Chapter 504

"Shengshi, she's fine, it's just..." Wendell scanned the results displayed on the monitor, and then fixed his gaze on Tianxin's face again.

Sheng Shi raised his eyes and saw Tianxin's increasingly loose skin, which was covered with spots, "It's okay, as long as she can wake up."

Everything else, he doesn't care.

Zhong Ziyan wanted to test him in this way?I'm afraid I used the wrong object!

It turned out that what he said meant this.

If there is no need to pester her any longer, send her back and take her out of here——

"She should wake up soon, and I don't know if she can accept herself like this..." Wendell muttered.

Sheng Shi's eyes froze, and he said softly, "Destroy all the things on the island that can show their faces."

Wendell's breath stagnated, "Destroy everything?"

Isn't it going to destroy a lot of things in his laboratory, how can this work?
"Shengshi, can you change the method and paint it with opaque paint, so that it will be ruined, and my laboratory doesn't want it..." Wendell said in embarrassment.

"It's up to you." Sheng Shi said, "Just don't let her see my face."

Wendell wished he could bite off his tongue and walked out in a hurry, but if he said one more word, he would destroy everything that could see on the island.

As Wendell said, Tianxin opened his eyes after sleeping for twelve hours.


Sheng Shi suddenly raised his head, showing a smile, "Finally woke up, what do you feel uncomfortable?"

Tianxin shook her head and looked around, "I don't feel uncomfortable, but I don't have the strength yet. What's wrong with me? Is this place so familiar?"

"You are sick, I will bring you back." He passed by.

"Ill?" Tianxin's eyes rolled around, "But I don't feel sick, is this all right?"

"Well, okay - I'll take you back to our residence." Sheng Shi hugged her, Tian Xin's heart trembled, she hugged her tightly around his neck, and buried her in his arms.

"I really remembered something..."

Tianxin said something.

Sheng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he reminded, "It's better not to think too hard, it's not good for your health if you think too much."


After leaving Wendell's experimental ward, they went straight back to their room on the island.

Tian Xin looked at the gauze wrapped in her hand, "Sheng Shi, why do I have gauze wrapped around my hand?"

Sheng Shi hugged her, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile, "This time the cold is not very good, and there are some problems with the skin. I can't blow the air. Xin'er will always be the person I love the most. Don't worry about this little thing. .”

"It turns out that's the case, but it feels weird."

"It will be fine after a while." Sheng Shi comforted.

Looking at him, Tianxin always felt that waking up was a bit strange this time. It wasn't that Sheng Shi was strange, but himself, "Sheng Shi, how long have I been asleep?"

"Four days!"

four days...

so long……

Tian Xin just felt uncomfortable being wrapped in gauze, but since Sheng Shi said so, she believed him.

Going back to the room, putting the person back on the bed, Sheng Shi was busy with everything, everything was thought of for her.

The feeling that was about to come out from the bottom of Tianxin's heart became stronger again. She was sure that this was the person she liked, and...

I misunderstood him last time!
That day, when she saw Minmin sitting with them eating, she was slightly surprised.

But after that, I immediately knew that they were brother and sister. Fortunately, I didn't say it at the beginning, and I didn't make a joke...

===Don’t shoot me, there must be a turning point===
(End of this chapter)

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