Chapter 527 Shooting
Before going out, Tian Xin hesitated and asked, "Sir, will you go back with us?"

In fact, she was worried that the old man was lonely. In fact, she was worried that Mr. Zhong had no one to take care of him. Moreover, there was only such a person in this empty compound.

Zhong Ziyan smiled, "Xin'er, I—"

"I remember that my husband lived with me in Gu's house before. At that time, you were very willing. Don't you want me to consider..." Tian Xin suddenly looked at Sheng Shi with his lowered eyes.

Sheng Shi moved his hand, nodded, and gave her a firm look.

Complexity flashed across Zhong Ziyan's clear eyes, and they didn't hold any resentment at all, even though they didn't know what that incident meant.

"Sir, don't you want us to consider going back with you—"

Zhong Ziyan slipped his hand and the cup fell to the ground, his voice was unusually abrupt.

His hands were shaking.

"Okay!" Zhong Ziyan stood up, with a real smile on his face, "I'll go back with you."

Bang bang bang!
The bullet pierced through the glass, there was a clattering sound, and countless bullets shot from the door.

"National teacher—" Tianxin watched the bullets flying towards them in horror, and subconsciously blocked him.

Sheng Shi's eyes were bloodshot, and his first reaction was to rush to hug Tian Xin, "Xin'er, it's dangerous!!"

The change is only in an instant.

Zhong Ziyan's eyes froze, he was shocked, and quickly pulled Tianxin behind him. An invisible mist-like airflow suddenly opened in his hand, forming an invisible layer of protection around him. When the bullet hit the airflow, it was like being nailed to a steel plate. On, sparks fly.

Sheng Shi rolled down to another position in an instant and hid, watching Zhong Ziyan guarding Tian Xin behind him, calmed down a little, and looked dangerously at the faintly moving person outside the window.

But less than half an hour after sitting down, these people immediately surrounded the entire house.

Be prepared!

"Shengshi, you ruined Bloody, today I want you to pay with blood!" The voice of wild laughter came from outside.

Sheng Shi was expressionless, his eyes flickering quickly.

It turned out to be him!

Sure enough, he was waiting for an opportunity to see through his bait. This place has long been targeted by him——

"Shengshi." Tianxin looked at him worriedly, but was held back by Zhong Ziyan, she couldn't cause trouble for Shengshi.

bang bang bang!bang bang!

"Xin'er, let's leave from the back." Zhong Ziyan pulled Tianxin, but Tianxin just stared at Shengshi, his feet seemed to be stuck, and he refused to leave even if he died.

"Shengshi, what are you still doing in a daze, is Tianxin buried with you?" Zhong Ziyan roared angrily.

Sheng Shi's eyes moved.

The concentration of bullets was getting higher and higher, and the firepower outside was like crazy, destroying the entire house, and a bomb directly blew the door open.

Not caring too much, Zhong Ziyan moved his hand, and the white mist covered a larger area, Sheng Shi immediately rushed over and embraced Tianxin.

"Shengshi, are you okay!" Tianxin asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Mr. Zhong, is there any other way out here?" Sheng Shi asked calmly, with a hand on his waist, a gun bang bang to kill the few people who rushed in.

Only then did Tianxin react, and he also took out the pistol in his bag to cover the three of them to retreat.

From the living room, they did not leave through the back door, but retreated into a basement from one place.

As soon as they entered the basement, they heard a bang from above, and even the whole basement was shaken. Sheng Shi supported the unstable Tian Xin, and Tian Xin held Zhong Ziyan tightly.

Sheng Shi quickly turned on the communicator on his body, but there was no signal.

(End of this chapter)

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