Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 126 Wolf Clan Large Mission

Chapter 126 Wolf Clan Large Mission

"Is that super magician Cobo?"

Yang Fen has a lot of eyes.


A super magician, even if you are not a magician, everyone has heard his name.Because he will participate in a large-scale party held by Donghua State every year, perform on the stage, and surprise many people with his superb magic.


Ning Xuan nodded, "I happen to have a few chapters of invitation cards in my hand. If you and Lele are willing, you can go to see them with me."

"Yes, of course." Yang Fen nodded quickly.

Magic is one aspect, and there is another reason, Cobo is a blood wolf.

She has never seen what a blood wolf looks like in reality.

"Well, seven o'clock tonight."

"Let's go to the big stage. The show starts at eight o'clock."

Ning Xuan smiled and left the room.

. . . .

Longchang Grand Stage.

"Kebo, I don't think we're like this... it's not a solution. You've already performed a performance in two or three days, but after two months, it's time for the clan to hand over the offerings to the Black Wolf King."

"But now we don't even earn half of it."

Backstage in the dressing room.

An upright female blood wolf with shorter hair said to the taller Cobo.

Both wolves have gray eyes.

Even in order to walk in the human world without causing panic, they pulled out their teeth and cut off their sharp claws, abandoning their wolf nature and becoming sheep-like existences.

"Didn't you earn half of it..."

Cobb smiled wryly, "But I really... tried my best."

The voice is tired.

It was obviously different from his high-spiritedness on the usual stage.

"I know."

The female wolf hugged Kebo tenderly, "The fault lies with the Black Wolf King. He is too hateful and greedy. He increases the donations of our blood wolf clan every year. Last year it was only one billion, and this year it will suddenly increase." It has been increased to 20 billion!"

"He obviously just watched you flourish in the human world and make a lot of money."

When the female wolf mentioned the Black Wolf King, her eyes were extremely resentful.

There are many types of wolves.Just like ants, they are divided into fire ants, termites, army ants and so on.

Among the wolves, there are also gray wolves, blood wolves, and yellow wolves.

Among these species, the black wolf is king, unifying all wolf clans, like a dynasty.

But at the end of each year, each wolf clan has to pay a large amount of tribute to the black wolf clan.

"you are wrong."

"The fault is not the Black Wolf King, but our fault."

"Who told us that the blood wolf clan is not strong enough, too weak, so we can only bow our heads and surrender. It is not the black wolf king, there will also be gray wolf kings, yellow wolf kings, white wolf kings, etc. We can only pay tribute."

"Unless our blood wolves can dominate the wolf clan one day, this kind of thing can be completely avoided."

Kebo has long recognized what it means to be a predator of the jungle.

He even knew that on the head of the Black Wolf King, there were other kings from other races.

He also pays tribute every year.

"In this way, in the future, the performance once every three days will be reduced to two days. As long as there is a commercial performance, I will participate!"

Cobb took a deep breath.

Who made him the prince of the blood wolf clan?

If he doesn't work hard, who else will.


Familiar with the she-wolf next to her, she directly refused, "You can't do this, once every three days has already exhausted your mental power, and it's almost the limit of your mental recovery, once every two days, you really can't bear it."

It is said to be magic, but the she-wolf, including many people in the human world, knows that Kebo is a space elementalist.

First Grade Elementalist.

Even his identity as the Blood Wolf Prince is known to everyone.

But because of this, people look at the nature more strongly.

The blood wolf prince, in our human race, is just a juggler, and he also uses his identity as a space elementalist to amuse us.

There is no such thing in human beings.

Which noble martial artist and elementalist do you see making movies and doing live broadcasts?
This is an insult to them!

As long as you become a warrior or elementalist and become a member of the Yuanwu Alliance, you can receive offerings from the Yuanwu Alliance every month!

You can also do business in the human world by yourself.

Which one doesn't make more money than you make a movie?

"Can't take it?"

Kebo smiled wryly, "Eat if you can't bear it."

"We left our homes, pulled out our sharp teeth and claws, didn't work hard to make money, didn't work hard to help the blood wolves overcome difficulties, and didn't work hard to let the blood wolves live a good life, so what are we doing when we leave our homes, eat takeout, and look at human faces? ?”

"Needless to say, let's vigorously accept commercial performances."

"As long as someone is still willing to let me act, I will continue to act like this."

"Maybe this can also exercise my mental strength, allowing me to quickly rise from the first rank to the second rank."

After Cobb finished speaking, he sighed and didn't want to argue any more on this kind of issue.

Go out and start preparing props.

Seven forty-eight at night.

The entire Longchang Grand Stage was already packed.

All six hundred tickets were sold out.

As dignitaries, Ning Xuan and Ximen Lele sat in the best position in the third row in the middle.

No one was even around.

Because Cheng En gave all the positions in the third row to Ning Xuan.

"Mr. Cobo is invited!"

After the host made some opening remarks, he spoke to the crowd below.

"Wow, is this the blood wolf?"

"Walking upright, the body is two meters tall!"

Most of the people were surprised to see the blood wolf for the first time in reality.

"Yeah! I saw the blood wolf, take a picture, take a picture!"

"It's still two."

Many viewers took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures frantically, preparing to send them to Moments.

Even Ximen Lele and his mother Yang Fen are the same.

But Ning Xuan noticed at a glance that the other party's natural claws, teeth and so on had all been pulled out.

It should be that they are worried about hurting people.

Just like on the earth, some domesticated tigers and lions have their teeth and claws pulled out, so they are just big cats.

"System, what's going on?"

"Creatures of other races come to the human world, do they have to do this?"

Ning Xuan was puzzled.

Didn't see that in the news.

"No." The system said, "Human beings communicate with other races, and every year there are many races that operate in the human world and do business with humans."

"Blood wolf is one of them."

"There is no such rule for pulling out teeth and sharp claws. The two Cobos in front of them are just doing this deliberately to show favor to humans and prove that they are not dangerous. They want to stay in the human world."

"Ding! Host touch task: Kebo's unwillingness."

"Kebo was originally the third prince of the blood wolf clan. He came to the human world to shoulder the task of saving the blood wolf clan. At the same time, he also strongly hoped that the blood wolf would give birth to a seventh-rank warrior and would no longer become a vassal of the black wolf king."

"No more oppression."

"Mission: Support Kebo to become the patriarch of the blood wolf clan. One day, he will unify the wolf clan and become the first nail set by the host in the beast clan world!"

"This task can be regarded as a training and education task."

"Mission reward: When Kebo becomes the leader of the blood wolf patriarch, he will be rewarded with 100000 education points."

"Unify the wolf clan and reward 1000000 education points."

 Thank you book friend "Recent Troubles" for rewarding 1000 book coins, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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