Bosses need to be educated

Chapter 127 You are about to develop

Chapter 127 You are about to develop

For the system, let Ning Xuan stare at Kebo on the stage. "You boy, you are going to be prosperous, and you are going to become my cash cow."

"And it's a big cash cow!"

For this task alone, the final reward is 1100000 education points, which cannot be ignored.

And this is only at the very beginning.

Once Kebo becomes the king of the wolf clan, he will also face other races of the orc clan.

At that time, there will definitely be many follow-up tasks, and there will be many rewards.

And this task is not difficult for Ning Xuan.

The system just said that once the blood wolf is born as a seventh-rank warrior, it can no longer become a vassal of the black wolf clan. In other words, the black wolf king is only a seventh-rank realm.

The seventh rank is very high, but Ning Xuan is now the fifth rank.

And after half a month, he will be promoted to the sixth rank, and then he will be able to personally take action to deal with the Black Wolf King.

Then summon a large number of sixth-rank servants, is Kobo the king of the wolf tribe?

It doesn't matter whether he has combat power or not, as long as he sits in that position.

like. . .The emperor is the most able to fight?
"Today is a happy day!"

"Today is a happy day!"

"Today is the day we witness a miracle!"

"We are very honored to invite Mr. Cobo to perform wonderful magic tricks for us. Please watch the wonderful magic that Mr. Cobo brought us. It will become a living wolf!"

The host had a clear voice, and after everyone applauded for a while, he retreated.

Then I saw Kebo holding a large piece of black cloth and blocking the audience.

He even waved in front of the audience, indicating that there was nothing behind.

"Next, is the moment to witness the miracle."

Cobb smiled.

The big wolf face looks a little festive.


Then the curtain lifted, and another blood wolf appeared behind him.

That is Cobb's partner.


Too many people started clapping.


There was no one there just now, why did it suddenly appear.

A piece of black cloth is so magical?

Could this be the power of space elements?

Everyone knows that Kebo is a space elementalist.

"A space elementalist is originally a supreme existence. When his strength is advanced, he can make space transmission axes and even arrange space transmission arrays between states, but now he is only here to amuse people."

Ning Xuan felt a kind of sadness.

For any space elementalist, it is estimated that they would not do such a thing in public.

Humans definitely won't.

But Ning Xuan also saw the performance just now, and instantly saw the principle, which was the use of space elements, but also the cooperation of smoke.

With the strength of a first-rank space elementalist, it is still impossible to be a Tibetan in space.

"Please watch below, how to use a chainsaw to cut a wolf in half!"

After the show ended, the host came to the stage to announce the curtain again.

And at this time, a chainsaw with huge gears rolled out from the center of the stage.

Even in order to verify the authenticity of the gear, a piece of wood was placed on it, and the sizzling one was sawn in half immediately.

Even an iron rod was split open.

Then Cobo's companion, the she-wolf, lay down on it.


Everyone exclaimed.

Do you want to use this chainsaw to saw the she-wolf in half?
"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Cobb bowed and began to move slowly.

The chainsaw sounded and slowly sawed towards the body of the female wolf.

Everyone dared not move, held their breath, and stared at the stage without blinking, hoping to see the reason behind it.


A young child screamed.

In her eyes, the whole body of the female wolf was divided into two halves, one half had a head but no feet, and the other half had feet but no head.

What's even weirder is that the head is laughing and the feet are moving.

His hands are still waving at people.


The audience exclaimed in fright.

Even Ximen Lele was too scared to open his eyes.

Then, during Cobo's operation, the female wolf's upper body and lower body were connected together again.

Quite thrilling.

But this time, Ning Xuan didn't know what was going on, and he didn't understand it with his IQ.

But it was not because of this that he asked the system.

As for magic, of course you need to maintain some curiosity, otherwise, knowing everything is not very interesting.

Then Cobo performed another five or six shows.

All extremely thrilling.

In the last one, a flying fairy came from outside the sky.

Kebo's body was slowly lifted into the air, and then in front of countless people, on the stage, even above the seats where the audience was sitting, it flew a long distance before landing.


Ning Xuan was also dumbfounded.

Just fly?
Ning Xuan didn't feel the slightest wind element at all.

And if you want to fly alone, except for super high-level fighters, you are only a wind elementalist.

But Cobb is not.

How did it fly?

Ning Xuan was a little confused.

He really saw that Cobo didn't carry anything on his body, and just flew three times in the air.

he. . .how did he do it.

"It's the same as when I was on Earth, I'm a fool."

Ning Xuan had seen magic with his own eyes when he was on Earth.

Especially a guy named David Copperfield from the United States, the most famous magician in the world.

He even wondered for a while, did this person know magic himself, and then used the identity of a magician to make money by performing on stage under the guise of a magician?

But now in this fantasy world, he is already an elemental master of all departments, but he still can't find most of the flaws in magic.

Does Kobo rely on hand speed, or space elements?

A moment later, Cobo's magic show ended with deafening applause.

Now Ning Xuan also knows why he is so popular.

It's not the identity of Kebo elementalist, it's really a wonderful method.

Ordinary space elementalists can't do this kind of thing without certain skills.

At least Ning Xuan couldn't do it.

"Okay, it's time for me to get down to business."

Ning Xuan waved his hand and asked two of his men to escort Ximen Lele and her mother Yang Fen back.

But he walked towards the back of the stage.

"Cobb, sign me up."

"Cobb, I love you so much."

When Ning Xuan rushed to the backstage, he saw that it was already surrounded by many little fans.

It was just their words that made Ning Xuan a little ashamed.

you love him?
He is a wolf.

Werewolf love?

You should appreciate his technique.

"Get rid of them all."

Ning Xuan waved his hand lightly, and saw the guards on the side rushing up, squeezing out the surrounding people with his strong body.

"Let's go."

"If you don't leave, you will get hurt later, so don't blame me for not reminding you."

The servants are fierce.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as fierce and evil.


Even seeing that there were a lot of people around, a servant directly shouted and used the sonic power, which made the eardrums of the people around him buzz a little, and they couldn't help but disperse.

But Ning Xuan walked in slowly among the crowd who voluntarily stepped aside.

This is the benefit of overbearing power.

Ning Xuan even felt that he was like an evil young man in ancient times. The servant rushed to open the way, and he almost led a vicious dog by the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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