Arrogant threat

"Bet! This chest hair is blowing in the wind, definitely choose the Heavenly Emperor Gang! Who dare not give the Chaos Emperor face!"

"Not necessarily! Brother Zhao asked me to do something. It's not a good thing. Anyone who dares to refuse him will be done by him."

"You're all wrong, this is the guy who started off at [-] million! Maybe he's even bigger than these two big guys! Maybe he was born out of nowhere and established the prosperity of our Donghua Prefecture!"

Lots of people started comments in the comments section on the bottom left.

That kind of refresh rate, you just disappear when you speak.

To everyone's disbelief, a world announcement broke through everyone's public screens within ten seconds.

"Two evil pens!"

Ning Xuan scolded directly.

I'm just playing a game, do I need your advice?

I don't care about you as a deputy gang leader?

Wouldn't it be nice for me to be a gang leader?
Besides, I'm going to enter the game tonight, and I won't be here tomorrow, so why don't you give me a sub-guild leader as an exhibition?
"I go!"

"The chest hair flutters in the wind so vigorously!"

"As expected of a boss who hit [-] million at the beginning!"

Everyone was excited.

Is this the rhythm of tearing the two bosses apart?

Now in the game, almost no one dares to scold these two people with world announcements.

Too many of them exist.

As long as the other party gives an order, they will find coordinates in various ways and lead someone to hack you.

It is impossible for you to upgrade and fight BOSS properly.

Even in this game, if you die once, you will lose a level!
Do you want to be killed in Xinshou Village?
"you wanna die!"

Chaos Emperor was angry.

The fewer words, the more serious the matter.

"Chest hair flutters in the wind, remember, I can get you out of Xinshou Village, I have your last name!"

Brother Zhao asked me to do something and left a message on the public screen.

It's true that you're charging [-] million, but you can't get out of the Novice Village, you can't be upgraded, there's no use for it!

"Haha, this chest hair is gone with the wind. If you have money, you can do whatever you want, but you should grow your body hair well and let it go. Now that it's over, there are so many people in Xinshou Village guarding you, how do you get out?"

"Two gangs hacked you to death!"

Too many people feel that their chest hair blows away with the wind.

You can't grow up now.

Even if it is possible, it is absolutely extremely difficult to hide from XZ.

Others are level 100, you are level 1, he can kill you with a fart!
"Ding! Mission released!"

"The host can be threatened even if he plays a game, please conduct counter-education immediately!"

"Successful education, reward 2000 education points."

"Education failure, you don't play games in the future, it's too LOW!"

At this moment, a system voice sounded in Ning Xuan's mind, asking him to carry out anti-education.

This. . .

I am a novice.

Even a full set of divine costumes can't beat them!
How to educate?

Pay someone to cut them down?
With the help of the world's largest and second largest gang, who can do it with the world's top two masters?


Just suddenly, a thought popped up, his eyes lit up immediately, and he had an idea.

My advantage is reality.

What are you beeping in the game with you?
If you don't accept the reality and touch it, it will definitely make your fracture broken.

"System, report their information!"

Ning Xuan said directly.

Then, 1 minute later, a world announcement appeared in everyone's field of vision, and it said, "The Emperor of Chaos, Changning County, Nanling City, Donghua Prefecture, the third son of Beiye, the Patriarch of the Bei Family, Bei Huaran!"

"First grade water elementalist!"

"Your father doesn't even dare to talk to me like that, are you looking for a real PK with me?"


An announcement instantly stunned everyone.

The Chaos Emperor, who was about to say another harsh word to Ning Xuan, was shocked all over his body.

Even trembling all over.

he. . .He called out my real identity!
How can this be?

This is a game, with the strictest confidentiality measures, and I have never told anyone about my identity information, how could he know my real identity!

Just for a moment, he was covered in cold sweat.

"Brother Zhao asked me to do something. Your real name is Xu Guigui. A rabbit raised by the eldest son of the Feng family in Jianye City dares to shout in front of me. Do you think your eldest son can protect you?"

"Is it hard to be a woman or not, your guy, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Soon, Ning Xuan typed another line of words on the screen.

Xu Guigui was frightened directly.

he. . .He even revealed his identity!
this. . .How can this be.

His parents didn't know about being a rabbit for others, so how could he know?

For a moment, a fine layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Worried that Ning Xuan is such a big shot!

"This... what's going on here?"

"Could this be the real identities of 'Chaos Emperor' and 'Brother Zhao asked me to do something'?"

Too many players were in an uproar.

this. . .If this is true, it would be too exciting.

Want to PK in real life?

It's just that Emperor Chaos and Brother Zhao didn't admit that they asked me to do something, and they didn't know what was going on.

I don't even know if it's true or not?

Maybe it's "chest hair blowing in the wind" talking nonsense.

"1 minutes!"

"One minute to do something that satisfies me!"

"If not, your consequences will definitely be miserable!"

Ning Xuan pretended to threaten, "I will let you know what it means to play a game in real life. No matter how good the game is, your life is gone, and the account is just a fart!"

"Bei Huaran, I will bloodbath your Bei family, and let all 120 people in your house be buried with you! Your little concubine, Hua Feifei, who is hiding outside, will die too!"

"Xu Guigui, not only are you going to die, the Feng family is going to be destroyed, even your parents who are far away in Xishan's hometown will be buried with you! All the villagers in your Da'an Village will also know that you are a rabbit!"

The words Ning Xuan typed made everyone confused.

This. . .

This is absolutely true.

Didn't you see that the Emperor of Chaos didn't talk to me to do something?
Absolutely right!
Otherwise, they will definitely refute immediately!
just this. . .

This is too scary.

After playing a good game, how did it become a reality collision?
But no one knew that Bei Huaran and Xu Guigui were in extreme panic at the moment.

Because they know that what the chest hair blows in the wind is right!
Word for word!
There are indeed 120 people in their Bei family. The little concubine Hua Feifei who was hiding outside was known to no one except himself, but now he was told by the other party?

this. . .Who is this man?
How can you know so clearly?

And Xu Guigui, whose scalp is numb, the other party even knows that he is a villager in Da'an Village, Xishan!

That's why the eldest son he served didn't even know about it!
Who is this person?

The two of them only felt a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"I apologize! I take back what I just said."

Bei Huaran took a deep breath, and posted these words on the world screen in great horror.

He knows that he can call the wind and rain in the game, but in reality, he is really just a scumbag.

It is true that he is the son of the princess, but the higher he stands, the more he knows the vastness and unfathomable depth of this world.

The other party can say so many things at once, and can charge [-] million for the game, it is definitely not a good thing!
If he doesn't do it, maybe it will really bring disaster to the Bei Family.

In the other party's words just now, they didn't pay attention to their Bei family at all.

The other party even knew how many people were in their house.

"I apologize, and I take back what I just said."

Everyone in the game was stunned, Xu Guigui also bit the bullet and said.

The other party is too scary!

Know so many hidden information!

Who is he?
An unknown made the two of them feel deep fear.

"This is the end?"

"If an apology is useful, what do we need the law for?"

"People like me, you scolded, threatened, just want to end with a few words?"

"It's too naive."

Ning Xuan typed on the public screen.

 Thank you book friends for rewarding 100 book coins for "self-directed and self-acted ridiculous".Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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