Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 283 She is Tianxin!

Chapter 283 She is Tianxin! (7)

The island is roughly divided into several areas. Except for the places where they live and the old castles, Tianxin also knows that there is a training ground on the east side of the island. She has never seen it before, and the jungle is on the northwest side. The primeval jungle occupies nearly half of the island, and because Huang Ye has a foothold here, the danger that belongs to the island is slowly pushed into an area.

Every year, the newly promoted members of the Phoenix Night have to enter there to fight in order to obtain the qualification to become a higher-ranking personnel, otherwise, they will be sent out of the island and become the lowest-level killers.

And Fengjin's laboratory is behind the castle, a dedicated independent building, Tianxin swept the layout, but it is also his personality.

Walking in, you can find countless unknown medicinal herbs on display. Judging from the freshness of the soil, it should have just been brought back.

It's just that there are countless displays in the entire outer room.

After scanning, I found that every single room was full of medicines, some of which she knew, and some of which she didn't. From low-level painkillers, various types, or expensive and rare varieties, you can see Very well cared for.

As long as it enters the eyes, it will give her a very shocking vision!
Tianxin secretly weighed that every year, the medicinal materials sent from outside the palace are piled up in the imperial hospital, and she has visited it a few times occasionally, and the medicines there are also the same, which makes people dazzled.

However, it is still not as diverse as here.

Not only reflected in the varieties, but also all kinds of flowers can be seen!
What Tian Xin didn't know was that Feng Jin only used the powder from these flowers to refine pure medicines and conduct various researches.

When she carefully studied the various items displayed around her, Feng Jin suddenly remembered something, in his underground laboratory.

Quietly exited, walked quickly back to the basement, carefully put the black stone up, then returned to the top, and handed her water.

"Need some water?"

Tianxin shook his head, expressing that he was not thirsty, and did not realize that he had left for a while just now.

"Feng Jin, you have so many things here, even more than my backyard." She wasn't joking, but Feng Jin laughed it off.

He has collected here all the valuable medicines from all over the world, and there are countless such plants in the whole house, including on the top floor, for his consideration——

Regarding what Tianxin said, her backyard, of course, also has reasons for laughing and forgetting.

It's just that the backyard of her house is full of medicinal materials from all over the world——

It's just that Feng Jin's medicine made Tianxin look at it for a whole afternoon, especially when Tianxin saw his underground laboratory, with colorful glass tubes, the kind she had never seen before, but only had contact on the screen.

The wonders of various chemical reactions are clearly transparent liquids, but when poured together, some remain the same, some change into strange colors, and slowly separate. All these are better than sitting in a room for her. Much better than playing games!

Of course, Feng Jin would not treat her with dangerous medicines, they were just simple reactions.


Here, Tian Xin intended to intentionally confuse some people, but the more he played, the happier he was. He had a great time playing in Feng Jin's laboratory, and even learned the configuration of several medicines.

Shi Han seldom came from the training ground, even last time, he took a leave of absence, compared to those newly brought in, it can be said that he did not know how many years ahead of them——

(End of this chapter)

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