Chapter 68 Monster Invasion

In the southern part of the country, near Longwan.

A straw hut.

"Today, if I remember correctly, it's the time when humans exchange Taoist priests for defending the city. We might as well launch a general attack to take down Yeyang City." A pig demon with a bunch of broom heads on its head said solemnly, holding its trotters tightly.

"It's not the first time you've encountered them exchanging time. We've lived for hundreds of years, and we've encountered them exchanging nearly eighty times. Which time was not severely injured and almost eaten by other monsters? Grandma's." A demon dog lying on the ground said angrily.

"I don't think that being successful in the past doesn't mean you won't be successful in the future. Don't humans have a saying that failure means success?" said a snake demon that hadn't fully transformed into a human form.

Suddenly all the monsters looked at it.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Water Snake was frightened by everyone's eyes.

"I remember that you are a water demon living near Longwan. How did you get drawn into our southern group?"

"I don't know either. At that time, I was hunting in Longwan Shoal. It was him who sent me a leaflet saying that the Shuilu family would join the Mieren Nanguo group and become an aspiring demon to destroy human beings." The water snake demon pointed at Shama. Special pig demon.

At this moment, all the demons looked at the Shamat pig demon.

"Look what I'm doing? Isn't it impossible to attract demons? Of course I want to expand the area, so I went to Longwan to find some demons."

"Just expand to one?" the dog demon asked.

"It's too deep to dare to go." There are many water monsters in the Longwan area. They are near Longwan, and they can use part of the aura of heaven and earth near Longwan. What should I do if I want to eat his meat?
For water demons, creatures on land, whether they are monsters or humans, are great supplements to them.

"Then should we attack Yeyang City? If we don't attack, I have to go back and take the children." Said the water snake demon.

"That's right! My brother plays cards three times and loses one, and he's still waiting for me!" Another monster interjected.

The dog demon rubbed his chin, thought for a second, and then said: "After my careful consideration, let's go!"

"Go away!"

The demons walked towards the wooden door of the straw hut.


The wooden door was blasted open, and wood chips hit the monsters.

"Everyone is a famous monster. It's a bit outrageous to be so timid to deal with mere human beings." Black robe, ice blue hair, red eyes hidden under the black robe.

"Who are you? Hide your head and show your tail, do you dare to show your face!" The Shamat pig demon pointed at the man in black.

The man in black grabbed the right shoulder corner of the black robe, and then pulled it hard, the black robe was taken off his body, revealing a young and handsome face with lighter eyebrows.

".This..." Killing the pig demon trotter kept pointing at the young man.

Why didn't this guy follow the routine, just take it off when he was asked to take it off, it didn't have the sense of mystery that a villain should have at all.

"Very good, since Your Excellency has revealed his true colors, wait a minute, this is not a human skin mask!" Shamat the pig demon stepped forward, pinching the young man's face with his pig's trotters, pulling the other's face to lengthen.

The young man's face slowly turned black, and two words popped out of his mouth: "Idiot!"

call out--

Two silver needles shot out from the young man's hand and hit the arm of the Killing Pig Demon.

"Oh, my mother!" The Shamat pig demon jumped up, his arms swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his skin color changed from black yellow to blue purple.

"Brothers, someone messed up!"

The monsters faced the young man aggressively, picked up the thing in their hands, and then
"Come on, Shangxian, please sit down. I don't know if this seat is soft or not. Are you comfortable?" The dog demon smiled obsequiously and wiped the back of an alpaca demon, signaling the young man to sit on the alpaca's back.

The thatched hut was already full of monsters lying on their bodies at this time, and all parts of their bodies had bruises of varying degrees of severity, the only one in better condition was the dog monster, oh!There was also a demon alpaca, which was not injured because it could only bleat.

The young man looked at the alpaca, which had black and white curly hair, so the young man decided to stand.

"Everyone, what do you think of human beings?" The young man asked suddenly.

"Of course." The dog demon was taken aback suddenly, and then asked tentatively, "What do you think?"

Originally, the dog demon wanted to say that it would be best for all human beings to die, but think about it, if the young man in front of him is a helper on the human side, wouldn't he be asking for death by saying that.

"You are demons, don't you even have the most basic world view?" The young man narrowed his eyes and smiled kindly.

"Kill" the dog demon looked at the young man's face, and then immediately changed, "Don't kill, kill, don't kill"


The young man slapped the demon dog against the wall.

"Naturally Kill"


Outside Yeyang City, tens of kilometers away.

"Are we really going to act according to his plan?" Shamat pig demon asked the dog demon.

"Death or late death, which one do you choose?"

"dead late"

"Then why are you hesitating, rush to the duck!" The dog demon roared loudly, and ran towards Ye Yangcheng.

The monster behind the dog monster also rushed towards Ye Yangcheng by running.

Yeyang City, near the city wall.

"Leave quickly, or you will be killed without mercy."

After Wang Zhen finished speaking to the leech demon girl, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, jumped up high, and jumped directly onto a turret on the city wall. He knocked on the inner wall of the bell of the turret, and a hole was opened on the stone slab of the turret.

Then Wang Zhen took out a yellow talisman, the mana was attached to the talisman, and the sound of cock crowing came from the talisman.

Inside the city walls.

Dongfang Xuri lay on the straw bed with his legs crossed, and when he heard the crowing of a rooster, he opened his eyes, and his body turned into a ray of light and flew towards the entrance.

After staying inside for a long time, Dongfang Xuri wanted to go out to get some air. As soon as Dongfang Xuri heard the cock crowing, he flew out immediately.

Once out of the city wall, Dongfang Rising Sun saw Wang Zhen standing near the turret.

Wang Zhen looked into the distance, and Dongfang Rising Sun followed Wang Zhen's line of sight, and saw a large cloud of dust rolling up in the distance. If you look carefully, you can see all kinds of monsters in the dust. Part of the body of a beast, but the strength of a monster cannot be judged by its appearance alone.

"I won the lottery. Not long after I came here, I encountered a monster to attack." Dongfang Xuri pulled out a meat skewer from his chest, and put the meat skewer in his mouth, pure yang flames attached to the meat slices On the table, the sliced ​​meat was steaming and cooked right away.

"It's not considered a lottery. Every ten years in the exchange period, these monsters will attack Yeyang City. They want to take advantage of the fact that the new Taoist priests who defend the city are not familiar with the border environment and attack. However, they usually do not attack during the day. , it’s all at night, what’s wrong today? It’s the estrus period, and your head is not clear?”

Wang Zhen didn't quite understand that during the 30 years he stayed in Yeyang City, the monsters would launch large-scale attacks every ten years, but they always chose at night.

Dongfang Xuri was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this serious-looking middle-aged man still had a poisonous mouth.

 Working overtime today, hurry up and code a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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