Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 526 Picking the Right Person

Chapter 526 Picking the Right Person
As long as she touched that layer of white fog, she would feel pain in her head, and Sheng Shi didn't ask her to think about it.

"What!?" Zhong Ziyan was obviously startled, and looked at Sheng Shi with more complicated eyes, "I didn't think about it, it's not time yet..."

Is there a mystery in this?

Tian Xin and Sheng Shi immediately thought that he really knew about it.

"I didn't expect you to solve it. It's the most impossible way!" Zhong Ziyan shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he couldn't stop it.

Tianxin is destined to be connected with this person.

"National Division!"

"Don't worry! You'll remember this matter. I'm looking for you this time. Is there another matter?" Zhong Ziyan said seriously.

Anything else?

As long as it doesn't separate her from Shengshi, it's fine.

This thought flashed through Tianxin's heart.

"Tian Xin still remembers that wooden bracelet?" Zhong Ziyan asked, but his eyes stayed on Sheng Shi, "Mr. Sheng, this thing should be on your body. For Xiner's sake, please give it to me."

Mr. Sheng...

What an unfamiliar name.

Zhong Ziyan really didn't want to give Sheng Shi a good face.

With a cold snort in her heart, Tianxin has always been proud and arrogant, even the old man would be jealous of the man she could trust with all her might.

Sheng Shi took out those two things from his trouser pocket, which he had brought with him just now, just to explain clearly to him, but he didn't expect him to speak first.

Except for the black stone, the wooden bracelet was as plain as an ordinary decoration.

"That's right, I remembered." Zhong Ziyan murmured, with a look of seriousness on his face.

Tianxin was about to ask...

Zhong Ziyan spoke first, "When I was still in the teacher's school, I saw something like this, but it was only drawn on paper."

Did not expect to suddenly appear in the tribute——

It's not easy!
Determination is not a matter of coincidence.

"Xin'er, I've always thought that it might be fate that you got this thing, but someone did it on purpose." Zhong Ziyan sighed and said, "No matter what, I have to leave as soon as possible."

His eyes fixed on the black stone, and then swept over the two of them.

"National teacher, is it a serious problem?" Tianxin rarely saw Zhong Ziyan showing such seriousness, and couldn't help but get nervous.

"Perhaps, this is just my guess. I'm fine, and my heart has recovered..." Zhong Ziyan seemed to be saying goodbye, but Tianxin felt uncomfortable in his heart, and only the big hand he held gave her courage.

Sheng Shi didn't speak the whole time, vaguely knowing what he meant.

Letting them come back is actually nothing more than two things, confirming whether Tianxin is intact, whether the wooden bracelet in his hand represents some kind of conspiracy, and planning to go back!
It's just that he still has doubts about many things, for example, the method with extremely low probability, and the part where Tianxin didn't recover his memory.

"You hate me in the future, so you don't come to see me. It seems that I was wrong." Zhong Ziyan's words undoubtedly sent a chill through the hearts of the two of them.

Zhong Ziyan paused, "Xin'er, even if I let you make another choice, you still won't change."

"When you think about what happened that day, you'll know what I mean—"

Tianxin has been listening quietly, with countless feelings alternating in his heart.

"Let's go back first!" Zhong Ziyan let out a sigh of relief.

His face was calm, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps, this is his blessing in the sky.

Tianxin chose the right man for Shengshi!

When the two got up to leave, Zhong Ziyan handed something to Sheng Shi, just saying that he knew it after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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