Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 503 She's Already Alright

Chapter 503 She's Already Alright
There was no reason, and the doctor's examination only said that it was a blown fever, but Sheng Shi didn't think so.

In the next few days, the situation became more and more serious.

Sheng Shi immediately made a decision to go back to Huangye's small island. Since Wendell was able to save Zhong Ziyan at the beginning, he must be able to take care of Tianxin now.

Without any hesitation, they left immediately, but the helicopter landed on the border of country E, and after that, they disappeared.

"How's the situation?" Sheng Shi's voice sank, his hands trembling.

I was only afraid that he would say that he was unable to treat him.

"Sheng Shi, is this the symptom caused by that drug?" Wendell first made a diagnosis, and then asked aloud.

"That's right, but I have to tell you that Zhong Ziyan is not an ordinary person. You should know the data you got last time." Sheng Shi finished speaking in one breath.

Wendell's face was solemn, "It does look unusual, I'll keep her alive first, and you can stay with her."

After speaking, he walked out quickly.

It stands to reason that the ingredients of that kind of medicine are irrelevant, even if they are mixed together, there is no problem. However, many medicines have different ratios and have different effects.

Why did this situation suddenly appear in the middle——

Sheng Shi held Tianxin's hands, what kind of hands were those hands, covered with black spots, and there was no defect on his body. In just a few days, it had already become like this.

Even, the hair began to appear gray and white.

Why let her suffer like this, it's my fault...

Sheng Shi's heart was desolate, wishing to pass on this pain a hundredfold to himself, struggling in his heart, but he didn't let go of the hand that was holding her, trying his best to suppress the pain in his heart.

When Chen received the news, he immediately went to Wendell's laboratory. Just standing outside the ward and watching, he could feel that Shengshi was in an extremely depressed state.

"She'll be fine. Since that person said he dared to do this, he wouldn't be ignorant of the consequences. Moreover, he's not that kind of heartless person." At some point, Chen had already stood by Sheng Shi's side.

At this time, the voice has lost its own judgment.

If he didn't remind him, maybe he wouldn't have thought of——

The breath of the prosperous age suddenly loosened, and he looked at Tianxin who was lying down. His skin lost its former luster, just like a tree losing moisture, dissatisfied with all kinds of unevenly distributed dark spots. Her like this only made him feel numb from the pain in his heart...

"Sheng Shi, think about it, cheer up, she will be fine, if you give up before her, then you will really lose." Chen patted him on the shoulder, "Don't push yourself too hard, There's nothing you can't do, and there's Feng Jin around."

And Feng Jin is...

There was a light in Sheng Shi's eyes, that's right.

As long as there is Feng Jin and that black stone, no one can separate them.

Zhong Ziyan would not take Tianxin's life directly.

Chen's words kept lingering in Sheng Shi's mind, watching Wendell's treatment, the expression on Sheng Shi's face became more and more pale.

This is the first time she has calmed down since the accident in so many days...

The same medicine, the new medicine used on Zhong Ziyan, was given to Tianxin, but within a day, her condition improved again, her heart rate, blood pressure, etc., and her body functions returned to the standard of a normal person again.

Wendell breathed a sigh of relief.

Sheng Shi still had a pale face, as if neither happy nor sad.

"Shengshi, she's fine, it's just..." Wendell scanned the results displayed on the monitor, and then fixed his gaze on Tianxin's face again.

(End of this chapter)

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