Chapter 67
In Yeyang City.

The houses in Yeyang City were built in a rather scattered manner, and the roads connecting the streets and alleys between the houses were uneven, with a concave part on one side and a convex one on the other, and there were relatively large deep pits in some places.

Moreover, the people on the street were carrying cloth bags on their shoulders, their expressions were very nervous, and they would look up at the sky from time to time, and most of the buildings in Yeyang City were damaged.

"We are often attacked by monsters. The monsters are so powerful that they randomly lift up a huge boulder and throw it into the city, destroying the houses. Ordinary houses cannot withstand the blow of the boulder. For safety, we all live in the city wall."

Wang Zhen led the crowd to the city wall.

There was a bell in the turret of the city wall. Wang Zhen walked up to the bell, put his hand into the bell, and gently tapped the inner wall of the bell with his fingers clasped together.

At this time, a formation pattern lit up on the floor tiles of the turret, and then an opening for one person was opened on the floor.

"No one can live in ordinary places in the city, but if we want to guard Yeyang City, we can only live in the city wall. The city wall was set up by the seniors who used to guard the city. After 800 years of continuous strengthening, the city wall can stop demons at this time. With one blow from the emperor, ordinary big monsters can't cause devastating damage to the city wall, so it's still safe inside.

However, the internal structure of the city wall is simple, the living environment is poor, and there are only four turrets at the entrance and exit, and only I know the way to enter and exit. The time does not depend on the time, as long as you hear the cock crowing, the entrance of the turret will be opened within 5 minutes, and the entrance will remain open for 10 minutes, all fellow Taoists understand. "After Wang Zhen finished speaking, he walked into the entrance first.

Everyone didn't say anything after listening. They only stayed in these environments for three months, and those Taoist priests who guarded the city stayed for a lifetime. If someone complained about this at this time, they would be looked down upon by everyone.

Everyone lined up and walked into the entrance one by one.

There are long stone steps down the entrance.

After walking the stone steps, you come to a corridor. On one side of the corridor is a closed stone wall, and on the other side there are many small stone houses. These stone houses are only for one person to live in. The inside is covered with straw, and cloth sheets are placed on the straw. a place to sleep.

"In the stone house there is a token with a serial number engraved on it, and there is also an inspection form, which shows the time when the Taoist priests defend the city with the corresponding number. Everyone, please go out of the city to inspect at the corresponding time. Of course, for the first time, I will take the Please inspect, so that fellow Taoists can clearly understand the dead ends and important points of the inspection.

Fellow Daoists have come from afar, and they must be a little tired. Ye Yangcheng has nothing to introduce, and Mr. Wang has nothing good to entertain fellow Daoists. After the bell rings, the food for fellow Daoists will naturally be delivered. Here Fellow Daoists can choose any of the stone houses at will. After Wang has finished speaking, I will not disturb the rest of fellow Daoists. After Wang Zhen cupped his fists, he turned and walked towards the entrance.

After Wang Zhen left, there were only Dongfang disciples and Wang Quan disciples left. The group of them did not make a sound when Wang Zhen was speaking. At this time, after Wang Zhen left, they looked at each other.

"Hello Junior Brother Dongfang." Wang Quan Moo looked at the rising sun in the East.

"Presumably the younger brother is Dongfang Rising Sun who defeated Inspector Xiao."

"What did you say?" Dongfang Xuri asked back.

"Junior Brother is the Eastern Rising Sun who defeated Inspector Xiao." King Quan Mocheng repeated.

"No, last sentence."

"Junior Brother Dongfang. Good."

"I'm not good." Dongfang Xuri walked into a stone house, closed his eyes and lay down on the sheet made of straw.

"Senior Brother Wang Quan, my junior brother is still young and used to living a good life. When I suddenly arrived at Yeyang City at the border, it is inevitable that I will be a little childish. I hope Senior Brother Wang Quan will take care of you." Jin Renfeng walked in front of Wang Quan to protect the city, with an apologetic expression on his face. Said.

"It's okay, Junior Brother Dongfang is young, I won't care about it anymore, I'm a little tired after driving for so long, Junior Brother Jin, please leave." Wang Quan Mocheng said with a smile.

King Quan defended the city in front of Dongfang Rising Sun, and Wang Quan's disciples naturally didn't give Dongfang disciple a good face, especially Wang Quanyu, who snorted coldly and flung his sleeves away.

"Junior Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about Brother Mocheng?" Jin Renfeng walked into the stone house where Dongfang Rising Sun stayed.

"There is no misunderstanding between me and him. I have been flying in the sky for a long time, and I am a little dizzy. I haven't recovered yet. I will apologize after I rest." Dongfang Xuri turned his body sideways, grabbed the cloth sheet with his right hand, and grabbed it very tightly. tight.

"Well, senior brother is going to rest too. If you have anything to do, you can call senior brother directly. Senior brother lives next door to senior brother." After Jin Renfeng finished speaking, he walked out of the stone house.

After Jin Renfeng left, Dongfang Rising Sun suddenly opened his eyes, overflowing with murderous intent, took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, and said to himself: "Dongfang Rising Sun! You can kill even your parents if you can't bear it!" I don't recognize any of them."

When a bloody enemy keeps dangling in front of you, and you don't have a good time to strike, it feels like ants crawling on your hands, which makes him want to slap the royal guard to death desperately.

But he can't, if he kills King Quan to protect the city, although he can go far away, regardless of the consequences, but Shenhuozhuang will be very troublesome, the Eastern Patriarch treats him very well, he doesn't want to bring trouble to the Eastern Patriarch, so he has been enduring, there is no good time He absolutely does not move.

"He's a pig, a pig, a pig, a pig, I don't need to pay too much attention to a pig, no, no, no, it's wrong to call him a pig, he's a slut, no, no, he's a hermaphrodite rotten fart ( Harmonious) eyes" Dongfang Xuri closed his eyes and kept muttering, trying to alleviate the killing intent.

Outside Yeyang City, Wang Zhen walked around the wall outside Yeyang City, checking the formations near the city wall.

"Who!" Wang Zhen turned around suddenly, and then shot a yellow talisman from his palm. The talisman hit a tree, and the tree immediately burst into flames.

"Ah!" The tree was burned, and the person hiding behind the tree appeared.

She has long pale pink hair, is neither tall nor short, has a bulging chest, and has a well-proportioned figure. She is a delicate and lovely girl with two small dimples on her face and a third eye on her forehead. The eyeballs are light blue.

"Do you think Wang really won't kill you?" Wang Zhen continued to check the formation, and said in a low voice.

"Your injury is not healed yet. I just came to take care of your injury." The girl immediately bowed and said in a panic.

"Wang's injury. There is no need for a monster to worry about it. Please come back. If you come again, Wang will not show mercy."

"I won't make a mistake this time. Just trust me once."

"Wang has never understood that the girl is a monster, why would she save humans?"

"If we, the leech family, want to become qualified doctors, we must treat one hundred demons and one hundred celebrities. I have already completed the task of one hundred demons and one hundred celebrities."

"You can pick someone else, not me."

"That. Others shouted and killed me when they saw me. I'm afraid." The leech demon girl Nuonuo said.

"You can find someone who can't resist, tie him up, and then heal him."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it." The girl reacted cutely, "Thank you."

"Thank you so much, let's leave quickly." Wang Zhen suddenly turned his head to look to the right, and a large cloud of dust rose up tens of kilometers away from Wang Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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