Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 284 She is Tianxin!

Chapter 284 She is Tianxin! (8)

Shi Han seldom came from the training ground, even last time, he took a leave of absence, compared to those newly brought in, it can be said that he did not know how many years ahead of them——

Still no privileges.

Rules are rules!

What she did this time, in conjunction with Miaozhu's technique, is using everyone's lives to block them. These children are as numerous as weeds in the northwest jungle. At worst, just choose another batch.

When Shi Yi was taken out of the island, she also thought about going with her, but she had no right.

In just one year, everything changed, even the Phoenix Lord brought back a woman by his side.

She was not reconciled, she would rather watch forever than let other people occupy the position beside him.

But I didn't expect that there was no movement at all in this matter!

I was really anxious.

On this day, in the middle of the night, he sent a signal to Miao Miao, and with her permission, he could freely enter and leave the castle.

"Why are you looking for me at this time?" Miao Miao said in a bad tone.

Shi Han was anxious, "Miaozhu, that matter, didn't it succeed, why did the training ground call to stop for a day, but there was no movement here, not even the slightest order from Huangzhu."

When she said that, Miaomiao's face immediately darkened, it was all that woman, as long as she thought of the person she sent back to say that the VN person had been staying in Fengjin's research room for a whole afternoon, she couldn't tell. irritable.

"Do you think it's that simple? Boss just suppressed this matter and will explain it when the time comes. Are you going too far to make fun of so many human lives!" Thinking of this, she suddenly felt unhappy.

If the boss finds out that she is helping behind the scenes, he will hate her to death.

But she still finds that woman distasteful, otherwise Feng Jin would not openly oppose her.

it's her—

Shi Han didn't notice the innocence in her words, panic flashed quickly in his eyes, "How could this be, those newcomers are not particularly outstanding, so Miao Master don't have to worry about this."

Miao Miao's voice suddenly turned cold, "So you just poisoned it directly? Those who directly entered Huang Ye belonged to Huang Ye's painstaking efforts, so why don't you even think about it and just do it?"

That kind of poison may directly kill those dozens of children, she is so unscrupulous!

Who gave her the right!

Shi Han finally realized that her complexion was not very good, and looked at her with a guilty conscience. Could it be that she was discovered by the Phoenix Lord?Probably not, even if she was found out, she would directly push it to Miao Zhu, at least she still has a big brother.

"I don't know them." She was interrupted by Miaomiao before she finished speaking.

"Don't tell me that you knew about this in advance. The drug that was tested the day before was entirely Feng Jin's whim. He dared to use it on them directly after making sure that there were no side effects. No one was notified."

Her words made Shi Han's heart flash with calculations, what does she mean by this?
Now the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope, and neither of them can jump. She has already done this matter, so she can only do it to the end!
"But since I did it, I can't take advantage of that woman." Shi Han said softly.

After hearing her words, Miaomiao finally restrained her emotions slightly, fortunately she didn't poke a big hole this time, otherwise no one would be able to save her!
After thinking about it again, I really didn't want to take advantage of Tianxin. Not only did the Phoenix master suppress the matter, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he decided to investigate it himself, and there was also Feng Jin, who actually directly refuted her words——

(End of this chapter)

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