Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 116 Brother Zhao asked me to do something

Chapter 116 Brother Zhao asked me to do something

"I'll go, there are quite a few people."

When Ning Xuan logged into "Across the World", he discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Human beings in the world are divided into Kyushu, and there are nine regions in this game.

People in every state play in the same district.

And this means that the people in each district are absolutely bursting!At its peak, there were more gamers than all humans on Earth combined!

Donghua Prefecture corresponds to the third district.

Although it has been open for almost three years, after entering, Ning Xuan can still see dense crowds of heads.After all, there are new 16-year-olds entering the game every year.

"Hello, dear player, your "Gift Pack for Beginners" has been released, and it is in the warehouse at the bottom right of your current interface, you can click to view it."

After Ning Xuan got familiar with the general process, the game officially started.

The first thing to enter is a notification sound similar to that of the earth, a gift package for beginners!
After receiving.

There are also various task prompts.

Ning Xuan ignored it, because at this time, a line of dark green words was displayed in the chat bar at the bottom left of the screen.

Not big.

Just to be seen.

And in the blink of an eye, it was covered up by other flow information.

"Upgrade with the boss, 1000 ingots, you can upgrade from level 1 to 45, it takes 1 hour, 45 to 60, 2000 ingots, it takes two hours."

Bring people to upgrade?

Ning Xuan's eyes lit up.

This is good.

When he was on Earth, he, the brick-moving party, had seen this situation.

You pay, and then someone else forms a team with you and takes you to farm high-level monsters. The experience will gradually increase, and the level will also increase.

Compared with doing the task by yourself, killing monsters alone is not a bit faster.

Sometimes you may not be able to rise to level 45 in a week, but others can raise you to level 100 in 1 hour by brushing level 45 monsters!

"Just like the earth, in the game, the rich is the master."

Ning Xuan clicked on the word "recharge" at the bottom of the page, which was bigger than other words.

After looking at the exchange ratio of the game, I found that one yuan coin can be exchanged for one yuan treasure.

1000 yuan treasure is 1000 yuan.

Ning Xuan rushed [-] million at random, a little bit of education, it was too cheap.

"Ding! Congratulations on the birth of Shenhao, let's celebrate together! Player 'chest hair blows with the wind', recharge 1 million coins, please worship!"

As soon as Ning Xuan finished the operation, he saw two purple dragons rise up on the screen.

Like a pair of dragons playing with pearls, use the dragon's head to push Ning Xuan's character to the top of the screen!

And it's at the top of all players' screens!

All the players in Donghua State who were playing the game lost control of their characters for a moment.

Including the pet monsters on the side, they all tremblingly bowed to Ning Xuan's character in the picture!
"I'll go, Shenhao descends into the world!"

"1 million coins!"

"Another boss has arrived."

Too many players feel confused.

For a long time, there hasn't been such a crazy move in the game.

This is the third one, right?

It's been three years since the game was launched. This is the third guy in Donghua Prefecture who has a single recharge of 1 million yuan?

The first two have now become the leaders of the first and second largest gangs in Donghua State.

What is he doing?
Is there another battle for the throne of kings?
The scene of the double dragon rising lasted for a full 30 seconds before stopping.


"Isn't it just a bit of education, and there is such a big battle."

Ning Xuan was also a little speechless.

What is this for?
Such a big welcome ceremony?

Is it encouraging me to keep adding money?

"Ding! You have a new email, please check it!"

"Ding! You have a new email, please check it!"

"Ding! You have a new email, please check it!"

Not long after Ning Xuan's character landed, one after another emails almost exploded his mailbox.

"Shenhao, I will hang out with you in the future, just give me 10 yuan a month."

"Shenhao, please help me. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old baby. I cannot make ends meet. I am on the verge of starvation every day. Give me 10 yuan."

"Brother, I'm a cute girl, I can warm the bed, I can cook, I can do whatever you want, please take care of me! Give me [-] tolls, but I'll actually go here!"

Ning Xuan clicked on a few at random, all kinds of incredible flattery.

Then I selected all of them as read and deleted them directly.

"I just want to play a game quietly, is it necessary?"

Ning Xuan was a little depressed.

You must know that a single recharge of 1 million yuan will cause such a big battle, and he is definitely not like this.

Then it called up the settings and set all email reminders to "refuse to receive."

Also directly ignored countless friend requests.

"It's better to find someone first and bring yourself to upgrade."

Ning Xuan still remembered the game account that brought someone to upgrade just now. After entering it manually, he sent a sentence to the other party, "Where is it? How can I upgrade it?"

It's just that this sentence has just been posted, and a paragraph appears in the center of the entire public screen, with the words "World Announcement" at the front, followed by the content, "Chest hair flutters with the wind, I am the Emperor of Chaos, and I invite you to join my Emperor!" Help, come in and give it directly to your deputy leader!"

Chaos Emperor?

Who is this?

Ning Xuan just came in, who knows what's going on?
But the general meaning is still known, this guy wants to accept himself into his gang, and directly give it to a deputy gang leader.

It's just that you are so good, can you type in the center of the public screen?

How can others speak in the left corner?

Ning Xuan reckoned that it was due to the money, and after searching for a while from the words "Mall" at the bottom, he found a "World Speaker" worth 8888 yuan, and there was also a note below it.

World Horn: Let all players in the game hear your noble voice!
I go.

so fierce.

Ning Xuan sighed, the level of krypton gold in games in this world is obviously higher than that on Earth.

Do you dare to sell 8888 for a speaker?

He remembered that the most expensive game speaker on earth was only 288.

This turned out to be 8888!

"Chaos Emperor?"

"Vice gang leader?"

Countless people were surprised.

The Emperor of Chaos actually spoke!
This is the number one boss in the game!
He actually opened his mouth to invite people to help!
this. . .Is this the benefit of being rich?

I don't know how many people are envious of the attribute bonuses and treatment of the position of deputy leader of the Tiandi Gang. Countless people have no chance to get in, and this "chest hair blows with the wind" is still a first-class trumpet.

He was directly invited to be the deputy gang leader!
this. . .This is the charm of money?
Just when Ning Xuan was about to say no, another world announcement broke through everyone's public screen.

World Announcement: I am 'Brother Zhao asked me to do something', my chest hair is blowing in the wind, come to my Storm Gang, and I will also give you the position of deputy gang leader! .

"I go?"

"Steal someone!"

Countless people were suddenly interested.

this. . .Is it the rhythm of grabbing people?
Brother Zhao asked me to do something. This is the second super master on the ranking list, and he is only two points away from the number one Chaos Emperor.

The two were originally incompatible.

Now it's starting to rob people.

And Ning Xuan looked at the name "Brother Zhao asked me to do something", and there was an urge to curse in his mind.

your name. . .

If you read it in reverse?

Isn't this the code of those obscure live broadcast rooms on the earth?
Don't you too?

(End of this chapter)

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