Chapter 128
It will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock tonight. Although it is not the third book, it is also the third testimonial written by me.

Five years of ups and downs, in the blink of an eye, I have written a book for five years, which I never thought of when I started writing, and now it has even become my full-time occupation.

Eloquent, also wrote 1000 million words.

Here, I would like to thank those few readers who have supported me since the first book. It can be said that you made me persevere at the beginning, and also let me buy a car, a house, and get married through writing books.

Thank you!

It is no exaggeration that you readers are my bread and butter.

Therefore, I have always been grateful to you, and to the editors who accompanied me along the way.

Galaxy, Expedition.

Thank you for giving me something to eat.

An update to the book.

Before it goes on the shelves, there are usually only two or three chapters a day, because of the recommendation problem, the number of words is under pressure.

After the update on the shelves, we have to start looking at the results.

September 1, 1 more.

When the results of No. 2 come out, if there are 500 average orders, I will start 5 updates every day, 600 average orders, and 6 updates. 1000 are ordered. . . 8 more.

It's my limit every day.

Although I have written words for so many years, the speed of coding is really not fast.An average of about [-] words per hour.If it is fast, it can reach [-] words.

Nowadays, urban channels are difficult to mix. With the current collection, it is too difficult to order a thousand uniforms.

Everything will be the result of tomorrow.

It's really important.

So please everyone who can support the subscription to help support it.

Thank you for your support along the way.

Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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