Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 511 Just Find Fengjin

Chapter 511 Just Find Fengjin

"But Shengshi, is Ming acting today? Why are you here? This boss is too lazy!" Tian Xin complained for the others.

Sheng Shi took advantage of the situation and lay down, looking at the person lying on his chest leisurely, "It's really not as hardworking as Xin'er."

"No, if you are so lazy, they will complain that I have harmed you. Get up quickly, and I will go to Chen's side with you." Tian Xin dragged him up as he said.

The two washed up, and then went to Feng Jin's laboratory.

Seeing the two people walking in, Chen was slightly startled, "Boss, why are you here?"

I didn't want to accompany Tianxin to Wendell's side for another inspection today, but unfortunately, they were already preparing to collect the net.

Sheng Shi just slightly raised the corners of his lips, Chen already understood.

Tianxin rushed forward, "Wow, it was blown into a huge pit, and the loss was heavy!"

Sheng Shi also took a few steps forward, and saw the huge pit that Tianxin mentioned, that is, the bloody underground base, stretching thousands of square meters of ground, like an earthquake, the pothole suddenly appeared and directly caused a devastating blow to that place.

Pull time forward--

When Miaomiao lifted the defense of their base, a special bomb flew in, followed by countless bombs, and finally there was only a rumbling sound, before any of the Bloody people who resisted were buried in the ground.

These, Huang Ye also counted the cost of the bomb, the cost of the specially made bomb is extremely high, and the effect is also extremely dangerous.

Now, a few hours later, there is only smoke and dust that has not dispersed for a long time, covering the sky, making people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

"It's so lethal." Tian Xin sighed.

If this thing is placed in his sky, I'm afraid no one will dare to touch her country in the future.

"Why, Tianxin wants to play with one?" Chen Nan couldn't help but joke aloud.

Tianxin was taken aback for a moment, scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly, "How do you know?"

She wants it very much, but these things seem to be quite big, and there is really no way to give them to the national teacher.

Chenle turned over.

It is said that she is smart, but Tianxin is so slow in certain things that it makes people laugh. Who would have thought that the boss has not touched the person next to her so far.

Some time ago, because of Tianxin's accident, Sheng Shi directly issued an order that no one should show any strange expressions, or get out of the island directly.

No one thought of it either.

But today, when two people who were in a good mood appeared together, they had to think of her.

Since Feng Jin brought back the news of the explosion last time, they have laughed for several days.

"Ahem, if you like it, you can just find Feng Jin." Chen didn't know when it would start, and he liked to come up with bad ideas.

Sheng Shi only glanced at her.

"There is no trace of Xiu?"

"Yes, it's like disappearing out of thin air again." Chen restrained himself from joking.

Everything about Xiu to Huang is like a time bomb that will explode at any moment, that man will only take more extreme measures if he loses again.

And this time they have targeted.

Still escaped by him.

"Following the trajectory of his previous appearance, since a person exists in this world, he will definitely leave a trace, but we ignore him. Before we find him, he will use the same method to hide." Sheng Shi said calmly .

This bomb must not be left behind.

And Xiu has always been unscrupulous, trying to attack Tianxin countless times——

Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes, maybe he could take the initiative and let him take the bait himself.

(End of this chapter)

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