], and her original money must be refunded."

Fang Mi likes to eat soft food rather than hard food.

At this time, I really didn't know what to say, so I had to put forward my opinion in this regard.

"rest assured."

"It should be, it should be."

"One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand!"

"I will definitely refund the original money!"

Doctor Chen nodded quickly.

"Mengmeng, do you think it's okay?"

Fang Mihuan asked.


Ren Mengmeng nodded.

She didn't expect the matter to be resolved so easily, and the mental damage fee was much higher than she expected.

"Then Mengmeng, are you planning to go to another plastic surgery hospital to do it again?"

"Yeah." Ren Mengmeng nodded, "I want to find a good one."

She was a little scared.


It's done like this twice now.

"it is good."

Fang Mihuan also nodded, turned to Dr. Chen and said, "You must also be responsible for the money for Mengmeng's next surgery."

"Of course, of course." Doctor Chen nodded quickly.

At this time, Fang Mihuan was satisfied, and her plastic surgery institution was saved.

Otherwise, if it gets fermented on the Internet, half of her life's hard work will be ruined.

ten minutes later.

Ren Mengmeng's loan procedures were all cancelled, and it was over.

Her bank card account received 20 yuan.

10 spiritual compensation, 4 of my own money.

With 6 left, let Ren Mengmeng find a good organization to make another move.

Originally, it wouldn't be so much, but Dr. Chen asked Fang Mihuan to be on the safe side, and made up a whole number, and gave 20 directly.

"Let's go."

Fang Mihuan felt that this time there was a feeling that he had nowhere to use his strength.

As for Ren Mengmeng and the others, Mi Huan admired Fang Mi Huan.

Knowing that everything is to her credit.

Without her, I don't know what I would do today.

Zhang Xi beside him also breathed a sigh of relief.


This doctor Chen was loyal enough not to sell her.

It's just that the more I look at Fang Mihuan, the more jealous I feel in my heart.


Why can she get to this point, but she can't!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Fang Mihuan succeeded in educating Chen Lan, and rewarded with 1000 education points."

Just as Fang Mihuan and the others left the plastic surgery institution, a system voice sounded in Ning Xuan's mind.

"This guy is educating people again."

Ning Xuan smiled.

This is the second time that Fang Mihuan has obtained this kind of education point.

Although I don't know why Fang Mihuan educates others, is it important?

Just be educated.

It's just that what the system said next stunned him.

Even a little weird.

"Ding! The super-large task is released!"

"Nowadays, the plastic surgery market is chaotic, private medical examination hospitals don't draw blood for testing, and doctors charge fees for medicines and other chaos. These phenomena need to be educated!"

"In order to prevent these situations from happening at the root, this task is hereby released!"

"The host needs to set up a super-large medical group to rectify the chaos! To benefit the common people! To teach the world! And use the medical group established by the host as the core to eradicate the chaos!"

"May all the human beings in the world be healed for their illnesses, dare to see them when they are sick, and not collapse their families!"

"Each one person's disease is cured, rewarding 1 to 100 education points."

"This mission is a long-term endless mission!"

"Education points are not accumulated, they are issued in real time!"

This. . .

Ning Xuan was extremely confused.

Can this education point be distributed in this way?

Educational chaos?

(End of this chapter)

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