Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 396: Itchy Teeth

Chapter 396: Itchy Teeth (7)

This question seems very simple, there are only two choices of yes or no, many people laugh it off, but when it comes to making such a decision, they will be reluctant to give up everything they already have in their hands. After weighing it, many people feel that it is not worth it!

But Sheng Shi felt it was worth it, "Of course."

He casually uttered two words. Of course, what Tianxin saw in his eyes was seriousness and no hesitation. He hooked his neck and hugged him tightly, "I know your answer."

She rolled her eyes with a smile, "Sheng Shi, I want that thing."

Shengshi, I want that thing...

Nothing can stand between us...

Tianxin thought so.

A shock of thunder caused Sheng Shi to be stunned for a few seconds, followed by ecstasy, she finally accepted it... Grabbing the ostrich buried on her neck, Sheng Shi bit her red lip hard, wishing she could crush it and eat it in her stomach, excited gotta eat...

Sheng Shi thinks this way in his heart, rights are not suitable for Tianxin, and she is not suitable for living in the whirlpool of that kind of struggle.

"Um... Shengshi... Can't breathe... Uh"

Tianxin had no choice but to bear the consequences of stimulating someone's hormones to soar. She didn't struggle, but squeezed out a few words from between her teeth...

"You are not allowed to call me by my first name." He only let go for a moment, and then kissed again, with a hint of impatience...

It wasn't until his body became cold that Tian Xin realized something extremely serious.

her clothes...


With a sudden slap, Sheng Shi dodged in a hurry, Tian Xin pushed him away violently, furious, "Where are my clothes!"

Taking advantage of the situation, he threw a pillow forcefully.

Sheng Shi tilted his head, dodged it, and smiled ambiguously, "Where else can I go without clothes on?"

"I'm talking about my clothes, the clothes I wore yesterday!" Tian Xinhong roared with a thick neck, blood dripping from his cheeks.

Sheng Shi took it easy, "Throw it away."

"I remember correctly, that was what you were wearing a few days ago, and it can kill bedbugs, is it still useful to find it—" He got off the bed indifferently, with a guilty conscience flashing across his eyes.

Smother the bedbugs—

Two black lines hung down from Tianxin's forehead, and his small face was tangled up.

Could it be that there is such a strange smell, although she has been wearing it for a few days, but she didn't smell the strange smell, maybe Sheng Shi made a mistake...

Suddenly, a flash came to her mind, no, she didn't want to ask about the clothes, but who the clothes were——

"You stop for me."

Sheng Shi stagnated, and an unnatural flash appeared on his face, "If you absolutely need it, you should still be in the bathroom."

"How do you know!" Tian Xin caught the key point.

Looking at the man talking behind his back, she gritted her teeth, and the red pajamas on her body...

It was only then that she noticed that she definitely could not have put on this dazzling color, and it was a low V-neck. It was most likely... Sheng Shi put it on by hand, and she could still smell the shower gel faintly. Smell, that's it...

"Hey, of course I saw it. I have to go out beforehand, so you should change your clothes and have some breakfast." Sheng Shi walked out without turning around.

It's just that when he went out at the door, something hit him in the back, he let out a muffled grunt, and walked straight out.

Seeing that Shengshi was hit by the hit, Tianxin still looked indifferent.

I am even more convinced that it was him who did it. Shengshi was guilty of guilt, so he didn't dare to turn around and confront him, his face turned green and red alternately——


After Sheng Shi walked out, he lightly pressed on the part of his back that was thrown, and there was a burst of swelling and pain, secretly thinking that the girl was cruel enough.
(End of this chapter)

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