Chapter 245 Island (2)

The two walked out of the hotel again, and Shi Yi had already left. He didn't even say anything, giving people a feeling of running away, which was also in line with his usual personality.

Tianxin saw that Shengshi didn't ask, and she didn't care, instead she was quiet. She just felt that Ming felt weird to her recently. What's the specifics, I can't say...

That night, instead of going back to the hotel, they went to a private estate.

There, it is no smaller than Shengshi's Jinhua Villa in City C, and even tends to surpass it.

In the depths of the night, under the cover of the darkness, everything is as dark as ink. The huge manor is not very popular, but there are already helicopters ready, and there are a few men with serious faces guarding the side, which looks very strange. alert.

Sheng Shi originally planned to go back overnight, but after thinking about it, he asked Tian Xin again, "Do you want to see the sea from a helicopter..."

Tianxin was not afraid, but when he looked at him, his eyes were slightly excited, and he nodded.

So, the two stayed in the manor.

The few men standing by looked at each other, with obvious surprise in their eyes, but it was only for a short moment. These people are very good at hiding themselves, and Tianxin can also see this. It can be seen that they are not generally respectful to Shengshi.

The king of the night...

They still slept in the same room. The room didn't seem to be old-fashioned and beautiful, but had a certain enchanting atmosphere. The manor was very quiet, and it seemed that insects and birds could be heard.

Tian Xin just felt a little depressing here, "Sheng Shi, where is this? This should always be your territory, are you still planning to hide it from me, huh?"

She just saw it—

Those few people really did not respect him in general.

Sheng Shi brought her a midnight snack, which was undoubtedly her favorite, coaxing someone to leave with a smile on his face, and even his tone was a bit coquettish.

"You still understand me. I saw you struggling with Ming's matters all day long, so I didn't say..."

There was a grievance in her tone, as if Sheng Shi had treated her badly.

Sitting down beside her, Sheng Shi fondled the corners of his lips, "As you can see, Xin'er understands me more and more."

"..." She didn't say anything!
Tian Xin pouted, "Sheng Shi, do you know that this place is so depressing, I don't like it at all."

Hearing her words, Sheng Shi's heart tightened suddenly.

"I'm here because of you, otherwise I'd stay in City C, and I'd still be happy and happy." She muttered.

Even eating ice cream, in such a depressing manor, even the sweet taste will dissipate a bit, but the coldness makes her feel real.

Before she could react, she was suddenly picked up.

Tianxin could feel that the hands around his waist were a little tighter than usual, "Sheng Shi, I just said I don't like this place, but they didn't say they don't like you, why are you so nervous!"

"Xin'er, no matter what kind of person I am, you can't leave me..." He said a little flustered, with a hint of domineering reluctance, as if he was holding on to the warmth, reluctant to let go.

Tian Xin let go of him, "Sheng Shi, I don't care what happened to you before, if you dare to get entangled with other women, this princess will definitely make you regret—"

"Hmm..." Tian Xin struggled to push away, trying to finish speaking, otherwise she would suffocate to death.

But Sheng Shi didn't let her say it, and when she was about to say something like running away, he would subconsciously block her and block back what she wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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