Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 397: Itchy Teeth

Chapter 397: Itchy Teeth (8)

After Sheng Shi walked out, he lightly pressed on the part of his back that was thrown, and there was a burst of swelling and pain. He secretly thought that the girl was ruthless, and she was still affectionate one moment, but the next moment she found that the clothes had been touched by her hands and feet, she turned her face ruthlessly.

Fortunately, he collected enough interest last night.


Sheng Shi walked into the conference hall that was originally prepared, and the moment he appeared, there was no sound in the conference room, and more than a dozen eyes looked at the man who walked in.

It was rare for Sheng Shi to show a hint of expression, and it was still in the situation of being late today, which caused people to show unclear eyes.

Now wherever they go, no one knows that Huang's master is accompanied by a woman, a very petite girl, and even this time in country X, yesterday's eager temptation to Bloody is all related to this woman .

Those who know the inside story and those who don't know the inside story are deeply worried...

Ming looked at Shengshi who was walking slowly, and could faintly feel that he was in an unusually good mood. If he caught up yesterday, and no one looked at him, he went straight to Tianxin, it was worry and miss, then after a night, he was so happy... …

Ming glanced at him with ambiguous eyes, and the things in his eyes were self-evident.

"Continue." Sheng Shi sat down, his posture was a little stiff, and he didn't lean against the back of the chair behind him.

He said to continue, but no one continued, because the person who spoke just now was still inquiring with that unclear look.

Suddenly, Sheng Shi swept away coldly, like a basin of cold water poured down on top of Ming's head.

Meeting Sheng Shi's merciless gaze, Ming looked away in embarrassment.

It seemed that the moment just now was just an illusion, making people feel that it was so real that it was an illusion of reality.

An episode in the middle did not affect the continuation of the meeting.

Lin Tian just had a calm expression, and of course he would not object to something that could not be stopped, and it was not considered a bad thing...

In the conference room, apart from Sheng Shi alone, Ming is on the left, Lin Tian is on the right, and behind are the elites selected by various parts of Huang Ye. Several people on the island have their own opinions on the matter of infiltrating Country X, but only What is consistent is that the forces sent cannot be weak.

If you are weak, you will be in a passive position, not only revealing your own details, but also, it is very likely that you will not get anything in the end.

Those sitting in the back, including those who hadn't come back after following Shengshi the day before, were all above-average people, with varying degrees of dullness in their eyes, part of Huang Ye's essence and blood.

In fact, the loss of those two people yesterday was also a pity for Shengshi.

Every time Huang Ye trains an elite, the price and painstaking effort behind it are also very huge. It takes a few people to be selected from thousands of people...

"What I said just now actually means that the current Scarlet is negotiating behind the scenes with a certain family in country X, so their purpose is also related to that side. To find out, there must be necessary investigation in depth." Ming only made the final conclusion.

No matter what they were discussing just now, Sheng Shi understood this sentence, he meant to focus on those families in country X.

One of Bloody's goals is nothing more than wanting to destroy Huang Ye. It was like this five years ago, and it is still the same goal five years later, as if that person somehow escaped their net and established a large-scale arsenal.

Since they are in country X, there is no doubt that there must be a domestic force behind them.

Lin Tian also said, "Yesterday, our firepower and the opponent's counterattack attitude are clear at a glance."

(End of this chapter)

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