Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 510 Are you going to act today?

Chapter 510 Are you going to act today?
Every morning, there is a certain expectation. For example, at this time, the two of them looked at certain spots on their bodies. The black spots that were still there a few days ago had quietly disappeared without any trace.

Moreover, the base color of the skin is more hydrated, and it is no longer as dehydrated and yellow as before.

"Sheng Shi, you're right, you're really recovering!" Tian Xin smiled until her eyes curved into crescent moons.

Sheng Shi put on the clothes for her, only slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Of course he knew that the spots on his body were fading, because the little black spot on his cat's nose was half as pale as it was a month ago.

In other words, the test he mentioned has a time limit!

Tian Xin rushed over and hugged him, hanging on him, "I'm really happy, I'll be able to look in the mirror soon."

Sheng Shi shook his head helplessly.

"Xin'er, let's go back when you can look in the mirror." Said faintly.

Tianxin was buried in his arms, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

She could remember everything in the Karl family, but the part where she was poisoned for no reason was always hidden in the thick fog.

She felt that there must be something else blocked inside...

Maybe she can know why the husband did this...

"I suddenly remembered that when you were in a coma, you still said, don't blame him—" Sheng Shi was also puzzled, and lightly pecked on the pink mouth, "Do you still remember?"

Tian Xin shook her head, an afterimage quickly flashed in her mind, she couldn't see clearly, she always couldn't see clearly like this, but the further she looked back, she could remember something consciously or unconsciously.

"Perhaps, I really don't blame the national teacher."

"Shengshi, promise me that even if it is really the fault of the national teacher, don't blame him. He was implicated because of me." Tianxin begged.

Although she knew that ordinary people couldn't hurt Zhong Ziyan, she still couldn't help saying that she would never forget that Mr. Zhong fell into this world because of her involvement.

"Yeah." Sheng Shi brushed his arm, "If it wasn't for him, I don't know if I would have met you."

Suddenly, he pressed his finger behind his ear.

The voice returned to its usual calm, "Say!"

Tian Xin let go of her clasped hands, keenly aware of the change in his breath, and then returned to calm.

"Well, issue a special hunting order."

When Tianxin heard this sentence, he immediately reacted.

Huang Ye gave orders at different levels, representing the seriousness of the matter and the opponent's ability, and the super-level pursuit is not just endless death.

I heard from Sheng Shi that if such an order is issued, it must be to find that person with all his strength.


"The bloody matter, Ming solved it, but that person is not there, or in other words, he is just a substitute." Sheng Shi's eyes flashed blood red, and he would not let Xiu go no matter what.

"So cunning—" Tian Xin sighed.

During this time, Sheng Shi took her with him no matter what he did, and she also knew that they were going to destroy the Scarlet Base, but she didn't know that this plan was going on in these few days.

That was also when Sheng Shi accompanied her every day, leaving everything to the six of them.

There was a flash of light in Sheng Shi's eyes, it was more than cunning, Ming directly cut off all their communications this time, and anyone who walked out of the Scarlet Base would be shot to death.

How he left, or rather, he felt before, did not stay in the base.

"But Shengshi, is Ming acting today? Why are you here? This boss is too lazy!" Tian Xin complained for the others.

(End of this chapter)

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