Chapter 512
Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes, maybe he could take the initiative and let him take the bait himself.

Chen agreed, and Lintian and Minxi, who had been sitting on the side and didn't speak, also nodded. If Xiu couldn't be found, just ruining Bloody would definitely not be enough.

"Miao Miao will be back soon, and start checking from her data multidimensional map." Chen suggested.

"You can't always be passive. When he appears, it may be another five years." Lin Tian said.

"Then there must be something that Xiu is interested in, even at the risk of risking his own life, if we say..." Chen's eyes fixed on the two of Sheng Shi.

There was a slight wave in Sheng Shi's eyes, if Xiu was interested, it would be nothing more than ruining Huang Ye or himself.

As long as the bait is big enough, the snake can be lured out of the hole...

Except for Ming who was busy cleaning up the ruins, Miaomiao came back first after collecting the data.

Within a month of Miaomiao's return, she has been trying her best to find Xiu's whereabouts. With his genetic data in hand, all this seems very simple.

Only a few days later.

"Nothing at all!"

Facing the questions from the crowd, Miao Miao nodded helplessly.

In order to confirm it was correct, she compared it again, and none of the data collected on the multi-dimensional map matched him.

"Could it just disappear out of thin air like this?" Chen frowned suspiciously.

Miaomiao shrugged, she couldn't understand either, if in her system she couldn't use this method to find people, then if she wanted to use personal data to find Xiu, the hope was really slim.

Sheng Shi got the news and realized a problem, Xiu disappeared from this world again, but another problem, is there any way to make a person seem to disappear from the world, even they can't find out.

Also, if he didn't give up, he was trying his best to find his weakness, or in other words, Huang Ye's weakness.

So, if you want to lure him out, you have to go back to City C.

Moreover, he could finally give Zhong Ziyan an explanation.

"Shengshi, I made a new ice cream, would you like to try it for me?" Tian Xin walked out with a glass of ice cream and looked at him flatteringly.

"..." Shengshi.

He doesn't like to eat!

And every time the failed product was given to him to taste.

"Hee hee, come on, good boy, give me one last taste! I promise, I will definitely be able to eat this time, you can even drink a cocktail, it's nothing..." Tian Xin fed it with his own hands.

"..." Sheng Shi could only open his mouth and swallow.

An indescribable fishy smell, the fishy smell of eggs and milk, fills the taste buds.

Tian Xin looked at the still expressionless face, squinted her eyes, "How is it?"

"It's pretty good. Do you want to try it too?" Sheng Shi asked.

Tian Xin rolled her eyes, leaned closer, and smelled that his mouth didn't seem to melt, "Why don't I give them a few to taste at lunch later."

A certain pit has a very kind expression on my face.

Turn around, go back to the small kitchen, and continue to toss.

Seeing her leave, Sheng Shi calmly walked to the water dispenser, picked up a glass of water, rinsed his mouth, and spit it out.

I never thought that the combination of milk and eggs would taste like this.


At lunch, because of Tianxin's warm hospitality, everyone who sat at the same table for the first time in several months was very happy.

"It looks delicious." Miao Miao drooled at the table full of dishes.

I eat beef every day, and when I see a cow, I have the urge to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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