Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 534 The Drunk Woman

Chapter 534 The Drunk Woman
Picking up the pink packet she had prepared, she walked back to the room melancholy.

Passing Shengshi's study room, he quietly opened the door.

It turned out that here, she said where the people went early in the morning...

Pushing open the door and walking in, sat down on the sofa as if nothing had happened, took out the things in the bag, a lot of souvenirs, from the first time they went to the amusement park, then went shopping, walked through the streets and alleys to buy souvenirs, another mini The DV version, quietly clenched, there must be something memorable in it, so don't open it for the time being.

When she goes back, she must take it with her. Let's see it then!

They were all small things. Tianxin was worried about losing them, so she stuffed them all back into her bag and zipped them tightly.

The rustling voice also made Sheng Shiyi curious, when she came in, he knew, but who gave this bag, seeing her thoughtful face, he put down the things in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Shi looked down at her.

Tian Xin pouted and shook her head, "Nuan Nuan went back, she said she didn't want to see me leave."

"But I just made up my mind, did you go to Zhong Ziyan?" Sheng Shi jumped up the hair from her cheek, and gently brushed it behind her ear.

"Well, I went there just now."

Tian Xin thought for a while, her heart was still beating non-stop, are she finally going back?

After she could go back to see her father and queen mother, she thought she would never have another chance in this life...

But the national teacher still gave her a chance and was willing to take her back, and Sheng Shi, she believed that the queen mother could understand her decision, if there were any difficulties, it might only be the four prince brothers.

The second brother's mind is all about government affairs, and he seldom asks about her affairs.

Brother Siwang is no less playful than her, so it should be easy to solve.

It's the eldest brother and the third brother. The eldest brother is in charge of everything in a legitimate way. He can be seen in everything that involves her. Although the third brother didn't say anything, he has always been deep, and I don't know if Shengshi can handle it...

"It's okay, no matter what, I'll be with you." Sheng Shi hugged her, and there were always things that hadn't been resolved.

His intuition has never been a problem...


In C City, a newly opened sauna club is full of extravagant and depressing atmosphere.

On the surface, it looks like this, but no one knows who the real owner here is.

The third floor of the sauna is a restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter.

The corridor on the third floor was very quiet, the lights were dim, and there was no one there.

A woman's figure appeared, a drunken woman, and the originally weird atmosphere around her slowly settled down again, but she was still walking inside.

At the corner, someone appeared to stop him.

"Miss, please go downstairs, this is not a place for guests!"

Two bodyguards in black suits stood in the aisle, like two stone statues, guarding the corner tightly, not letting her go any further.

The woman was wearing a dark blue V-neck, holding a glass of coquettish red in her hand, her haggard face could not be concealed by heavy makeup, she raised her glass, and leaned against the wall enchantingly, "Go and tell your boss, just say, I will come interest."

Her eyes seemed drunk but not drunk, the red color of the wine glass and the bright red lips set off each other, creating an enchanting beauty.

Within a minute, one of them came out and said, "Boss is not free now, Miss can wait here, or..."

He's not smiling, and you can choose to go in too.

Said very implicitly, but the meaning is very clear. ---
(End of this chapter)

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