Chapter 244 Island (1)

In Tian Xin's words, it's not difficult, she just really likes the prosperity, not acting.

And Ming still appeared elusively, and then the two of them didn't like it, and wanted to squeeze him out, or, because Shengshi needed him to investigate the people who followed them all this time, how did they get the news...

On this day, when Ming opened the door, Sheng Shi was standing outside his door, with his usual cold face and indifference.

"That matter still hasn't been found out?" He walked straight in without even looking at Ming, as if this was their usual way of getting along.

A dark light flashed in Ming's eyes, and he said aloud, "I have some clues, but you also know that I followed you all over the place, if I have time to investigate this matter myself, the progress will definitely be slow."

He found a suitable reason for himself.

Sheng Shi stood still, turned around, without any superfluous expression, "No one asked you to follow."

At the beginning, he had to follow them wishful thinking. He knew the purpose of Shengshi, but he still wanted to stand between the two of them and had to be squeezed out.

"In this case, you go back and hand over the matter here to them, and it will be convenient for them to find out what happened one after another during this period..."

He gave the order directly like this.

It's the tone of command.

Ming, who would never disobey his orders, began to bargain cynically, "I'm not going back. I'd rather go back to City C for those boring guys."

"In this case, I will personally send you back this time, and I plan to meet them too." Sheng Shi flashed an impatient look, although it was only for a moment, but the other party caught it.

Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at his back as he walked out, a glint of darkness flashed across his eyes.


If he can go in, he still needs to wait until now?
If he can't get the induction of entrance and exit, he can't move freely there, but he just saw Sheng Shi's impatience, it seems that he didn't know that it was himself who was near him that night.

That is, he was not found.

When Sheng Shi left, Ming walked out immediately——

Sheng Shi returned to the room, turned on the computer again, and cut off all the connections in the room that could transmit data. He was not obstructed by anyone, unlike the last time when he tried to test it, but received a violent reaction.

Tianxin just watched his fingers tap on the keyboard, and the numbers on the computer screen adjusted like crazy. Two words popped out of her mind, hacker!
Hackers, is that what it is?

Putting down the computer, Sheng Shi saw her staring at his hand, her eyes were motionless and out of focus.

"Xin'er, what are you thinking..." Sheng Shi held her in his arms, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Immediately understood what he meant, his eyes lit up, "What do you mean, the crackling was just to get those little buttons, but why didn't they solve it before..."

When she asked, she secretly scolded herself for being stupid, of course, in order not to scare the snake, you know, there are only two of them, they are outnumbered.

Even if she won't drag Shengshi down, no one can guarantee whether she can really win——

"It's good to know." He suddenly smiled.

"..." Tianxin.

He knew what he was thinking...

The two walked out of the hotel again, and Shi Yi had already left. He didn't even say anything, giving people a feeling of running away, which was also in line with his usual personality.

(End of this chapter)

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