528 kill him
Sheng Shi quickly turned on the communicator on his body, but there was no signal.

Obviously Xiu came prepared this time.

Intervening directly from Huang Ye's signal channel, knowing that Xiu hadn't taken the bait, he knew that once they were alone, they were likely to be attacked.

The whole basement was crumbling.

The signal was successfully transmitted——

The basement trembled violently again, the wall had begun to peel off, and might collapse at any time, but the attack from above did not stop, and loud bangs fell directly on the ruins.

Standing on the helicopter, another man's face with scars and scars was a little rough, laughing wildly, and the bullets and bombs in his hand directly hit the ruins without hesitation.

"You didn't destroy my base like this. I destroyed you first, then Sheng Group, and finally Huang Ye, hahahaha!!!"

"Kill me, even if you want to flatten this place today, you'll blow him to pieces!" The man roared with a ferocious face and bloodshot eyes.

There are three or four helicopters in the air, and there are only a dozen people on the ground. They are driven crazy, and they don't even bother to hide. They must drag Shengshi to hell!
"Find it for me, even if it's the remains of the corpse, find it for me, hurry up!"

He gave an order, and the dozen or so people underground left and started to rummage through the ruins, moving quickly.

Taking a huge risk to appear, before those people come, Sheng Shi must be wiped out, so that he has a chance to regain Bloody.


"Neither here!"



Suddenly, the sound of a booming helicopter came to his ears, and he laughed more wildly than him, "Hahaha!! Xiu, I finally caught you."

Xiu saw that there were only three or four helicopters around him, and when he looked at the ruins that had become a pile of ashes, his eyes were filled with crazy complacency.

let them retreat.

"What qualifications and madness does the defeated general have? Sooner or later, I will come back to destroy your Huangye Island, Si Yun, you better tighten your skin for me, maybe one day you will be blown to pieces by me when you fall asleep , I have achieved the desired result today, so I won't play with you anymore."

As he spoke, he raised the sniper rifle in his hand and fired frantically, and also stopped in mid-air without any fear, evoking a bloodthirsty smile.

Want to hit him with Huangdao's idea, in the next life!
The helicopter sank suddenly, but in an instant, he had already jumped onto another helicopter, not worried about the situation below...

The helicopter that was deformed was directly covered by a huge flame, and did not fall, but directly hit the helicopter of the man with the scar just now, collided on both sides, and there was a bang.

At the same time, there was another muffled bang on the ruins.

A huge ball of light wrapped the three people unscathed and landed on the ruins. Sheng Shi's guns in both hands had been fired at the same time. Tian Xin tightly protected Zhong Ziyan beside him, even though he didn't want her protection.

In just two or three seconds, the two guns directly hit all the people holding the guns, and reflected that, hiding behind other shelters, the bombs fell from the top of their heads, directly blasting plasma and splashing in the ruins.

As if seeing a monster, Xiu stared at the three people who suddenly appeared, and shouted desperately, "Kill me, kill him."

Back to everything, it was all to kill the man in front of him, and he was standing on the ground unscathed.

=== Shi Yi's story is in the back, okay? ===
(End of this chapter)

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