Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 243 Big Liar and Little Liar

Chapter 243 Big Liar and Little Liar (6)

She seemed to have seen it in the villa before, and she later found out that Shengshi used this kind of thing to monitor the villa, so in just a few days, she found more than a few everywhere in the villa, and it was repeated repeatedly.

It's just that the shapes are not the same!

Sheng Shi did not leave her lips, but focused on kissing, stretched out a hand to her palm, and gestured slowly.

But after a while, a few words came out, but Tianxin still didn't feel the point of what he was going to say. Of course, she knew that someone specially arranged it here, and it was all nonsense.

glaring -

Can this fellow not want to take advantage of her at such a time.

Sheng Shi also saw her warning, they were leaning together like this, no matter how you looked at them, they were just kissing, and they didn't notice the movements in their hands. As for why he chose such a stupid way to tell her...

I just don't want someone to be sulky and angry at myself. Of course, this is also a matter of trust.

This girl just put away her little paws, if she can't think about it and goes crazy, he will feel bad...

After a long time, Tian Xin only felt that it was extremely long, almost half an hour, and he kept making gestures slowly, and then asked her yes, or, no...

do you understand!

This feeling of powerlessness makes one feel like pinching him hard. In fact, Tian Xin did the same.

She dared to swear to God, there was more than one patch of green on Shengshi's waist, but he still acted like nothing happened, even the temperature of his body was frighteningly hot, the kiss became deeper and deeper, and the gestures on his hands continued calmly——

Finally, finally let her go, "Sheng Shi, you crazy."

There was a snap.

He was pushed out of the door, and then the bathroom door was slammed shut, "Xin'er, why am I so nervous?"

With one of her jokes.

Tianxin was even speechless, because she just wanted to tell her that someone was watching here, and they walked into someone else's surveillance point, what's the matter!
Back then, she was watched furtively by him every day, so she still had a good life——

I also know that the ones in the villa were not taken apart by her. She even dared to put a few on the lamp above her head. If she was not curious one day and smashed the lamp directly, she would not have found it. !

Sheng Shi is a black-bellied wolf, and he just kissed slowly, slowly, for things that could clearly be explained in a few minutes! ! !

Throwing out a piece of clothing, it happened to cover the button just now. Since Sheng Shi said that there is only this one here, it is good to cover it, and she can still take a bath...

muttered to himself.

They have also lived here for several days, and they don't know when they took a bath a few days ago...

That big-tailed wolf shouldn't be so relieved, let someone monitor this place!

She was still sure of that—

Sheng Shi didn't mean to be angry at all. In Nuan Nuan's words, even if a male creature approached him, he was very disgusted, so...

In fact, she guessed correctly, Sheng Shi did pick up the computer for simple interference every time she took a shower.

He is a genius, not just in electronics!
For a few days, not only did the two of them behave like usual, with one being arrogant and unreasonable, and the other pampering the unreasonable and unreasonable, but in the eyes of others, there seemed to be no change.

Tian Xin is more talented than Sheng Shi thought, a talent for acting.

In Tian Xin's words, it's not difficult, she just really likes the prosperity, not acting.

(End of this chapter)

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